Sailor Moon Sailor Stars Return

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Chapter Thirty-Three

When the morning came Crystal got up andwalked towards the window and said What a beautiful morning! Yes it is Crystalsaid with a mystery voice. Crystal turned around and saw Artemis drinking milkin a mug. Good morning Artemis! How is your morning doing ? asked Crystal witha happy smile look. I'm doing ok said Artemis drinking more milk in his mug.Then Luna walked across the hallway and saw Artemis at Crystal's room. Artemis!What are you doing at Crystal's room? ask Luna in a curious voice. Well I waswalking to the kitchen back again and I saw Crystal at the window saying what abeautiful morning and I said yes it is Crystal said Artemis telling the truthto Luna and drinking more milk in the mug. So Crystal walked to close the doorand get dressed and said who is hunger? Luna looked mad in the face withArtemis and Artemis said I'm so sorry!! with a scared looked. So Luna waswalking mad to the kitchen when Crystal making breakfast for them. Artemis wentto find Diana and tell her breakfast is coming up! Diana was sleeping in herroom when Artemis woke her up and said breakfast? Diana replied to it and saidYes! in a heart beep. Artemis and Diana walked down the hallway to the kitchen.Meanwhile Crystal and Luna was talking about Artemis and Diana said Hi Mother and Crystal! How areyou doing? We are Ok. said Luna looking at Artemis. Artemis gulped when Lunalooked at him. So who is hungry? asked Crystal trying to change the subject. I'mhungry!! said Diana grabbing her bowl. Ya sure. said Luna grabbing thedifferent bowl too. So Artemis grabbed the bowl to eat food and trying to thinkabout how to win Luna's heart again. When breakfast is over Diana went to playand Luna was anger at Artemis. Artemis is thinking how to win Luna's heart.Crystal was cleaning the dishes when somebody knocked on the door. Crystalstopped cleaning the dish and went to the door and saw Serena, Rini and ChibiChibi. Hi gals! What is going on? asked Crystal looking at Rini and ChibiChibi. Hey Crystal. Umm Darien and I are going on a date. So would you pleasewatch them? ask Serena in a hurry. Ok?!? said Crystal picking up Chibi Chibiand grabbing Rini's hand. Thank you!! said Serena running down the street. SoCrystal took Chibi Chibi and Rini into her home and put them in the living roomand then went back to the kitchen to finish the dishes. Rini and Chibi Chibiplayed in the living room and Diana came into the living room and saw Rini andChibi Chibi. So she played too and had fun again. Luna was looking for Artemisand saw the kids playing in the living room. So Luna didn't move from that spotalmost all day until Crystal stepped into the living room and said what are yougals doing? We are playing. said Rini and Diana but, Chibi Chibi said ChibiChibi play! Chibi Chibi play! Ok said Crystal walking into the different roomand Luna walked away to find Artemis. Then the doorbell rings and Crystal wenttowards the door and opened the door, it was Trista and Hotaru. Hi! saidCrystal looking at Hotaru. Hi Crystal. said Trista in a troubled looked. Youlook troubled. What is it? ask Crystal in a wondering voice? I have to go to workand I need you to keep an eye on Hotaru. said Trista in a worried voice. Whathappened to Michelle and Amara? asked Crystal still wondering? Well Michelle isdoing an art class and Amara is in a car race. said Trista trying to explain toCrystal. Ok. said Crystal grabbing Hotaru's hand. Thank you so mush. saidTrista in a happy looked. Your welcome. said Crystal in a happy voice. Be goodHotaru. said Trista looking at Hotaru. Yes Mama! said Hotaru in a serious look.Good bye. said Trista walking away. Good bye too. said Crystal waving to Tristawhen she walked away. Then Crystal took Hotaru inside the house and put herwith the rest of the kids. Hi Hotaru! said Rini in a happy voice. Hey therelittle Rini! said Hotaru in an excited voice. Go play have fun. said Crystal ina happy look. So Hotaru went towards her friends and played. Crystal walkedaway to a different room and found Luna and Artemis fighting again. I'm sosorry Luna! Please forgive me! said Artemis begging on his knees. Man Artemis!Do not do that again!! said Luna in a serious voice. Thank you! Thank you Luna!said Artemis getting up off the floor. You're welcome. said