Sailor Moon Sailor Stars Return

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Chapter Eight

The next day everybody went to Raye's house and talked about the golden hearts. So do we help Sailor Comet? asked Serena in a curious look. Well she didn't asked us said Amara in a serious voice. Well we will help her if you like it or not said The Three Lights in a serious voice too. Well I will think about it said Amara in an anger look. So lets us find Sailor Comet said Serena in a wondering look. Yes lets said Seiya in a serious voice. So everybody went to look for Sailor Comet. Yaten saw Crystal standing over by the store. Hey Little what is up? asked Yaten in a curious look. Oh hey Kidult I was just looking at a new toy in the store said Crystal in a happy look. What kind of toy? asked Yaten. So Yaten walked over and saw a monkey toy. So you like monkeys! said Yaten in a wondering look. Like them? Man I love them said Crystal in a glad look. I collect them. So you are a monkey girl said Yaten in a teasing look. Ya a monkey girl said Crystal with a smile. So Crystal walked away until Yaten said hey Little if you want that I will buy it for you in a serious voice. No thanks you Kidult said Crystal. Are you sure Little ? asked Yaten in a puzzling look. I'm positive Kidult said Crystal still smiling away. So Crystal walked away and disappeared around the corner. But Yaten just starred at the monkey toy and said I will buy it for Little if she likes it or not. So Yaten went into the store to buy the toy monkey and went back home to put it away. Meanwhile the Sailor Scouts are looking for Sailor Comet. Man how can we find her? asked Serena in a curious look. Well she always finds the enemies said Raye in a serious look. Ya she always shows up when there is trouble said Seiya in a serious voice. So can we go somewhere else? asked Serena still curious. Like where? asked Seiya in a confused look. Well we can go to the park said Serena in a hopeful look. You want to see the fashion show said Raye in a mad look. Well I'm board and I want to have fun said Serena trying to go to the park. Well I will take you there said Seiya trying to be a good friend. So the gang and I will go find Sailor Comet right? asked Raye still mad. Yes would you and the gang go find Sailor Comet? asked Serena. So do you want to go now? asked Seiya in a curious look. Yes lets go now said Serena in a happy mood. So Seiya and Serena went to the park and Raye went to find the rest of the gang. Wow! said Serena in a surprised look. Ya where is everybody? asked Seiya in a confused look. Well the show has been canceled today said a mystery girl's voice. Who said that? asked Serena in a curious voice. Crystal came out of the floor on the stage walk. Hey Crystal what are you doing here? asked Seiya in a curious look and what do you mean its been canceled? asked Serena in a curious look too. Well the worker is suppose to work on the stage walk but he didn't show up said Crystal in a serious voice. So I'm working on it. So do you need some help? asked Seiya still curious. Ya I like some help said Crystal. Come on Dumpling lets help her. The faster it gets done, the sooner you can see the fashion show said Seiya trying to cheer up Serena and Crystal. Ok said Serena she didn't want to. So they started working on the stage. OW my finger said Serena in pain. Are you ok? asked Seiya and Crystal in a worried look. Well my finger hurts said Serena still in pain. Here give me your finger please said Crystal still worried. So Serena give her finger to Crystal and Crystal put a band aide on her finger and some ice. Well thank you said Serena feeling much better. Your welcome said Crystal in a glad mood. So lets us finish this project ok said Seiya trying to finish the stage. Ok said Crystal willing to help. I will sit down for a while said Serena trying to get out of this project. Ok Dumpling you can sit down on the bench and rest your finger while Crystal and I will finish the stage all right said Seiya trying to cheer up Serena. Ok said Serena in a happy look. So lets us get back to work said Crystal still in a working program. So Serena sat on the bench and rested her finger, Seiya and Crystal are working on the stage. The gang shows up a the park and saw Serena sitting down on the bench and saw Seiya working on the stage. Hey Serena and Seiya what is going on and where is everybody? asked Raye in a curious look. Well the show has been canceled said Serena and Seiya in a serious voice. Why? asked Mina in a confused look. Well just say the worker is suppose to finish the stage but he didn't show up said Crystal popping out of the stage. Crystal! said everybody in a surprised look. Hi everybody said Crystal in a glad look. Hey do you guys want to help us? Well we have to find a person said everybody in a serious voice. What person? asked Crystal in a curious look. Well we can't tell you said everybody with a smile. Ok everybody has a secret said Crystal in a wondering look. So lets us go back to work. Ok said Seiya in a wondering look too. So Seiya and Crystal went back to work, Serena and the gang went to find Sailor Comet. When Taiki and Yaten came around the corner. Hey Seiya what are you doing? asked Taiki and Yaten in a curious look. Well I'm helping to working on the stage said Seiya in a glad look. Why? asked Taiki still curious. Well I asked him to help me said Crystal again popping out the stage. Crystal! said Taiki and Yaten in a surprised look. Hi Taiki and Kidult said Crystal in a smile. Hey Little what are you doing here? asked Yaten still curious. Well I volunteered Kidult said Crystal still smiling