Chapter 5

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"Hmm..." Louisa sat in her wheelchair and stared at all of the pictures she scattered over the dining room table. The blonde decided that if her memory wasn't going to just poof back into her head that the least she could do was be proactive in trying to get it back. That's just what she was doing.

It was only her third day of being home and also 2 in the morning. Henry and Kathryn were in the bed sleeping, and Beca... Well Beca wasn't there.

She always waited until Louisa was in bed before she would leave, always thinking the blonde woman was sleeping, but that was actually never the case. The blonde knew something was up for sure, and instead of sitting there and being hurt she was trying to figure out what was going on. Maybe she could've easily just asked Beca, but for some reason she felt like that would get her nowhere. There had already been more than one occasion where she felt like Beca just wasn't telling her the truth, or she was purposely leaving things out.

"I feel like I'm missing something." She scanned the hundred plus photos as she wheeled down the table. She was getting rather good at maneuvering the wheelchair with one arm.

The photo album she found was in her nightstand next to her bed, and it was completely by accident. She was merely snooping around one night after Beca snuck out and found it. It was titled "Our Happily Ever After 2007 until death do us part" and if Louisa was learning anything from Henry and Kathryn, she had to know that 2007 was undoubtedly 8 years ago. So they'd been together for a long while.

A lot of the photos were candid of Rebeca around the house and places outside of the house that Louisa only assumed she was the one taking them. Then others were photos of both of them in various locations, some with big buildings and fountains in the back, others with mountains or oceans. It seemed as if they went a lot of places together. Then of course there were candid photos of the blonde herself around the house, and the last bit of photos were of other people like, family and friends again Louisa was only guessing.

But still she couldn't shake the feeling that these pictures had been missing something. Like they weren't telling an entire story like she expected. In the photos, especially their wedding photos, she and Beca looked so very happy. Not once did she come across a photo of the two of them together without there being smiles painted on both their faces. There were kissing photos, captured moments of them hugging or feeding one another. Something just wasn't right, Louisa didn't feel like they were the same people in those photos anymore.

Firstly, because it looked like the people in the pictures actually had fun together. Rebeca always just seemed like she was in such a rush to go every time she was around... That or she was taking a phone call from someone. They didn't talk much either, conversations would always be clipped short and more often then not they left Louisa feeling like Beca wasn't being completely honest with her words.

The women in the photos were affectionate with one another. At first Louisa didn't even consciously know that, that was something that she craved until she saw how her in-laws acted with one another. Compliments, hugs, and kisses everyday, all the time. Then she'd went and found the photo album full of the same type affection between her and Rebeca and she couldn't help but long for it. She got the idea that if they were married that's how it was supposed to be. Yet it wasn't and she wondered why. 

So far the being proactive in remembering wasn't really getting her anywhere. Of course she had pictures to go by but that's all they were to her, just moments of her past caught on camera. A past that she still couldn't remember.

"Ugh" she let out a frustrated sigh and discarded the picture that was in her hand. What was she missing? She dropped her head into her hand and stared at her lap. "Rebeca is my wife, she is distant, she is not affectionate. We do not converse often. She's not around that much. We are not happy right now. Why?" She kept repeating the same phrase over and over determined to figure it out.

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