Chapter 10

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One week had passed and Louisa had almost given up on wishfully thinking that her wife would simply waltz back into her life after she left her for Chloe. And the blonde tried to put on a show, tried to pretend that she wasn't heartbroken by Rebeca's choice. But she was only fooling herself, Henry, Kathryn and Amy were all treating her as if she'd lost, and she hated the feeling. Hated the sad looks on their faces, hated them. She hated herself, and her broken body. This situation, her broken heart. She hated Chloe, and she even hated Rebeca.

Blue eyes dropped as if they carried the weight of the world, and Louisa dragged her fingers across pictures in the photo album. She'd seen these photos a million times, her and Rebeca were happy, and she'd never felt more envious of the two people in the pictures. Looking at the two women smiling and embracing, and not being able to associate the moment with a memory made Louisa begin to question it all.

She balled her fist and clenched it as hard as she could. She hated everything- correction, she wanted to hate everything, and everyone. Yet, she couldn't. In fact, the only emotion that Louisa could clearly pinpoint was sadness, and any other emotion that she'd felt in the past week was inevitably consumed by a melancholy emotion.

She turned the pages of the photo album and found happiness on each page. She let out a heavy sigh as random thoughts of Chloe began to enter her mind. And for a moment the blonde wished that the other woman hadn't been so lovely. It would've made it easier to dislike her at the very least.

But Chloe- Chloe was beautiful, charming, kind and rather genuine. Louisa could see why anyone would choose her, she could see why her wife had chosen her. But it still hurt, no matter how much justification there was to why Beca had left her, it still hurt.

"Louisa, honey?" The was jolted from her musings by Kathryn's soft voice, and it only took Louisa looking up at her before Kathryn realized what was going on on. "Oh honey." She cooed as she practically floated across the room to her daughter in law. She wrapped her arms securely around the other woman and slowly rocked her.

The blonde felt small in her embrace, like a child.

"Sweetie, don't cry." The older woman pleaded, and had she been crying? Louisa swiped at her eyes and was shocked to see glistening tears on her fingers when she pulled them away. She hadn't even noticed.

"I am sorry... it's just- everything hurts." She said lowly. There wasn't anymore more reasons for her to pretend that she was strong, because she wasn't, not when Kathryn had caught her crying over old photo albums.

"I know it does, Louisa." And for some reason that was all Kathryn needed to say for the blonde to break down in her arms. Finally- finally, all the pain just seemed like it was too much to bare.

"She's not coming back anymore is she?" Maybe if she had all her fears confirmed she could start the process of moving on, of healing. But sitting here in her misery with every one of her thoughts pointing to Rebeca's decision to leave her for good, was not doing anything for her heart or sanity.

"Oh don't say that sweetie. You and Rebeca are connected in ways that some of us can't even begin to comprehend. She'll come back to you." Kathryn cooed.

Water blue eyes darted up to meet the older woman's gaze after she pulled away. "How do you know this?" Voice laced with hope and desperation.

"Because I'm her mother, and I know Rebeca. She never stopped loving you either."

"But Chloe..." Louisa practically whispered.

"Chloe is a nice girl, I can't deny that, but she was never right for Beca. Something just wasn't- I mean..." Kathryn's eyes found the ceiling, searching for answers that just weren't there. "I only mean, Chloe came at a difficult time, and you and Rebeca were still married."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2017 ⏰

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