Luna hugging andkissing Artemis. So Crystal just smiled and walked away slowly and went to adifferent room again. Then the door knocks! Man who is it this time saidCrystal walking towers the door. When Crystal open the door it was Yaten sayingHey Little! I hear your on babysitting duty with kids and adults may I help?Sure said Crystal opening the door for Yaten. So Yaten went inside the houseand saw the kids playing and the adults sitting and reading books. Man you gotthem under control said Yaten looking at them. Yes Kidult. said Crystal lookingat the little children. So Crystal and Yaten went into the kitchen, Meanwhileat Darien and Serena's Date. I love it here Darien!! said Serena in a reallyhappens voice. Yes, but please keep your voice down Serena. We are in therestaurant and people are starring at us. said Darien looking at all the peoplestarring at them. So Serena looked around the rerestaurant and saw lots ofpeople starring at them. So Serena sit back down and said Oh well!! and startedto laugh out loud and said again my bad I'm sorry! Still laughing. But Darienjust smiled and said ok just take it down. Ok Darien said Serena grabbing themenu. So what do you want Darien? Well I would like some good greens. How aboutyou Serena? ask Darien putting down his menu. I would like something chocolatesaid Serena looking at the dessert menu. Darien just smile at Serena and saidyou are still my meatball head. Awww!! You are so sweet to me Darien. saidSerena hoping for a kiss. But Darien just smiled and looked at the menu andSerena just starring at him and make a angry face at him for a very long time.Serena just looked at the menu and said, when is the waiter coming?!? Sorry Sirand Ma'am said the Waiter grabbing his note pad and pencil. What can I get you?I would like a chocolate shake please said Serena looking at the menu. I wouldlike a water with lemon please said Darien still looking at the menu. Ok Sirand Ma'am! What do you want to eat? ask the waiter in the wondering look. Wouldyou please come back later?!? ask Serena starring at Darien in a grumping look.Ok?!? said the waiter with a scared look and walked away. What is it? askedDarien in a curious look. Your just unbelievable Darien!! said Serena growlingat Darien. What did I do? asked Darien in a surprised look. Meanwhile at Trista's job. Trista is trying to work hard to design a great dress for her boss and the boss was not happy with Tristaat all!! Miss. Meioh!! said The Boss in angry voice. Yes Mrs. Chris! saidTrista in a scared voice. Is the dress ready yet?!? asked Mrs. Chris in ademanding voice. All most done Mrs. Chris! said Trista trying not to make anymistake. When the dress is done? I want it on my desk as soon as possible Ok?!?said Mrs. Chris getting very mad at Trista. Yes Mrs. Chris! said Trista tryingto finish sewing the dress. Be there with the dress or else!! said Mrs. Chriswalking away from Trista's desk. Yes Mrs. Chris said Trista almost finishedwith the dress. Then the pin poked Trista's finger and she said OW!! Trista puther finger in her mouth and said why me?!? Trying to stop the bleeding. WhenTrista finished the dress it was amazing until the boss spilled coffee alloverthe dress and said Opps! Try again Miss. Meioh said Mrs. Chris taking a sip ofcoffee. Trista was trying to think around it and had a idea. When the Boss saidtime is up! You must bring me your dress or get fired said Mrs. Chris givingthe people a glare. What did you guys make for me! In angry voice. Some of thepeople kept their jobs but some didn't. They got fired and they cried and tooktheir last pay check. But once again Trista made the dress beautiful andamazing. She turned the coffee stain into an amazing flower. The Boss loved itand she put the dress into the box and sent it to France. Meanwhileat Three Light's Building. Seiya, Taiki and Fireball Princess where talkingabout Yaten and Crystal's relationship. You think Crystal will come with us toPlanet Kinmoku? ask Seiya in a wondering voice. We hope so said FireballPrincess in the honest voice. Maybe Yaten wants to stay on Planet Earth saidTaiki thinking hard. What do you mean? asked Seiya in a scared voice. I'm justsaying. Yaten may want to stay with Crystal on Earth because Crystal hasn'tseen her brother in a long time. said Taiki trying to explained to Seiya. Oh!said Seiya in a sad voice. Well