Sailor Moon Sailor Stars Return

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Chapter Seventeen

The night at the concert, The Three Lights played their instruments to make the people happy and their friends in the crowd of fans. But Crystal is not there, she is baby-sitting Rini and Chibi Chibi at Serena's house, because Serena wanted to see the concert with her friends. When the concert was over, Yaten asked if he could go to Serena's house, to see Crystal, Serena said yes, so they went to Serena's house, to see Crystal and the kids. When they got there, Serena knocked on the door and Crystal answer it. Who is it? asked Crystal It is Serena! said Serena in a proud voice. So Crystal open the door and saw Serena and Yaten behind the door. Kidult! What are you doing here? asked Crystal in a surprised look. Well, I came here to see you Little said Yaten, happy to see her. Excuse me! said Serena trying to get into her home. Oh! Sorry Serena said Crystal moving to one side and letting Serena in. Do you want me to bring you home? asked Yaten in a hoping look. Ok, wait right here! said Crystal running to get her things. Here you go! said Serena paying Crystal. Ah, thanks said Crystal putting the money into her pocket. Tell Darien to get the college application to me, said Crystal grabbing the last thing. Oh! Ok, I will tell him said Serena in a confused look. So see Ya later Serena, in the morning said Crystal walking out the door. Ok see Ya later said Serena shutting the door behind Crystal and locking the door. Ok Kidult let us go said Crystal starting to walk. Ok Little lets go said Yaten walking with her. So Little, do you want to go on the date? Are you still asking me? Even though I said yes to you Kidult said Crystal with a sly smile. Well you didn't say yes, you said ok, ok I will go on the date with you said Yaten in a serious voice. It sounds like we are married said Crystal still smiling away. Why? Would you like to? asked Yaten in a wondering look. Well? Yes I would like to get married, to a person who loves me for me said Crystal trying to explain to Yaten. Well, do you think I could be your future man ? asked Yaten in a wondering look. Are you asking me to marry you, here, right now! asked Crystal in a wondering look too. Well, yes in the future, but right now, I still want to date you and know more about you said Yaten starring into Crystal's eyes. Someday in the future, you and I, together forever said Crystal grabbing Yaten's hand and moving closer to him. Yaten moved closer to Crystal to kiss her on the lips. They almost kissed until Crystal's stepfather came out the door and said what are you doing? Father! Yaten is just bring me home said Crystal trying to explain to her stepfather. Ya right! Get your butt inside the house! Young lady! said Mr. Mills in an anger voice. Ok, daddy said Crystal getting in the house. You stay away from my daughter, Mr. idol! said Mr. Mills shutting the door hard. Wow! Now that's mad said Yaten in a surprised look. So Yaten went home for the night. Next morning The Three Lights went to school and Serena's gang too. Hey Dumpling! said Seiya happy to see her. Hey Seiya! What is up? asked Serena happy to see him. Nothing, that's what's up! said Seiya walking to the school. Hey! What is wrong with Crystal? asked Serena pointing over towards her. Seiya looked around and saw Crystal sitting under the tree. Man, why is Crystal sitting over there? asked Seiya in a wondering look. I don't know, but we will find out said Serena walking towards Crystal. So Seiya and Serena walked towards Crystal to the tree. Crystal is just starring into the sky and saw Seiya and Serena over her head. Hi guys said Crystal still starring. Hey Crystal! What is wrong? asked Serena in a wondering look. Well, did Yaten tell you last night Seiya? asked Crystal looking at Seiya. No, he didn't tell me anything, last night said Seiya in a wondering look too. Well my father, caught Yaten and I almost kissing last night said Crystal in a sad look. What happen next? asked Seiya and Serena sitting down next to Crystal. Well my father yelled at us and he told Yaten never to see me again said Crystal still sad. Oh my! said Serena in a surprised look. Ya, you can said that again said Seiya patting Crystal on the back. I'm all right, it's not like my father is taking me out of school said Crystal standing up. Ya, you are right said Seiya and Serena getting up too. Ok, let