Chapter 7

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"Louisa are you out of your mind?"

The blonde cowered under the scrutinizing gaze of her friend once she'd spilled the beans about her little impromptu suggestion to have her sort of ex-wife and her girlfriend over for dinner in a couple of nights.

"Uh... Maybe a little." She held up her thumb and index finger close together in a slight pinching motion while Amy stared at her completely shell shocked. "I mean how bad could it be? It's just me, Rebecca, Kathryn, Henry, and... The girl. I forget her name." Louisa said the last part rather bitterly.

Amy looked at her for a short moment before she chuckled a few times. "What could go wrong? What could possibly go wrong?" She laughed a bit more. "How about everything! And here I was thinking you were getting better."

"Hey! I am getting better!" The blonde said from behind her desk. Louisa really didn't see the big deal that everyone was making this out to be. First Henry and Kathryn, then Rebecca had a mini freak attack and now Amy. "The deal is not that big... I would just like to meet her." And Amy could guess who Louisa was referring to.

"I think you're trying to say, that it's not that big of a deal, and tell me you see why this could be very bad." Amy bit her lip and looked at her friend hoping that she would come to her senses at any moment now.

"You knew what I meant." But that was all Louisa offered before she picked up her pen and resumed writing, like she'd been doing before Amy showed up.

"Oh my... For crying out loud, you're having dinner with your ex-wife's girlfriend!"

Still nothing, Louisa merely shrugged without chancing a glance.

Amy realized that she wasn't getting anywhere. She was learning the hard way that Louisa had a very thick scull, and if she wanted to get through to her she would have to approach the conversation from a different angle.

"You're jealous aren't you?" Amy squinted her eyes and studied Louisa for any sign of reaction, and she let a smirk grace her lips when she got exactly that.

The blonde tried to play it cool but Amy didn't miss the way Louisa's temples pulsed from grinding her teeth or the way she faltered in writing. She definitely didn't miss the red tint to Louisa's cheeks, it was such a contrast to her milky colored skin.

"What?" She cleared her throat.

"You heard me, but if I must say it again, you're jealous." The nurse enunciated her words making sure Louisa couldn't feign ignorance a second time.

The blonde paused, staring holes into her paper. "That is not true." She said lowly, and she couldn't even bring herself to sound confident.
"Yea right, she has your wife, and you're telling me you aren't jealous? Not likely." Amy paused while her friend put her pen down and met her challenging gaze. "You're having this dinner so that you can size her up. You want to meet her, but you don't like her. You'll play nice for now. I don't really know what your angle is here... But I want in on it." The blonde smiled mischievously and Louisa cocked an inquisitive eyebrow as she listened. "You should have bumper and I over for dinner as well. We would love to take part in the festivities and also in case she wants to fight you, or anything like that, I can be your back up."

Louisa scoffed. "Amy you are ridiculous. We are all going to sit down and have a nice dinner like the adults that we are. Thank you for your offer, but I'll have to decline on the back up."

"I mean... But your arm is still broken and you can't stand. How would you fight her?"

"We aren't going to fight Amy. I can accept that Rebeca has moved on." She was lying, and she knew it. "I'm confident that we will have a fine evening."

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