that will be Yaten's choice said Fireball Princessin a serious voice. Ok! We all agreed. said Taiki bowing down to the Princessand took Seiya and walked away. But Seiya is still not sure and FireballPrincess can read his face. What shall we do? ask Seiya wondering and hopingthe Princess have the answer. We will wait until the answer will show it'sself. said Fireball Princess hoping that the right answer will show up.Everything was going well but until the dark smokes came to town again. Andthis time they are targeting a couple of people. They were Mrs. Chris and her husband being attack by the dark evil smokes.One of them put their hands on top of their chest and took there heartspictures out. Man I really like this body. said the first enemy looking overMrs. Chris's body. I don't know I really don't like this body at all. said thesecond enemy look at Mrs. Chris husband's body. The second enemy was trying towalk but he fall down on the ground. Ouch!! said the second enemy trying to getup. The first enemy was laughing so hard and fell down too. Thanks a lot youpain in the butt. said the second enemy getting up at last. The first enemy gotup and said you are a pain in the butt first. You are the pain in the buttfirst!! said the second enemy pushing the first enemy down to the ground. Thefirst enemy got up and said you are the pain in the butt first. They are stillknocking each other down until Trista walk by and saw her boss and her husbandknocking each other down and said What is going on around here?!? The two enemystopped fighting and said a witness. Trista drop her stuff and ran away fromthem but they were on her tail. Until Trista ran around the building and triedto hide from them. They looked for Trista but she was nowhere in site. Tristasaid this is my chance. Trista grabbed her transforming thing and said PlutoCrystal Power! Then Trista transformed into Sailor Pluto and called the otherSailor Scouts for help to stop the evil dark black smoke enemies. One of theenemies said I can't believe you lost her. The second enemy said Me!! Whatabout you!! What!! Me!! Yea right!! said the first enemy crossing her arms. Itwas both of you! said an angry voice across the distance. Who are you? askedthe second enemy looking in the direction of the voice. I'm the planet of timeand space is my guardian deity, soldier of revolution, Sailor Pluto. Swingingher Garnet Rod around and pointing at them. You will not stop us!! Chaos willrule the whole galaxy and your world too!! said the first enemy getting readyto fight. Stop Right There!! said the mystery voice. What the? said one of theenemy in a surprised look. I'm the one who will stop the enemy in this worldand help the people have happy life! said the angry voice. I'm Sailor Moon! Inthe name of the moon I will punch you!! One of the enemies put out his hand andsaid you will not stop us! He was getting ready to attack but until a rosestopped him and said OW!! Who are you?!? in a painful voice. I'm Tuxedo Maskand this world and the whole galaxy will not be in control by Chaos's ! Youwill see! Chaos will take over the whole galaxy and many more! said one of theenemies putting out her hands to attack Tuxedo Mask. Until at Glade Blade stopher attacks on Tuxedo Mask. What the? said the first enemy in a super look.Chaos will not rule the whole galaxy and many more! I'm Sailor Comet theprotector Inner and Outer Solar System and nobody will lose their life toChaos! Sailor Moon it is your turn! said Tuxedo Mask, Sailor Pluto and SailorComet wait for Sailor Moon turning them into humans again. Right!! said SailorMoon grabbing her scepter. Sliver Moon! Crystal Power Kiss! Then thesecond enemy step right in front of the first enemy and said good bye. No!!said the first enemy trying to save him, but he disappear into the thin air andMrs. Chris husband's body fall down on the ground.You will pay! All of you will pay!! said the first enemy disappearing out ofMrs. Chris's body. Then Mrs. Chris and her husbandwoke up and said are you all right? in a wondering look. At least we got one ofthe enemies and more to go said Serena still thinking inside of herhead. Yes! But how many more to go? ask Darien in a wondering look. I don'tknow, but we must be prepared said Trista being veryserious. I agree said Crystal thinking very hard.

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