us go to school said Crystal as she walked towards the school. So Crystal, Seiya and Serena went to school, when they got there, the principal give Crystal a paper and said you are going to a different school. What! said Crystal in a surprised look. I'm sorry, but your father told me to put you in a different school said the principal in a serious voice. But, but said Crystal in a shocked look. Sorry said the principal walking away. Crystal, said Seiya and Serena in a sad look. I don't want to go said Crystal in a sad look too. Talk to your father said Serena in a worried look. Yes, talk to your father and maybe he will understand said Seiya trying to cheer up Crystal. Ok I will talk to my father, when school is over said Crystal walking into the school. When it was recess, Crystal was telling Yaten, about her father and moving to a new school. What! said Yaten in a surprised look. Yes, so we must talk to my father, after school said Crystal in a serious voice. Ok, we will go to see your father said Yaten grabbing Crystal's hand. Thank you Kidult said Crystal in a happy look. Your welcome Little said Yaten in a smile look. When school was over, Yaten and Crystal went to her house, to talk to her father. When they got there, Crystal's father was doing paper work in his office. Father, may I ask you a question? asked Crystal walking into her father's office. What is it Crystal? asked Mr. Mills in a wondering look. Did you put me in a different school? asked Crystal in a wondering look too. Yes, I have to, put you in a different school said Mr. Mills in a serious voice. But why? asked Crystal still wondering. To protect you said Mr. Mills still serious. Taking away my friends and my boyfriend said Crystal in an anger voice. I don't like your boyfriend at all said Mr. Mills getting off the chair. But father, I love him with all my heart said Crystal in a serious voice. Sorry, but my mind is made up said Mr. Mills putting her out the door. Father, can we talk about it, please! asked Crystal still serious. Maybe later said Mr. Mills closing the door. But father, I brought Yaten to talk about it said Crystal knocking on the door. You brought Yaten to our home? asked Mr. Mills in an anger voice and opening the door. Yes I did, we need to talk about it said Crystal in a serious voice. No, I don't want to talk to him at all said Mr. Mills shutting the door in front of Crystal's face. Thanks a lot father said Crystal walking away. So Crystal went to the living room, to talk to Yaten and tell him it is not going to happen. Man let me talk to him said Yaten walking to her father's office. Be my guest said Crystal moving to one side. So Yaten knocked on the door, Mr. Mills opened the door and saw Yaten, so he closed the door almost, until Yaten put his foot into the door and said I need to talk to you now. Ok said Mr. Mills opening the door to let Yaten in. Thank you said Yaten stepping into the room. Ok, what do you want to talk about? asked Mr. Mills in an anger look. Please let your daughter back into our school said Yaten begging to Mr. Mills If I did put her back into your school, would you stay away form my daughter, forever? asked Mr. Mills in a serious voice. Ok, Mr. Mills, I will said Yaten in a sad look. Thank you, understand, my daughter's happiness is important to me said Mr. Mills still serious. But your daughter is already happy said Yaten trying to explain to him. What are you talking about? asked Mr. Mills in a wondering look. Well your daughter is happy, with what she has said Yaten in a glad look. Explain more? asked Mr. Mills still wondering. Crystal has good friends, that she can trust said Yaten in a happy look. Friends? said Mr. Mills in a confused look. Yes, friends. You remember them, you meet them here said Yaten in a wondering look. My daughter found true friends, did she? asked Mr. Mills trying not to cry. Yes, please put her back in school said Yaten begging to Mr. Mills. Ok, ok, but first Crystal goes to the new school I put her in, then I will put her back in your school said Mr. Mills putting his hand out to shake Yaten's hand. So Yaten put his hand out and grabbed Mr. Mill's hand to make a deal. Do you think we should tell Crystal about this? asked Mr. Mills in a wondering look. No said Yaten grabbing the door handle. Why? asked Mr. Mills still wondering. I know, she knows said Yaten opening the door and Crystal fell down. Crystal! said Mr. Mills in a