Sailor Moon Sailor Stars Return

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Chapter Forty-One

Everybody not sure what to do they tried to go up to the dark cave castle until it disappeared too and the sailor scouts were back in Crystal's huge mansion again. Where did they go? Asked Sailor Mini Moon wondering where did they go. I don't know said Sailor Uranus not sure where the dark cave castle went. Sailor Mercury bring out her super computer and looked up the dark cave castle. My data said it is not here no more said Sailor Mercury telling them her super computer saying it is not here no more. So everybody started to look around Crystal's huge mansion to find any clues to find the dark cave castle but they did not find anything at all. Darien is gone said Serena knowing her boyfriend is gone. Don't worry Dumpling we will get your boyfriend back said Seiya knowing they will get his friend's boyfriend back. Thank you Seiya said Serena thanking her friend for his help. Rini looked at herself to make sure she not fading away and Hotaru hugged her best friend. Don't worry Rini we will get your future father back said Hotaru knowing they will get her best friend's future father back. Thanks Hotaru said Rini started to feel better about herself. Yaten looked at his engagement ring and hoping to have his girlfriend back too. Fireball Princess saw her scouts looking sad on his face she went up to him and put her hand on top of his shoulder. Don't worry Yaten we will get Crystal back said Fireball Princess knowing they will get his girlfriend back. I hope you are right said Yaten hoping to get his girlfriend back from Chaos. In the dark cave castle Princes Darien was tie up and woke up from his sleep. Prince Darien notices his arm are tie up and trying to free them. Then Warrior Crystal showed up and Prince Darien see his sister right in front of him. Sis said Prince Darien seeing his sister right in front of him. Hey brother said Warrior Crystal looking blank on her face. Please sis let go of me and come back to our side said Prince Darien hoping his sister would come back to them. Warrior Crystal looked over her right shoulder and Chaos showed up. Hello prince of the earth said Chaos seeing the prince of the earth right in front of him. Master said Warrior Crystal bowing down towards him. Thank you my warrior. You may leave now said Chaos wanted his warrior to leave them alone. Yes master said Warrior Crystal disappearing in the back around. Give back my sister said Prince Darien wanted his sister back. said Chaos willing not give up his warrior. Minion said Chaos wanted his minion to show up. The first smokey enemy show up and said yes my master. Keep an eye on him said Chaos wanted his minion to keep an eye on the earth prince. Yes master said the first smokey enemy willing to keep an eye on the earth prince. Chaos disappeared into thin air and the first smokey enemy looked at the prince of the earth. Let go of me said Prince Darien wanted them to let go of him. Not going to happen said the first smokey enemy knowing it will never going to happen. In the park everybody was talking about what they are going to do to save the prince of the earth and save their future. Rini looked at herself to make sure she is not disappearing into thin air and Hotaru said to her best friend it is going to be ok. Rini ran up to her best friend and hugged her tight. Everything going to be alright said Hotaru knowing everything going to be alright. I don't want to disappear said Rini not wanted to disappear. Hotaru look at Trista and Trista wish she can look in the future. Trista hoping the future is still bright and wonderful to small lady but she can't see the future. Trista knows she got to stay out of it or else she will be punish by the biggest forest ever. Amara telling her princess we got to destroy Warrior Crystal and save the prince of the earth. Serena telling her friend it will not going to happen and saying we will save Crystal no matter what. But princess said Amara trying to change her princess's mind. Not going to happen said Serena not wanted to hear about the destroy Warrior Crystal. Amara got so mad at her princess and walked away. Michelle went up to the princess and said think about it. It will not going to happen said Serena willing not going to happen. Michelle went with her cousin and both of the disappeared. Serena knows them very well and wished to change their minds about Warrior Crystal. Yaten went up to Serena and ask is everything alright? Ya everything is alright said Serena trying to lie to her friend knowing everything is not alright. Seiya put his hand on top of his friend shoulder and Serena turned around. Serena looked like she was about to cry and Seiya hugged his friend to his chest. Don't worry Dumpling your future will be bright said Seiya knowing his friend's future will be bright. I hope you are right said Serena feeling her future is slipping way. Then Crystal showed up and everybody saw her. Yaten run up to Crystal and Crystal saw a boy coming up to her. Little said Yaten hoping his girlfriend is back to natural. Who are you? Asked Crystal wondering who this person is. I'm Yaten Light your boyfriend said Yaten telling his girlfriend who he is. You were never my boyfriend said Crystal telling this boy he was never his girlfriend. Yaten grabbed his girlfriend's left hand and showing her engagement ring on her ring finger. Then Yaten showed his engagement ring to his girlfriend and said we are made for each other. Crystal slid the engagement ring off her ring finger and said I will not going to marry