Chapter 5

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Hello everyone! Thank you for reading this story, and just so you know I changed it from the end of Liam's junior year to the end of the first semester because I made it cold and it can't really be cold or snowy in May(at least not in the setting of this story). But please enjoy, and vote and/or recommend to someone else who might like this!!
Somehow I was forced to go to school even though I had just been through a traumatic experience. Trish was on my side, but my father was a brick wall and when I pleaded my pathetic attempts of convincing him only bounced back.

So here I was, November 23 2014, standing in the hallways of Hillbrook High School. It was a small school in my small town, Ghear, in New Mexico.

I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it either. It got cold during the winter and kind of hot during the rest of the year and a lot of kids were snobby, but I dealt with them. Speaking of snobs...

I spotted Mark down the hall, opening his locker and retrieving a book before returning it again. His eyes found mine somehow and he made his way towards me. We had fun to say the least when I was still in the hospital,; he even stayed until noon. I assured him that I'd text him, but I never did. I mulled over the situation while I was out and felt like it was too weird.

My eyes scanned for an exit as he sauntered closer, but there was none. He finally made his way towards me and I tried to play it cool, slipping my hands into my pockets and relaxing a little. He didn't buy it.

"Why are you so afraid to see me?" he asked. I made a confused expression, my heart speeding up.

"I, uh, don't know what you mean." I lied. I knew why. He was a friggin werewolf that could tear me to pieces if he wanted to, and I might have made him mad by ignoring him. He scoffed and shoved his hands into his pockets.

"Dude, I know you're lying. I can literally hear your heartbeat increasing. You never texted me." he said. I shrugged and cleared my throat.

"I was busy, you know, trying to--"

"Avoid me." he said. Crap, he caught me. He sighed when I didn't put up a fight about it and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Whatever. I got to get to class." he said a second before the bell rang. How did he know? I didn't stop him as he turned around and walked away from me, heading to first period. I exhaled harshly and practically hit myself in the head.

Way to go, make the werewolf even angrier. Nice Liam.
For the rest of the day I felt guilty. Yes for making him mad, but also that I was afraid of him. I'm such a coward and a jerk.

I needed to resolve this.

After the last bell rang, I located Mark's motorcycle and stood awkwardly by it. I wouldn't be getting a ride with Trish today -thanks to the car being flipped over- and I would have to walk home, but really it was only a few blocks.

The freezing-cold air kept slapping me in the face, making me want to walk away right now and just resolve this tomorrow. A jacket and jeans wasn't efficient enough in this weather, and I regretted it everyday I walked outside, but I didn't have anything warmer.

I kept getting odd glances for standing near a motorcycle and not leaving, but it might have just been because it was Mark's. Mark was infamous for his fake reputation everyone applied with him. I kept checking my phone to see what time it was, and I waited for ten minutes in the numbing weather.

When he finally walked out of the school no cars remained in the parking lot. What was he doing in there?

He noticed me and stopped for a minute.

"C'mon I'm freezing dude. I just want to talk." I muttered to myself. He seemed to react to that and started walking again. He had an annoyed look on his face, ignoring me and looking somewhere to my right.

I crossed my arms and cleared my throat.

"I'm sorry." Was all I said, and instead of "thanks man I appreciate it" I got a scoff and some attitude.

"For what? You were just doing what anyone would do." he said. Wow. Way to load some crap on to me. What was I supposed to say? Yeah, I was ignoring you because you almost killed me and I take that personally? "You were scared I was going to make a move on you. Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I'm shallow."

Really? That's what this was about? A fear of me fearing him hitting on me? I laughed. I laughed a little too hard.

"What the hell? No, no. That's not why I was avoiding you. Like dude, you almost murdered me." I said. His face said utterly confused but his voice sounded annoyed.

"What? Are you kidding me? So you don't care that I'm gay?" he asked. I shook my head and became aware for the first time that we were alone. It had never dawned on me that he might try to make a move on me once I learned that he was gay. He chuckled and rubbed his hands on his thighs.

"Sorry, man. I'll try not to kill you anymore." he said. I held up my hand.

"Promise?" I asked. He grabbed my hand and shook it.

"Promise. So about totaling your car..."


"Need a ride?"

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