Sailor Moon Sailor Stars Return

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Chapter Thirteen

Next day, Michelle and Amara went to the park trying to relax. It is a good morning said Michelle stretching her arms. Ya it is a good morning, I feel like running said Amara stretching her legs. Not for me I don't feel like racing at all said Michelle still walking. Man I want to race today said Amara jumping up and down. I will race you Dude said a mystery girl's voice. Michelle and Amara turn around and saw Crystal jogging towards them. Hey Shaky what are you doing in the park? asked Amara in a wondering look. Well I was jogging but I heard you talking about a race so I came over Dude said Crystal wanting to race. Ok we will race, we will go around the park two times Shaky said Amara getting ready to run. Ok this is our starting line said Crystal grabbing a stick. Michelle you say go ok said Amara getting behind the stick. Ok I will say go said Michelle sitting down on the bench. Are you ready Dude? asked Crystal getting ready. Ready Shaky said Amara looking straight ahead. Are you ready, get set, GO! said Michelle shouting at them. So they are running down the street. Michelle is just watching them making a fool out of themselves. Man my cousin is a pain in the butt said Michelle shaking her head. I win I win said Crystal trying to catch her breath. No fair no fair Shaky said Amara trying to catch her breath too. Man Crystal you are the first one to beat my cousin said Michelle in a surprised look. Man are you saying I'm the first one to beat your cousin? asked Crystal still catching her breath. Yes, yes you did Shaky said Amara still catching her breath too. Man I like racing said Crystal breathing in and out nicely and slowly. I do to Shaky said Amara breathing in and out nicely and slowly too. Well Amara and I must go now said Michelle getting off the bench. Ok Michelle I'll be right there said Amara still breath. Well nice running with you Dude said Crystal sticking her hand out to shake Amara's hand. Ya nice running with you to Shaky said Amara grabbing Crystal's hand. Well see Ya. So Amara catching up with her cousin. Man they are nicest gals I ever mat said Crystal in a happy look. Well I must go home. Crystal went home to change her clothes for school. Man I still can't believe Shaky beat me said Amara in a surprised look. Ya I'm still shocked said Michelle in a glad look. So let us go home said Amara wrapping her arm around Michelle's shoulder and walking home. Hey Michelle and Amara! said a mystery girl's voice. So Michelle and Amara turn around again and saw Trista and Hotaru. Hey where are you going? asked Michelle in a wondering look. We are looking for Crystal to baby-sit Hotaru tomorrow said Trista in a serious voice. Well if you're looking for Crystal, she is at school right about now said Amara looking at her watch. Ok thank you said Trista grabbing Hotaru's hand. Thank you papa said Hotaru with a big grin on her face. Your welcome Trista and kid said Amara with a happy smile. So Trista and Hotaru went to Crystal's school and Michelle and Amara went home. Crystal was talking to Yaten at the school's grounds. So Little do you want to wear the dress? asked Yaten in a teasing voice. Very funny Kidult, you didn't tell anyone said Crystal in an anger voice. Relax Little I didn't tell anyone at all said Yaten in a scared look. Ok if you tell anybody I will ruin your life forever said Crystal in a serious voice. Alright I got the message! You don't have to threaten me at all said Yaten still scared. Ok so we understand each other? asked Crystal in a wondering look. Yes Little we understand each other said Yaten. Hey Crystal! said a mystery girl's voice. Crystal and Yaten looked around and saw Trista and Hotaru over by the fence. Hey Trista and Hotaru! said Crystal in a surprised look. She ran over there to the fence. How are you doing gals? asked Crystal, happy to see them. We are ok said Trista in a serious voice. Hey guess what I did today? asked Crystal in a very happy look. What is it? asked Hotaru happy to see Crystal again. I beat your papa in the race said Crystal with a excited voice. You did? asked Hotaru in a surprised look. Yes I did said Crystal proud of herself. Crystal I must ask you a question said Trista still serious. What is it? asked Crystal in a wondering look. Can you watch Hotaru