you. Crystal handed her engagement ring to this boy and walked away. Yaten looked at his engagement ring and started to cry. Everybody saw and ran up to Yaten. Don't worry Yaten Crystal will be back said Serena hoping to get her friend back no matter what. No Crystal is not Crystal no more said Yaten knowing that is not his Crystal no more. Serena grab her friend and look dead into his eyes. Serena said listen here Crystal is somewhere in her mind and I am going to find her no matter what. How do you know Crystal is still in there? Asked Yaten wondering how she know Crystal still inside her mind. I know she is said Serena knowing Crystal is in there somewhere. Lets get Crystal back said Yaten wanted his girlfriend back. Everybody ready? Asked Serena wondering everybody is ready. YES!! said everybody getting ready to transform. Mercury Crystal Power! Said Amy grabbing her transformer thing. Mars Crystal Power! Said Raye grabbing her transformer thing. Jupiter Crystal Power! Said Lita grabbing her transformer thing. Venus Crystal Power! Said Mina grabbing her transformer thing. Moon Cosmic Dream Action! Said Rini grabbing her brooch thing. Fighter Star Power! Said Seiya grabbing his transformer thing. Maker Star Power! Said Taiki grabbing his transformer thing. Healer Star Power! Said Yaten grabbing his transformer thing. Moon Eternal Power! Said Serena grabbing her brooch thing. Trista, Hotaru, Chibi Chibi transform too, Fireball Princess and humans cats and kitten ready for anything. So all of them ran throw the town looking for anything that is out of place and Sailor Star Healer saw her girlfriend walking throw a empty building. Sailor Star Healer followed her girlfriend inside the empty building and saw a back hole. There it is said Sailor Star Healer seeing the back hole in the empty building. Sailor Star Healer ran out of the empty building and telling every single sailor scouts where the black hole is. Everybody ran to the empty building and looked around the corner. They saw the black hole and they are not the only once in that building. Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune were there too and ready to destroy Warrior Crystal. Sailor Moon went up to them and ask what are you doing here? Stopping Warrior Crystal to end our world said Sailor Uranus telling her princess they are here to stop Warrior Crystal to end their world. Crystal is in there somewhere and I'm going to find her said Sailor Moon willing to find her friend no matter what. Give up Sailor Moon said Sailor Uranus wanted her princess to give up. That will never going to happen said Sailor Moon knowing she will save her friend no matter what. Crystal transform into her Warrior Crystal and stood by the black hole. Warrior Crystal hear some noises and said come out who ever you are. All the sailor scouts came out of hiding and Warrior Crystal ask ready to play? Warrior Crystal holding her Glade Blade tight to her hand and ready for anything. Please Warrior Crystal stop this said Sailor Moon wanted her friend to stop this. Oh princess I am not going to stop until you are dead said Warrior Crystal willing to kill the moon princess. Warrior Crystal uses her Glade Blade and said Glade Steel! Aim it at Sailor Moon. Sailor Saturn use her Silence Wall! On her princess and stop Warrior Crystal's Glade Blade on her. Warrior Crystal caught her Glade Blade in her hand and going into the black hole. Then the black hole almost disappeared and Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune going inside the black hole. Sailor Uranus Sailor Neptune said Sailor Moon seeing her sailor scouts going inside the black hole. The black hole disappeared and Sailor Moon telling her sailor scouts to find that black hole again. Right said everybody willing to find that black hole again. Sailor Mercury uses her visor and super computer to look for that black hole again. In the black hole Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune ran right throw it and getting hit with zaps. When they got to the other side of the black hole the saw the dark cave castle and going towards it. Both of them ran inside the dark cave castle and saw the first smokey enemy. The first smokey enemy turned around and saw two sailor scouts right behind him. Oh my said the first smokey enemy seeing them standing over there. You will not get away with this said Sailor Uranus knowing their enemy will not get way with this. Watch me said the first smokey enemy disappearing into thin air. Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune look around the dark cave castle and hoping to find the prince of the earth. Warrior Crystal come out of nowhere and point her Glade Blade at them. Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune are right to fight and Warrior Crystal just smiled at them. I see you gals made it throw the black hole now said Warrior Crystal ready to fight them too. So Warrior Crystal throw her Glade Steel! At them and they jumped away from Warrior Crystal's Glade Blade. Then Sailor Uranus uses her Uranus World Shaking! On Warrior Crystal and Warrior Crystal use her Glade Shield! On Uranus World Shaking! Attacks on her. Sailor Neptune use her Neptune Deep Submerge! On Warrior Crystal and Warrior Crystal use her Glade Shield! On Neptune Deep Submerge!Attacks on her. Warrior Crystal use her Glade Steel! Again on them and they moved out of the way. Stop that said Sailor Neptune wanted Warrior Crystal to stop using her Glade Blade on them. The first smokey enemy showed up and told Warrior Crystal stop playing with them and Chaos wanted to see them right way. See you gals later said Warrior Crystal disappearing into thin air. The first smokey enemy bow down at the sailor scouts and disappear too. Then the dark cave castle disappear and Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune come back to the empty building again. Oh nuts said Sailor Uranus seeing they are back to the empty building again. In the different part of town Sailor Mercury use her super computer and trying to find out where the black hole is. Did you find the black hole Sailor Mercury? Asked Sailor Moon wondering if her friend found the black hole. Not yet said Sailor Mercury not finding the black hole in her super computer. Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune showed up and the sailor scouts saw them coming towards them. Did you save Crystal? Asked Sailor Moon wondering if her friends save their other friend. No said Sailor Uranus telling her princess they did not. Found it said Sailor Mercury telling them she found it. Where is it? Asked Sailor Uranus wondering where is it. Follow me said Sailor Mercury telling them to follow her. So everybody followed Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mercury went into a tunnel. This place? Asked Sailor Moon not liking what she seeing. It the only way in said Sailor Mercury telling them it is the only way in. I'm not going in there said Sailor Moon telling them she not going in there. The tunnel is so yucky and dirty and smelly and dark. Come on Sailor Moon said Sailor Mars telling her friend not to be a chicken. I will carry you Sailor Moon said Sailor Star Fighter willing to carry her friend into the tunnel. Beside Darien in there anyways said Sailor Mini Moon knowing her future father in there too. You are right Darien is in there and we got to save him said Sailor Moon knowing her boyfriend in there and not sure what they are doing with her boyfriend. Sailor Moon ran in there and all the sailor scouts followed Sailor Moon into the tunnel. They made it on the other side and Sailor Moon ready to save her boyfriend from Chaos's hands. Warrior Crystal showed up and pointed her Glade Blade at Sailor Moon. I see you gals made it throw the other side said Warrior Crystal seeing them again. Give back Darien said Sailor Moon wanted her boyfriend back. Sorry moon princess we are using him said Warrior Crystal knowing they are using him. Warrior Crystal disappeared and the first smokey enemy showed up instead. Ready to die sailor scouts said the first smokey enemy wondering if they are ready to die. Everybody ready to attack their enemy and the first smokey enemy use his powers on them. Everybody flow way and the first smokey enemy laughed at them. Oh poor sailor scouts said the first smokey enemy mocking them. Sailor Moon got up and grabbed her scepter. Sailor Moon looked at her sailor scouts and the sailor scouts got off the ground. Sailor Moon ask her sailor scouts if they are ready? Ready said everybody ready to use their powers on their enemy. Sliver Moon! Crystal Power Kiss! said Sailor Moon, Mercury! Aqua Rhapsody! said Sailor Mercury, Mars! Flame Sniper! said Sailor Mars, Jupiter! Oak Evolution! said Sailor Jupiter, Venus! Love and Beauty Shock! said Sailor Venus, Pink Sugar Heart Attack! said Sailor Mini Moon, Neptune Deep Submerge! said Sailor Neptune, Uranus World Shaking! said Sailor Uranus, Pluto Dead Scream! said Sailor Pluto, Star Serious Laser! said Sailor Star Fighter, Star Gentle Uterus! said Sailor Star Maker and Star Sensitive Inferno! said Sailor Star Healer. Everybody aim their attacks at the first smokey enemy and the first smokey enemy got save by Warrior Crystal's Glade Shield! No said the sailor scouts seeing Warrior Crystal using her Glade Blade to stop their attacks. Then Sailor Saturn ran up to Warrior Crystal and use her Silence Wall! On Warrior Crystal. Hey get me out of here said Warrior Crystal wanted to get out of the wall. Now sailor scouts said Sailor Saturn wanted them to use their powers again. Right said all the sailor scouts doing it one more time. Sliver Moon! Crystal Power Kiss! said Sailor Moon, Mercury! Aqua Rhapsody! said Sailor Mercury, Mars! Flame Sniper! said Sailor Mars, Jupiter! Oak Evolution! said Sailor Jupiter, Venus! Love and Beauty Shock! said Sailor Venus, Pink Sugar Heart Attack! said Sailor Mini Moon, Neptune Deep Submerge! said Sailor Neptune, Uranus World Shaking! said Sailor Uranus, Pluto Dead Scream! said Sailor Pluto, Star Serious Laser! said Sailor Star Fighter, Star Gentle Uterus! said Sailor Star Maker and Star Sensitive Inferno! said Sailor Star Healer. I'm being destroyed said the first smokey enemy disappearing into thin air. Warrior Crystal used her Glade Steel! On Sailor Saturn's Silence Wall! And it broke. Warrior Crystal throw her Glade Steel! At Sailor Moon and Sailor Star Fighter got hit instead. Sailor Star Fighter said Sailor Moon seeing her friend got hit by Warrior Crystal's Glade Blade. I'm alright said Sailor Star Fighter telling her friend she is alright. Sailor Moon aim it at Warrior Crystal and was about to use it until Warrior Crystal disappeared. Then the black hole disappeared and everybody is inside the yucky tunnel. Where did it go again? Asked Sailor Uranus wondering where did it go again. I don't know said Sailor Mercury looking at her super computer. Let get some rest we need some energy for the next attacks said Luna knowing everybody needs some energy for the next attacks. So everybody went home for the night and the next day they will save Prince Darien and Warrior Crystal from Chaos.

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