surprised look. Hi dad! said Crystal trying to get up. So you heard about it said Mr. Mills in a happy look. Well yes, I'm still going to the different school for only one day said Crystal, dusting herself off. Yes, your father and I talked about it said Yaten helping Crystal. Remember, stay away from my daughter said Mr. Mills in a serious voice. Ok said Yaten walking away. Wait a minute! Yaten, stopped right there! said Crystal in an anger voice. So Yaten stopped in his tracks. Father, I though you wanted to make me happy? asked Crystal putting her angry eyes at her stepfather. Ok, ok daughter, Yaten will be your boyfriend, only you can dump him. But if he hurts you, I will kill him said Mr. Mills in a serious voice. Ok, deal! said Crystal in a happy look. Deal too! said Yaten with a happy look too. Thank you father said Crystal hugging him. Your welcome said Mr. Mills hugging his little girl. Come on Kidult, let us find our friends and tell them the good news said Crystal grabbing Yaten's arm. Ok, ok Little said Yaten running with her. So they went out the door, to find their friends. Then they found their friends in the Crown's Café, so they sit down and told them the good news, and everybody was so happy, they cheer and said Hoary! with over excitement. But you are still going to a different school? asked Serena in a sad look. Only one day, till the papers comes back to your school said Crystal trying to explain to her friends. One day! thank God said Seiya in a happy look. Hey Serena! Did you ask your boyfriend, if he finished the papers? asked Crystal in a wondering look. Well no, not yet said Serena in a sorry look. It is ok, it's just two more days, his future starts said Crystal trying to explain to her. Hey! What are you guys talking about? asked Darien walking next to Serena. Hi Darien! said everybody in a surprised look. So what are you guys talking about? asked Darien in a wondering look. Your college papers said Crystal trying to explain to Darien. What about it? asked Darien still wondering. Are you done with it? asked Crystal in a wondering look. Almost, just two more papers to go said Darien trying to explain to Crystal. Remember you've got two more days to go. If you don't give me the papers, there won't be anymore chances said Crystal in a serious voice. Ok, Crystal said Darien in a scared look. See Ya later everybody! Bye Darien! See Ya tomorrow said everybody waving to him. So Darien walked out the door. Man Crystal, you don't have to scared him said Serena in a serious voice. I'm sorry, it is not like I have a choice for him said Crystal trying to explain to Serena. Ok Crystal, just don't make my boyfriend anger at you said Serena warning her. Ok, thank you said Crystal grabbing her wallet out of her pocket. No, no Crystal put your wallet back in your pocket said everybody in a serious voice. But! said Crystal in a surprised look. We will pay for it said everybody putting there money on the table. But! said Crystal still surprised. You didn't order anything said everybody trying to explain to her. Ok! said Crystal getting out. I like to help you guys. We know, but we can take care of ourselves said everybody going out the door. Well see Ya tomorrow said everybody waving to Crystal. Ok, see Ya tomorrow said Crystal waving to her friends. So the next day, everybody was standing in front of the school. Hey! Where is Crystal? asked Yaten in a wondering look. You don't remember at all said everybody in a surprised look. Yes, I remember, Crystal is going to a different school for a day said Yaten in a remembering look. But Crystal should come here to see us, right? Yes that's true said everybody in a wondering look. Where is she? So everybody looked around to find Crystal, Raye found her at the picnic table. Hey Crystal! What are you doing here? asked Raye in a wondering look. I'm going to a church school said Crystal explaining to Raye. So what! I go to church school said Raye in a happy look. I don't like church school at all said Crystal in a mad look. Why? asked Raye in a wondering look. They have no pants at all said Crystal standing up. Oh! I see, you don't like short skirts said Raye in a surprised look. They had the same looking uniform on. Yes! I hate short skirts, it makes me feel embarrassed said Crystal turning red in the face. Well, it is one day in church school said Raye trying to cheer up Crystal. Yes, it is true, only one day said Crystal