tomorrow? asked Trista in a hoping look. Ok I will watch your little kid for you said Crystal in a glad look. Can I help Little? asked Yaten in a hoping look too. Sure you can, the more the merrier said Crystal still glad. Thank you Crystal said Trista in a relieved look. So 6 O'clock right? asked Crystal in a wondering look. Yes 6 O'clock ok said Trista grabbing Hotaru's hand and walking away. See Ya Hotaru said Crystal waving to her. Good bye said Hotaru in a happy look. Man I can't believe it I'm baby-sitting Hotaru it's like a dream come true said Crystal hoping up and down. Ok please stop hoping ok Little said Yaten trying to calm down Crystal. So sorry I'm just happy said Crystal pleasing herself. Is baby-sitting your real dream Little? asked Yaten in a wondering look. Well no, I like to help, Kidult said Crystal with a smile. So what is your dream Little? asked Yaten still wondering. Well my dream is to be a dancer Kidult said Crystal dancing around Yaten. Why do you want to be a dancer Little? asked Yaten trying not to get dizzy. Well my step mother was a dancer, she was the greatest dancer in the world said Crystal, she stopped dancing and starred. What is it Little? asked Yaten walking to her. Well my step mother is gone and never coming back, is she Kidult? asked Crystal in a sad look and starting to cry. Well just remember all the fun times with her Little said Yaten putting his arms around Crystal to hug her. Thank you Kidult said Crystal, she stopped crying. Your welcome Little said Yaten still hugging her. You can let me go now said Crystal trying to get out. Ok said Yaten letting go. Let's go back into the classroom Kidult said Crystal grabbing Yaten's hand. Ok let us go Little said Yaten with a big smile on his face. When the class was over, the gang hung around the front of the school. So everybody, what do you want to do tomorrow? asked Serena in a wondering look. Well Kidult and I are going to baby-sit said Crystal in a happy look. You baby-sit Yaten? asked everybody in a surprised look. Well, Ya said Yaten starting to blush. Ok have fun baby-sitting said Seiya and Taiki with a smile. Ok, get it out of your system said Yaten starring at Seiya. What are you talking about Yaten? asked Seiya and Taiki in a surprised look. I know you Seiya, you always make fun of me said Yaten in an anger voice. Well not this time Yaten, I'm being have to Crystal said Seiya with a big smile. You will make fun of me I just know it said Yaten starring at Seiya. Ok I must go home now so see Ya later Kidult and friends said Crystal waving good bye to them. Ok see Ya later Little said Yaten and see Ya later Crystal said everybody waving back to her. So Yaten, said Seiya in a sly smile. I knew it said Yaten in a mad look. Know what? asked Seiya in a puzzling look. You are going to tease me aren't you? asked Yaten in a wondering look. Well I said I'm not going to tease you with Crystal here, but now that Crystal is not here, so said Seiya still smiling away. Oh great! said Yaten trying to walk away from Seiya. Oh come on Yaten everybody knows you have a huge crush on Crystal! Go out with her! said Seiya in a serious voice. I ask her two times and she still says maybe someday said Yaten in a wondering look. Maybe someday said everybody in a wondering look too. Yes someday I don't know when said Yaten still wondering. So what is her story? asked everybody still wondering. Well the truth is Little used to have a boyfriend said Yaten in a sad look. What! Crystal used to have a boyfriend said everybody in a surprised look. But they are not together anymore said Yaten still sad. What happen? asked everybody in a curious look. Well just say the boy used Little to get back at his ex girlfriend said Yaten. Man what a mean boy, if I find that boy, I will hurt him said everybody in an anger voice. Relax everybody, Little never sees him, because he is in China and Little is in Japan said Yaten trying to explain to them. I hope he stays in China forever said everybody in a serious voice. Ok sorry I told you guys said Yaten in a scared look. Well we still like to know more about Crystal said Serena in a wondering look. Hey Dumpling! said Seiya in a wondering look too. What is it Seiya? asked Serena in a curious look. I'm just wondering, Darien and Crystal have the same last names, don't they? asked Seiya still wondering. Now I think about