away. Man you guys make up or something? asked Seiya and Taiki in a curious voice. Well just say we understand each other said Crystal with a wink at Yaten. Yaten just blushed and starred at the ground. So I see said Seiya and Taiki with a little teasing look. So Seiya lets us go back to work said Crystal just starring at Seiya in a mad look. Ok said Seiya in a scared look. So Seiya and Crystal went back to work, Taiki and Yaten went home. So Seiya and Crystal almost finished the stage. Well we are almost done so let us have a brake said Crystal getting tired. Well we are getting there said Seiya huffing and puffing. Well let us go home for the rest of the day said Crystal, she wanted to go home. Ok let us go home said Seiya in a tired look. You want me to take you home? Well no I like to walk home alone said Crystal in a worried look. Ok said Seiya in a wondering look. So they went home. Next day Seiya and Crystal went back to work again. Man you guys like to work said Yaten standing on the sidewalk. Well like the old saying many hands make light work said Crystal in a serious voice. So do you want me to call somebody for help? asked Yaten in a teasing look. Ya come over here Kidult said Crystal in a serious voice. Well I don't know Little said Yaten still teasing. Please come over here Kidult said Crystal in a flirting look at Yaten. Ok Little you asked nicely said Yaten with a blushing face. So Yaten helped too on the stage walk. So they finished the stage in time. Man we did it said Crystal in a proud look. Yes we did said Seiya and Yaten in a tired look. Now the fashion show will go on said Crystal wiping her head. So you better call your friend today and tell her the show will start at 10 O'clock. Ok she will be happy said Seiya in a glad look. Well thank you for helping me said Crystal in a proud look. Your welcome said Seiya and Yaten in a glad mood. So Seiya went to look for Serena and tell her the good news. Yaten and Crystal sat on the bench and just starred at the stage. Man I can't believe it we did it Little said Yaten in a proud look. Yes we did Kidult said Crystal with a big smile. Well I have to go find the owner and say it is finish ok. Ok Little I will stay right here said Yaten in a glad look. Ok so I will see Ya later Kidult said Crystal in a hurry. So Crystal went to find the owner and Yaten was still sitting down. Meanwhile Seiya is looking for Serena to tell her the good news. Seiya found her with Darien, Rini and Chibi Chibi at the store. Hey Dumpling said Seiya trying to get her attention. Everybody looked around and saw Seiya standing over by the corner and waving his hand. Seiya what is it? asked Serena in a curious look. The stage is done said Seiya in an excited voice. Lets us go said Rini in a excited voice too. Come on come on! Darien let us go to see the fashion show said Serena in a hurry. Ok, ok we will go said Darien in a scared look. Seiya just looked puzzled. So everybody went to the fashion show in the park. Crystal came back with the owner. See Sr. it is done the show will go on said Crystal in a positive mood. Ok Miss. Shields the show will go on said the mystery man in a generous mood. Well Mr. Lights how are you doing? I'm pretty good Sr. said Yaten in a glad look. Well you got a smudge on your face said the mystery man in a serious voice. Oh my said Crystal trying not to laugh at Yaten. So she grab a rag and gave it to Yaten. Thank you Little said Yaten in a proud look. Your welcome Kidult said Crystal in a happy look. Little and Kidult what does that mean? asked the mystery man in a curious look. Will Sr. just say that is are nicknames said Crystal trying to expand to him. Ok said the mystery man still in a puzzling look. Hey guys said the mystery girl's voice. Everybody looked around and saw Seiya, Serena, Darien, Rini and Chibi Chibi on the corner. Hey guys the show will not start at 10 O'clock said Crystal in a surprised look. Ya but we came early to see the stage said Serena in a glad look. Well you see it, it is done! said Crystal with a smile. The two boys and I finished it together. Two boys? asked Serena in a confused look. Yes Seiya and Kidult helped me said Crystal. Yaten I didn't know you are a helper kind? said Serena in a puzzling look. Well Little asked me to help said Yaten with a smile. Little? said everybody in a surprised look well except for Seiya he just laughed at them. So is that your nickname? asked Serena in a curious look. Yes it is my nickname said Crystal in a proud look. Wow! said everybody in a surprised look. Yes wow said Seiya in a not impressed look. Seiya don't be rude said Serena in a mad look. Sorry Dumpling said Seiya in a scared look. So can we see the stage? asked Rini in a curious look. Well you have to ask the owner said Crystal in a serious voice. The owner? asked Rini still curious. Yes the owner said Yaten in a serious voice too. Who is the owner? asked Rini in a wondering look. Well that would be me said the mystery man in a serious voice. Oh hi said everybody in a surprised look. So do you like fashion shows? asked the mystery man still in serious voice. Well I love to see the new dresses said Serena in a blushing look. Ok do you want to see the show closely? asked the mystery man in a wondering look. Oh yes, yes and yes said Serena in a happy mood. So I will give you guys and gals free tickets said the mystery man in a serious voice. You don't have to do it said Crystal in a serious voice too. Well I like to show my gratitude to your friends said the mystery man in a proud look. So he gave them free tickets for the front set. Man thank you said everybody in a glad look. Hey