Chapter 6

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Tears fell down her face on their own accord, and when she heard the door slam shut both Louisa and Amy jumped. She was heart broken, the blonde found out too many things from her past life way too fast.

Before, she had wanted to know so much about her past, eager to figure out what her and Rebeca's life consisted of. But now, as she sat at the table, heart in shambles, she wished that she'd never uttered Rebeca's name in the hospital that day. Then maybe she could've saved herself from the heart ache and embarrassment she was feeling in that moment.

When she'd told Beca to leave the woman didn't even try to say she simply left, and though Louisa was the one that told her to, it still hurt. It just went to show her how much Rebeca cared to fix things... If things could even be fixed. Rebeca was obviously already over whatever they had. She was with Chloe now. She wanted a divorce. Or at least that's what she implied by saying that Louisa always refused to sign the papers.

That made her cry even harder. She hated this feeling. She felt like the center of her universe was ripped right from her. And technically that's exactly what happened with Rebeca being the only real thing she could even remember in the first place. What she thought was hers didn't belong to her at all. It was all an illusion.

"L-Louisa..." The blonde didn't bother to look up when Amy called her. She was too hurt, too a embarrassed that her friend was there to witness it all. "Louisa?" She tried again softly calling the other woman. When the blonde kept sobbing silently Amy decided to continue on. "I'm really sorry... About all of this. I am. I mean..." Amy let out a frustrated sigh. "I don't even know what to say right now besides I'm sorry." Then she was quiet again, and honestly Louisa hadn't really been paying attention to her anyway. "I know you must want to be alone but I'll wait with you until Rebeca's parents get back from the grocery store."

There was something that didn't dawn on Louisa until then. Rebeca's parents, they had been living with her and helping her. They had known about all of this and they still didn't say anything? And the thought of her telling Rebeca to leave flashed across her mind. Would Beca's parents not want to help her anymore? She hated to admit it but she really did need them and that thought only angered her and worried her at the same time.

"Do you think that they... Will stay?" Louisa sniffled still trying to sort through all of her thoughts.

"Um..." Amy looked at her friend trying to gather her own thoughts. She was put in a very awkward position. "I uh... I think that they've known about this for some time and so has Rebeca, but yet they all showed up to help you anyway. So I think her parents will stay. Hopefully." She didn't really know Henry and Kathryn, she'd never met them, but from what she gathered about them they seemed to have had a good enough conscience to not leave.

Louisa wiped away a stray tear and nodded her head. She stared at the wall blankly in front of her and tried to concentrate. "I had a baby." Her voice cracked. "I had a baby... And a wife. A family... I had a daughter." She bit her bottom lip and shook her head. She was hurting herself all over again, because she couldn't remember. She felt even more lost than she was before. It hurt her to no end that the name Maddie still didn't register anything familiar in her brain. "What happened to us?" She looked to Amy as if the nurse held all of the answers. She only wanted to know.
Amy opened her mouth to speak before she snapped it shut again. She was lost, she was merely an outsider looking in. Amy had only been apart of finding out this information by default, right place at the wrong time. "M-maybe that is a conversation you should have with Rebeca." That earned her a teary eyed glare, that Amy only held up her hands in surrender to. "I know, I know you don't want to talk to her right now or probably ever again. But she's the only one who knows exactly what went on between you two. So, at some point this topic should probably be brought up again... That or you can just ask her parents. She seems pretty close with them. I bet they know a lot." Amy threw out.

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