Chapter 6

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Faking and Loving

Chapter 6


Where was she? Erza wasn't even picking up her phone.

Lucy was pacing back and forth in her and Erza's shared room, her smartphone was gripped tightly in her hand, wondering why Erza wasn't back yet from wherever she had gone. She glanced at the clock on the wall. It was already way past 9:00pm, and for someone like Erza Scarlet, 9:00pm was considered late. This was way past her late study time which usually began right after dinner at 7:00pm, and now Lucy was worried; not just because it wasn't like Erza to miss valuable, quality study time, but her scarlet-haired friend had been whisked away by Gray of all people, before she could get the chance to talk.

She thought about it again. Apparently Gray Fullbuster wasn't just some "person." Her next-door neighbor seat mate was her roommate's boyfriend.


How did that even happen? It was true that maybe Lucy had some suspicions that their relationship was slightly different that the others in Natsu's circle of friends, mainly because whenever they hung out together and the rare times that Erza actually joined, Lucy had never seen Erza and Gray even look each other in the eye. Erza talked to her most of the times, and responded whenever the others like Mirajane and Cana beckoned her to join the conversation, but never in the one month since she transferred did she see them comfortably interacting with each other. She assumed they just talked to each other when necessary, because Erza was like that. She wasn't the type to chat and gossip for no reason after all. She assumed they were just awkward friends since Natsu said they used to fight, but her initial instincts were right after all. There really was something fishy about those two.

Who knew it was actually because they had been hiding a relationship with each other?

But why would they? And how did it happen when she heard from Natsu that they had been estranged from each other ever since they fought two years ago? They made up secretly? And Gray even said they just recently started dating.

What did recently mean anyway? A week ago? Two weeks? A month?

Did they become a couple just before Lucy transferred?

"Ugh it's no use assuming. I'll ask her when she gets back!" Lucy muttered to herself.

After Gray whisked Erza away to who-knows-where, there was a big commotion in the gym, especially from Gray's fan girls. It was tough, especially since all of them surrounded Lucy and asked her about their ultimate exhibitionist prince, the Great Gray Fullbuster's relationship with the scary, fearsome red-haired ex-student council member Erza Scarlet.

How was she supposed to know? Erza hadn't told her anything and while Lucy knew there must be some sort of reason (Erza was a person who always had reasons behind her actions, that she knew), but she couldn't help but feel disappointed and a tad bit depressed that Erza had kept it from her, when the blond girl had thought they had become best friends.

On the other hand, Lucy could be free from the rumors that she and Gray were more than friends if it was official that Gray already had a girlfriend, and said girl was his childhood friend Erza Scarlet.

Was she happy about this news? No doubt she was. Gray and Erza were her friends after all, and if they were happy, so was she; especially since she'd no longer be dubbed as Juvia Lockser's number one love rival. Ugh.

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