what about Little she helped too? asked Yaten in a mad look. I don't want a ticket Kidult I told you before I volunteered to help said Crystal with a smile. What do you mean? asked everybody in a confused look. You will see said Crystal with a big grin on her face. So everybody went home to get ready for the show. Crystal stayed at the stage, still helping the people. Everybody came to the fashion show I mean everybody like Michelle, Amara, Trista, Hotaru and Fireball Princess. Everybody sat in the front row. Man why did you have to bring me here? asked Amara in a mad look. You want to see your new friend right? said Serena in a glad look. Well yes but I didn't know she worked here said Amara still mad. Well Shaky is working in the back stage said Seiya in a teasing look. Shaky? asked everybody in a surprised look. Yes I call her Shaky is it all right? said Amara in a growling voice. Ok said everybody in a scared voice. Easy Dude don't be a hot head said Yaten in a teasing voice. Let me guess Crystal gave you a nickname right Amara said Serena in a wondering look. Yes she give me a nickname too said Amara still growling. Man Crystal gave two people nicknames and the rest of us no nicknames said Serena still wondering. The show is started said Mina in a excited voice. The show was great until a new enemy came on the stage. The enemy looked like a big fish. Man I will say it again the enemies are getting uglier said Seiya in a serious voice. Agreed said everybody in a surprised look. So everybody ran and hid so they could transform. Meanwhile the enemy grabbed the mystery man and said I know you have the golden heart in a serious voice. What are you talking about? asked the mystery man in a scared voice. I will show you said the enemy. So she put her hand over the mystery man's chest. The mystery man screamed and, screamed and said someone please help me in a scared voice. The enemy got his heart and he fell down on the ground. Man why can't we find the golden heart? asked the enemy in an anger look. Stop right there said a mystery girl's voice. Who are you? asked the enemy in a curious look. I bring love and justice I'm Sailor Moon. In the name of the moon I will punish you said Sailor Moon. We are the Sailor Scouts too we are here to punish you too said everybody, except for Fireball Princess she is hiding again. So what? You and your friends are always trying to stop us and destroy us, said the enemy in a scared look. Anyways the whole galaxy will be destroyed and ruled by Chaos. No way said everybody in a surprised look. Well catch the heart said the enemy in a smile look. So she tossed the heart in the air everybody tried to catch it until Sailor Star Fighter caught it and put it back into the mystery man's body. The enemy almost got away until a blade was sticking out of the curtains. Who are you? asked the enemy in a very scared look. I'm the protector of the inner and outer solar system I'm Sailor Comet in a serious voice walking out of the curtains and still holding the blade to the enemies throat. So what, are you the betrayer to the whole galaxy? asked the enemy in a serious voice. Not anymore I will protect my new family and friends planets, stars and the whole galaxy with all my strength. I will defeat Chaos and bring peace to the whole galaxy said Sailor Comet in a serious voice too. So you will sacrifice yourself to save the whole galaxy? asked the enemy in a confused look. Yes, yes I will sacrifice my life to save the whole galaxy no matter what the cost said Sailor Comet still serious. Ya right you will not sacrifice your life at all said the enemy in not impressed look. I will too said Sailor Comet getting very anger. So she cut the enemy's right arm off. OW my arm said the enemy in pain. Sailor Moon do it now said Sailor Comet in a serious voice. Right said Sailor Moon in a hurry. Sliver Moon! Crystal Power Kiss! I'm being destroyed said the enemy. So the black smoke disappeared and the enemy turned back into a fish it was flipping back and forth. Poor little fish I will put you in water said Sailor Comet feeling sorry for a fish. So she scooped up the fish and put her in a little water glass. Here you go I hope you will be happy? asked Sailor Comet in a wondering voice. Please take care of her. We will said everybody in a wondering look. So Sailor Comet gave Sailor Moon the fish and she was gone again. Man she is like a disappearing rabbit said Yaten in a surprised look. Ya she is said everybody still surprised. So what do we have to do with this fish? asked Serena in a curious look. Well we can put the fish in the pond said Amara in a serious voice. Man I have a better idea said Michelle in a smile look. So she took the fish out of Serena's hands. You want a pet fish? asked Amara in a curious voice. Not me said Michelle in a glad look. Then who? asked Amara still confused. Michelle pointed to Hotaru. You mean I can have a pet said Hotaru in a surprised look. Yes you can have a pet gold fish said Michelle in a serious voice. Thank you mama said Hotaru in a proud look. Your welcome said Michelle still smiling away. So Amara put her arm around Michelle's shoulder and said what are you going to name your fish? I'm going to name her Bubbles said Hotaru with a big smile. Bubbles is a great name said everybody with a smile. So I think it is time to go home said Seiya in a serious voice. Yes let us go home said Serena getting very tired. Well first thing someone is going to carry Chibi Chibi said Taiki pointing to Chibi Chibi, who feel asleep on the bench. So Serena grabbed Chibi Chibi and walked home.

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