starting to smile. It looks like we are going to the same church school said Raye with a smile. Yes, we are said Crystal starting to laugh. Ok, let us go and find are friends said Raye grabbing Crystal's arm. No, no thanks, I don't want them to see me in a short skirt said Crystal in an embarrassed look and putting her feet on the ground. Ok, I understand Crystal said Raye letting go of Crystal's arm. Thank you Raye said Crystal in a happy look. Your welcome Crystal said Raye in a happy look too. So, you must go to school now, because our friends are looking for you. Ok, thank you again said Crystal starting to run to school. Your welcome! said Raye shouting at her. Now that's helping a friend. So Raye, started to look for her friends, but the enemy found her first. The enemy, is a big ugly crow. OH No! said Raye in a scared look. OH Yes! said the enemy in a happy look. So Raye started running away, but the enemy caught Raye and wrapped her arm around Raye's body. Now! Let me see your heart said the enemy putting her hand on top of Raye's chest. Let me go now! said Raye trying to escape the enemy's arm. Nope! said the enemy starting to get the heart out of Raye's body. Raye started to scream a lot. You can scream all you want, but nobody will save you said the enemy grabbing the heart. So, she dropped Raye on the ground and looked at the heart, it is red. Man still red, still red! said the enemy jumping up and down. Oh well! So, she tossed the heart over her shoulder, it almost hit the ground, until a blue glare passed by the enemy's head and caught the heart. Who are you? asked the enemy in a wondering look. I'm Sailor Mercury in a serious voice. Ok, the game has begun said the enemy in a proud look. I don't think so said a another different voice. Who are you? asked the enemy turning around. I bring love and justice I'm Sailor Moon in the name of the moon I will punish you. We are all here to punish you too, we are the Sailor Scouts said everyone in an anger voice. So what! said the enemy with an evil smile. Then she heard snapping fingers, so she looked up and said who are you? No one will steal a persons heart said a serious voice. No evil will get the golden heart said another serious voice. No evil will rule the world said another different serious voice. Sailor Star Fighter, Sailor Star Maker, Sailor Star Healer, Sailor Starlights stage on shouting at her. Man, I'm surrounding with Sailor Pest said the enemy in a mad look. You can't stop me at all! Sailor Mercury! Put the heart back into Raye's body said Sailor Moon in a serious voice. Right! said Sailor Mercury putting the heart back into Raye's body. Raye is slowly waking from her attack. Raye! Get out of here! said Sailor Mercury helping her friend to get up. Ok! said Raye running away and she transformed. Mars Crystal Power! Ok, who is first? asked the enemy in a wondering look. Hey! How about me? asked a mystery girl's voice. What the? said the enemy in a surprised look. I'm Sailor Mars with fire in a serious voice. Ya right! said the enemy still smiling Ok, you asked for it, Mars! Flame Sniper! said Sailor Mars still serious. But the enemy is still standing. No way! said Sailor Mars in a surprised look. Were you expecting me to be gone said the enemy with a big smile on her face. So the enemy raised her hand at Sailor Mars. Sailor Mars! Watch out! said all the Sailor Scouts in a scared look. Say good bye to your friends said the enemy starting to have a black light almost coming out of her hand, until a blade cut her arm right off. OW! Who are you? asked the enemy in pain. I'm the protector of the inner and outer solar system I'm Sailor Comet in a serious voice. Sailor Scouts, do it now! Sliver Moon! Crystal Power Kiss! said Sailor Moon, Mercury! Aqua Rhapsody! said Sailor Mercury, Mars! Flame Sniper! said Sailor Mars, Jupiter! Oak Evolution! said Sailor Jupiter, Venus! Love and Beauty Shock! said Sailor Venus, Star Serious Laser! said Sailor Star Fighter, Star Gentle Uterus! said Sailor Star Maker and Star Sensitive Inferno! said Sailor Star Healer. I'm going away said the enemy. So the black smoke disappeared and the enemy turned back into a crow. When they looked up, Sailor Comet was gone again. Man, we must go to school said Taiki and Amy in a hurry. Ok, we will find Crystal after school said Yaten in a wondering look. So everybody went to school for the day.

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