Chapter 9

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Louisa sat rooted in her spot with her fingers placed delicately on her lips. Her hands were shaking and her heart, racing. If this was another time, and Louisa wasn't wheelchair bound she'd have attempted to chase Rebeca. But she couldn't help but wonder what she would do if she'd actually caught up to her. She didn't even know how to process what just happened let alone offer her wife comfort.

She could barely console herself...

"Did something happen?" Henry entered the family room with his vision fixed on the door he'd seen his daughter bolt out of. "She was really moving-"

Her father-in-law's words died on his lips when he turned to finally see Louisa. "Oh sweetie what happened?" He took the spot on the couch and placed a strong reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Did you two have a fight?"

"No." She muttered. "It wasn't a fight... we-" she cut herself off with a shrug of her shoulders. Louisa was simply too confused, too heartbroken, too tired to piece anything together. "I don't want to talk about it."

She felt so vulnerable, so exposed. She felt like she'd done the right thing by telling Rebeca to choose Chloe, but it killed her that she actually did. Was she a bad person? Is this what Rebeca had meant in her dream? When she said that Louisa always created the problem and then blamed Rebeca for not solving it? Is this why they weren't together?

Because Louisa couldn't help but feel like she just willingly gave Rebeca to Chloe without the slightest protest... but she also couldn't help but feel like she'd done the right thing. Beca did say that she loved Chloe.

"Well alright sweetie." Henry didn't push or pry, he never did. "If you want to talk we'll be here." He flashed the blonde a warm smile that she just couldn't bring herself to return, and he placed a kiss on the top of her head before walked out of the room.


Rebeca knew this was a mistake. She knew she shouldn't have driven to Lilly's house. She knew she shouldn't have come here while she was in such a weird headspace. She'd just kissed Louisa and she shouldn't have. But something tugged at her heart strings, every time her wife looked at her with those soft eyes.

She felt compelled to kiss Louisa. She wanted to comfort her, to make everything alright again, and to not be the reason her wife had tears streaming down her face... but she loved Chloe. Rebeca loved Chloe, and this wasn't fair, to anyone.

The redhead felt disgusted with her behavior. She was upset and it was causing her to act out. She didn't know what she thought she was going to accomplish by showing up to Lilly's but she had to see Chloe.

"I was not expecting to see you here." Lilly deadpanned. She kept her hand on the doorknob as if she was going to close it at any moment.

"Please, I need to speak to Chloe."

"Not your greatest idea, cupcake. She doesn't want to see you, hence why she's sulking all over my apartment and not her own."

"I know, Lilly please. I need to say something to her." She begged.

"Not gonna happ-"

"What could you possibly have to say to me?" Chloe had been silently listening to her friend and her girlfriend's short conversation, and she couldn't help but want to hear Rebeca out... she loved her after all.

Lilly looked at her friend with questioning eyes. "Are you sure?" She asked quietly.

Chloe nodded in response. "We can talk on the porch." At that she sent her girlfriend a pointed look, as to say she would talk to her but she has yet to forgive her.

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