it, yes they do have the same last names said Serena in a wondering look. It must be coincidence said Yaten in a serious voice. Ya, you maybe right said everybody but still wondering. Well we must go home our princess will be waiting for us said Taiki looking at his watch. Ok we must go now said Seiya starting walk. See Ya later Dumpling and friends. Ok see Ya later said everybody. Have fun with baby-sitting Yaten said Serena waving to The Three Lights. Thanks, I probably will said Yaten waving back. The Three Lights disappeared around the corner. Man I have to go too said Serena in a hurry. So see Ya later guys. Bye Serena said everybody waving to her. Let us go home said Raye starring at her friends. See Ya later friends said Amy starting to walk away. See Ya friends said Lita in a happy voice. Good bye Raye said Mina waving to her. Good bye everybody said Raye walking home. Next morning Hotaru and Rini was talking about baby-sitting. Man I can't wait at all Rini said Hotaru in a excited voice. Well be patient Hotaru 8 O'clock will come said Rini trying to calm down her friend. Ok Rini, I'm just so excide said Hotaru in a happy voice. I know Crystal is baby-sitting you, I'm so jealous it is not funny said Rini in a jealous look. Well ask Serena, if Crystal can baby-sit you to said Hotaru trying to cheer up her friend. Ok I will said Rini walking fast. Hey Rini wait up please! said Hotaru trying to catch up to her friend. Oh sorry Hotaru I was not think said Rini in a very sorry look. It is ok Rini just remember your best friend said Hotaru trying to catching her breath. Let us go to my house and talk to Serena about Crystal baby-sit me said Rini trying to wait patiently. Ok let us go Rini said Hotaru walking with Rini. So Rini and Hotaru went to Rini's house to talk to Serena. Hey Meatball Head! Are you home? asked Rini in a wondering look. Yes Rini I'm home, you little rat said Serena in a mad look. Hey Serena, can Crystal baby-sit me, please? asked Rini with puppies eyes. When I go out with Darien on a date, Crystal will baby-sit you said Serena in a serious voice. When are you and Darien are going on a date? asked Rini in a wondering look. I don't know said Serena in a wondering look too. I will call him. So Serena went to the phone and called Darien. Well I must go home now Rini, I wish to stay, but I must go now, so bye said Hotaru walking out the door. Good bye Hotaru said Rini waving to her. Serena tried to get some answers from Darien, but Darien is not answering the phone. Where is he? asked Serena still wondering. Hey Rini said Serena. What Serena? asked Rini in a wondering look. Do you want to go with me to find Darien? asked Serena. Ok Serena said Rini still wondering. Chibi Chibi came into the same room with Rini and Serena. Hey Chibi Chibi do you want to come with us? asked Serena. Chibi Chibi said Chibi Chibi and reached her hands up high at Serena. Ok I get the message said Serena scooping up Chibi Chibi into her arms and carrying her. Well meanwhile Hotaru was almost half away home when she bumped into Crystal. Hotaru are you ok? asked Crystal picking Hotaru off the ground. I'm ok Crystal, I'm sorry I didn't see where I was going said Hotaru grabbing Crystal's hand. Well let me take you home said Crystal dusting off Hotaru. Well you are baby-sitting me said Hotaru, dusting herself off too. So Crystal grabbed Hotaru's hand and went to her house. Crystal let Hotaru ring the door bell and Amara answered the door. Hi Crystal, Hotaru where have you been? asked Amara in a worried look. I'm sorry papa I was with my best friend said Hotaru walking into the door. I accidentally bumped into Hotaru on the street said Crystal in an embarrassed look. I'm sorry Dude. Did you help her Shaky? asked Amara in a wondering look. Yes I did help her, I have never been rude to a person in my life said Crystal in a serious voice. Well are you coming in Shaky? asked Amara stepping to one side. Thank you Dude said Crystal walking in. Hey Michelle and Trista. Hello Crystal said Michelle and Trista happy to see her. Hey mammas said Hotaru in a happy look. Hello kid said Michelle and Trista still happy. Now behave yourself to night said Trista in a serious voice. I will mamma said Hotaru hugging her mothers and father. Good bye Hotaru and Crystal said Michelle, Amara and Trista walking out the door. The number is on the fridge said