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soon imma write a trilogy, titled 'Kimchi Ramen Diaries'

So since yall deserve to know (yall fab lil shits)

Book One: Kimchi Ramen Diaries - Baby Sister

Book Two: Kimchi Ramen Diaries - Baobei

Book Three: Kimchi Ramen Diaries - Fictional Romance

So yas. Please give it lots of love when i publish and you will get virtual candies lmao

Poster dedications:

lovely senpai KGirl1 and jongbang
who i pestered to make posters

why two posters you ask?

because i fab af lmao jk im using two posters because i loved both of their works hence i asked both of them
probably gonna get hate for that but meh they both fab af

Go follow them lmao
Hope you'll give them love and ny future trilogy love too! Ily bbys!!

Suffiyuh aka Authornim

Only The Fallen Angel Knows {Seventeen Jeonghan}Where stories live. Discover now