Chapter 4

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"Wait... Wait. She's getting out soon?" Beca asked after several moments had passed. "Because she's still pretty broken. Not to mention she still doesn't have a memory."

Dr. Richardson smiled at her and cast his eyes back to Louisa. "Well, we can't keep her here forever." The doctor replied simply, and he was quick to begin speaking again once he saw Rebeca was about to throw out a protest. "She's healing just fine. I've sent consults to physical therapy, orthopedics, speech therapy, and psychology. These are places that specialize in things that Louisa needs, such as physical therapy for when she gets her casts off. Or speech therapy, I know that it sounds absurd, but they can actually help her with memory exercises. There's really no reason for us to hold her. She's alert and oriented, she's eating, and all of her bodily functions are normal... Or as normal as they can be, and we'll remove all of her stitches before we release her." The doctor explained. But Beca still felt like all of this was far too soon and a bit of a long shot.

Dr. Richardson made everything sound so easy and simple. Louisa would get out of the hospital, and she would follow up with this doctor then that doctor then another and then, boom, she's all better. But he failed to say how Louisa would get to all of those appointments. Not to mention that the said blonde was not okay to live alone in her home. What was Beca supposed to do? Give up her life? She had already devoted so much time just showing up at the hospital, and that seemed to be only part time. By releasing her from the hospital no one else that Beca knew of and at this point Louisa either would be there to take care of her. So that meant it was Beca's job by default and she wasn't ready. "Okay, but still. What if something happens?"

"Like what?" The doctor asked coolly.

"Like... I don't know." Beca dropped her hands to her side unceremoniously. "What if she starts experiencing pain or having flashbacks or... I don't know!"

"Alright, alright just calm down." He tried to soothe her, sensing how worked up she was getting. "That's why I've consulted those specific doctors. We've gradually been lowering her dosage and intervals of Morphine and she's been doing fine without it. I'll prescribe her hydrocodone for any residual headaches or migraines that she very well could begin to experience. But should anything go wrong you call one of her doctors, and before you guys check out, I'll be sure to give you a list with each doctors name, office number and office address. Don't worry. It will all be fine." He tried to give her an encouraging smile.

Beca just felt like she was going to cry or just have a plain nervous breakdown. What about her job, her apartment, her life?

"When? When is her checkout date?"

"Um... A couple of days, three days top."

Beca gasped against her own will and furrowed her eyebrows. If she needed time to get her affairs in order, Dr. Richardson sure wasn't working with her. But she figured it was useless to try and argue anymore, simply because one: she couldn't provide all of the reasons why this couldn't happen so soon at least not with Louisa sitting right between them watching the entire exchange. And two because no matter how much she pleaded with the doctor Louisa's insurance would only cover so much of the undoubtedly large medical bill that she would receive and judging by the way Louisa looked she would be out of work for a large amount of time so that meant no income for her. So all Beca could do was sigh. "Okay." She conceded.

The doctor opened his mouth only to clamp it shut deciding against saying whatever it was that he wanted to say initially. "Well okay, I'll... Be back in a few hours to check on you." He spoke to Louisa this time. "In the meantime I'll have the nurse bring you a lunch tray."

"Thanks..." Louisa muttered. She wasn't really paying attention to him. The entire time Louisa had sat in her bed quietly watching the entire exchange. Maybe she was confused, which she was more often than not these days, but if she wasn't mistaking it seemed as if her wife didn't want her out of the hospital... Or maybe she was just nervous. She sure hoped it wasn't the latter because all Louisa wanted to do from the moment she opened her eyes was to leave that place. It wasn't bad there she just didn't prefer it. She felt like she needed Beca to be happy in order for her to be completely happy, without that Louisa just felt more uneasy than anything.

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