Michelle pointing over there. You will call us if there is a problem said Trista in a serious voice. Emergency only Shaky said Amara trying to get the girls out the door. Ok, say good bye to your mammas and papa said Crystal trying to get Hotaru to say good bye to them. Bye mammas and papa said Hotaru waving to them. Bye Hotaru said everybody as they closed the door behind them. So Hotaru, what do you want to do? asked Crystal in a wondering look. Well do you like board games? asked Hotaru in a wondering look too. What kind of board games? asked Crystal still wondering. Do you like shoots and ladders? asked Hotaru still wondering too. Yes I love shoots and ladders it is my favorite game in the whole wide world said Crystal in a happy look. Great said Hotaru in a happy look too. I will get the board game. So Hotaru is getting the game in the different room and Crystal went to the kitchen until the door bell rang. So Crystal went to the door and said who is it? It is Kidult said Yaten in a happy voice. Well Kidult I didn't know you can say your own nickname said Crystal in a surprised look and opened the door. Just don't get used to it Little said Yaten happy to see Crystal. May I come right in please. Ok, but no parties at all, right Kidult? said Crystal in a serious voice. Ok Little, no p a r t y at all said Yaten wiping his feet. Hey Hotaru, Yaten is here to play with us said Crystal taking Yaten to the kitchen. Ok, I set the board game up said Hotaru sitting in front of the table. You may sit Kidult said Crystal pulling out a chair for Yaten. Thank you Little said Yaten sitting down. Your welcome Kidult said Crystal pushing the chair in. Hey Yaten and Crystal, are you guys dating? asked Hotaru in a wondering look. Well no not yet Hotaru said Yaten in a blushing look. Someday, right now I'm trying to patch up my broken heart said Crystal sitting down. Well everybody knows Yaten has a big cru... said Hotaru in a surprised look. Yaten was covering Hotaru's mouth with his hand. Kidult! said Crystal looking mad at Yaten. Let Hotaru speak. But Little! said Yaten in a scared look. Kidult, put your hand away from Hotaru's mouth said Crystal in a serious voice. But! said Yaten still scared. Kidult put your hand down now! said Crystal still serious. So Yaten put his hand down away from Hotaru's mouth. So Hotaru what were you saying? asked Crystal in a happy look. Never mind Crystal said Hotaru trying to start the game. Are you sure? asked Crystal in a wondering look. It is still nothing said Hotaru spinning the arrow. Ok, let us play the game said Crystal starting to smile. So they played the game until 8 O'clock. It is bed time said Crystal telling Hotaru to get ready for bed. Ok Crystal, I'm getting ready for bed said Hotaru getting ready go to sleep. So Crystal tucked Hotaru into her bed and they said good night to each other and Crystal shut the door nice and slowly. Is she asleep Little? asked Yaten in a wondering look. Yes Kidult, she is asleep said Crystal sitting next to Yaten on the couch. So Little what do you want to do now? asked Yaten scooting a little towards Crystal. Well we can wait until Michelle, Amara and Trista come home said Crystal starring at the blank TV. So do you what to play more games with me Little? asked Yaten still scooting a little towards her little by little. You chose a game and I will play with you Kidult said Crystal with a little smile. How about twister Little? asked Yaten in a wondering look. Ok, we will play twister Kidult said Crystal getting off the couch. So they played twister until someone screamed. What was that? asked Crystal in a wondering look. I don't know, you stay right here Little said Yaten running out the door. So Crystal stayed at the house, Yaten saw Trista on the ground, Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus are trying to get the heart back from the enemy. The enemy is a bat. I must transform said Yaten in a hurry. Healer Star Power! Give back the heart said Sailor Uranus in an anger voice. You want it, you must go and get it said the enemy with a big smile. So he tossed the heart into the air and the Sailor Scouts tried to catch it and Sailor Saturn caught it. Who are you? asked the enemy in a wondering look. I'm the destroyer and reborn Sailor Saturn. So what! said the enemy in a puzzling look. Stay away from them said Sailor Saturn pointing her Glaive at him. But they heard snapping fingers so they turned their heads. No one will steal a persons heart said a serious voice. I'm Sailor Star Healer stage on shouting at him. Sailor Star Healer what are you doing here? asked Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus in a wondering look. Well, I was baby-sitting said Sailor Star Healer rubbing the back of her head. We will talk about this later said Sailor Uranus in a serious voice. Sailor Uranus knock it off said Sailor Saturn putting the heart back into Trista's body. We must destroy him said Sailor Neptune trying to blast him. You can't hit the side of the barn said the enemy dodging Sailor Neptune's attacks. Man stay still said Sailor Uranus starting to get angry. You can't catch me at all said the enemy still jumping. Until a blade cut his arm right off. OW! Who are you? asked the enemy in pain. I'm the protector of the inner and outer solar system I'm Sailor Comet in a serious voice. Sailor Comet! said Trista getting up off the ground. Sailor Scouts do it now! said Sailor Comet still serious. Neptune Deep Submerge! said Sailor Neptune, Uranus World Shaking! said Sailor Uranus and Star Sensitive Inferno! said Sailor Star Healer in a serious voice. I'm being destroyed said the enemy. So the black smoke disappeared and the enemy turned back into a bat and flapped away. Well see Ya Scouts, said Sailor Comet disappearing again. Man Sailor Comet I will find out who are you someday said Sailor Uranus in an anger voice. We must go in Amara or else Crystal will find us said Michelle walking to the door. Oh I must go in the back door said Hotaru running to the back of the house. So Hotaru ran to the back of the house and the four of them went to the front door, they knocked on the door. Who is it? asked Crystal as she went to the door. It is us Crystal said Michelle waiting at the door. Please be more specific said Crystal in a serious voice. It is Michelle, Amara, Trista and Yaten said everyone still waiting. Ok said Crystal opening the door. Hey everybody! May I ask why didn't open the door? asked Amara in a wondering look. Well Yaten and I were playing twister until a scream stopped us said Crystal trying to explain to them. So I must protector Hotaru. Man you are a good baby-sitter said Michelle in a happy look. So who did scream? asked Crystal in a wondering look. It was me said Trista in a serious voice. What happen to you? asked Crystal still wondering. Well a monster attacked her Little said Yaten in a serious voice too. What happen next? asked Crystal. Well the Sailor Scouts saved Trista, Shaky said Amara in a serious voice too. Wow! said Crystal in a surprised look. So is Hotaru asleep? asked Trista in a wondering look. Yes Hotaru is asleep, I tucked her in myself said Crystal in a proud look. May we see her? asked Michelle in a wondering look too. Ok, you will go and see her, but please be quit said Crystal putting her finger on her lips. Ok Crystal said Trista tipping over to Hotaru's room. So they opened the door nice and slowly to see Hotaru asleep, Hotaru is fast asleep. Oh look, she is like a baby again said Michelle grabbing Amara's arm. Ya, she is said Amara in a happy look. Thank you Crystal and Yaten said Trista shutting the door nice and slowly. Here you go said Michelle giving them 10 bucks. Well thank you said Crystal putting the money in her pocket. Your welcome said Michelle in a happy look. So see Ya later girls said Yaten walking out the door. Ok thank you again said everybody in happy look. Your still welcome call me anytime said Crystal waving them good bye. So Little what are you going to do with your 10 bucks? asked Yaten in a wondering look. Well I will give my money away, Kidult said Crystal, I will give it to a homeless person. Thank you said the homeless person. Your welcome said Crystal with a smile. Here you go to said Yaten with a smile too. Thank you said the homeless person again. Your welcome said Yaten still smiling away. You did the right thing, Kidult said Crystal hugging Yaten. Thank you, Little said Yaten starting to blush. May I walk you home, Kidult said Crystal in a happy look. Ok Little, you can walk me home this time, but next time I will walk you home said Yaten in a happy look too. Deal Kidult said Crystal still hugging. So they went home for the night.

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