Chapter 7

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A/N: A slightly shorter chapter but hope you enjoy!


"Erza's pretty late." Lucy commented. "She's usually here 30 minutes before class starts."

Class 2-A of Fairy Academy was full of chaos as every other class there was, and nothing could be done unless the homeroom teacher came in or Erza Scarlet herself.

"Why didn't you come to class with her?" Natsu asked who was sitting in front of her as he swallowed down a bite of a big spicy cheeseburger.

"She told me to leave first. It makes sense she'd want to spend more time with her boyfriend now that they've gone public." Lucy sighed happily.

Natsu surprisingly didn't comment, continuing to finish the last of his burger, to which Lucy found strange. She looked at him teasingly. "It looks like my guess was right after all. There really was something between those two."

"You said they were exes. Wrong."

"Yeah but I was close. I assumed they were in a relationship and I was totally right!" Lucy exclaimed happily. "I got over my surprise pretty quickly but I texted all our friends last night and they still can't believe it!"

"Duh. Erza and the porn star are the worst combination I've ever heard."

"You're just butthurt because I was right and you were wrong!" Lucy pointed at the pink-haired boy in front of her accusingly.

"Yeah yeah, congratulations to you for the first time ever." Natsu said in a bored tone.

Lucy still beamed in pride though. "But what was funny was that Mira-san and the gang said they were surprised that Erza was the one that confessed first, not the fact they're together. "

"Erza confessed first?!" Now Natsu knew there was something suspicious.

"Yeah! Doesn't that mean this whole time they thought Gray was into Erza?" Lucy said excited. "You know that means everyone knew they were boyfriend-girlfriend material except you. Although I guess I was surprised too that Erza liked Gray that way. I didn't think Gray was her type."

"Erza's a monster. Monster's don't have types."

Lucy smacked his arm to which he cried out childishly in surprise. "Erza's a girl too you know. Besides, that's definitely an incorrect assumption since Erza confirmed she had an ex-boyfriend. And a handsome one too." Lucy admitted. "But she's really lucky! I mean, Gray is pretty good-looking after all."

Natsu gagged at that to which Lucy promptly ignored. "And the fact that they've been friends for a long time just makes it even more romantic! Naturally he'll treat her better than some stranger she just met and asked her out for the fun of it." She voiced out her opinion.

Natsu stared at Lucy curiously, his face slowly becoming closer to Lucy, suddenly making the blond uncomfortable. "W-What?"

"You have a type?"



He's asking about this way too seriously. Maybe she was just imagining it. She cleared her throat nervously. She unconsciously leaned further back to distance their faces from each other. "Well, naturally. Girls have preferences just like guys do."

Natsu frowned in thought. He wanted to ask Lucy again however was interrupted by the sound of a fierce stomping. The front door of their classroom slid open to reveal an angry-looking Erza Scarlet and an annoyed Gray Fullbuster right behind her.

"When will you ever learn to keep your clothes on?"

"Hey you know it's a habit. Learn to accept it!"

"Have you been in too many strip clubs and now you can't differentiate between a strip club and school?!"

Gray and Erza continued arguing while the whole class watched in awe.

"They don't look like a happy couple to me." Natsu commented.

"They're like an old married couple." Lucy observed.

"They're so cute!" There goes Mirajane Strauss, Fairy Academy's resident idol princess also part-time matchmaker.

"A lot of sexual tension going on there." Cana who sat way at the back of the class commented.

"Sexual tension is MANLY!"

"That don't make any sense."

Lucy was glad there weren't a lot of Gray's fan girls in their class, especially Juvia. But if she was in the class right next to theirs, no doubt Juvia could hear the surprisingly approving comments of Gray and Erza's relationship from their classmates. How was she, Lucy wondered?

Lucy had stayed up late last night checking out everyone's reaction in the school's official chat room. Apparently the news of Gray Fullbuster and Erza Scarlet in a relationship was more popular than the recent victory of Fairy Tail in yesterday's practice match against Paradise Academy. Huh. No doubt Jason, the academy's resident school reporter would be ecstatic at all these potential scoops that were revealed in just one day.

But all in all, Lucy knew that this might have been the most drastic and dramatic change in Erza's peaceful high school life. Whether that was a good change or a bad one, only Erza determined that.

And Lucy was determined to support her friend every step of the way.

"You went to her school to see her?!"


"Are you crazy?! Why would you do that?"

"I missed her."


"She hates me more than ever."

"Let me guess. You still acted like an asshole?"


"You idiot."


"You're making her hate you more. That was why I told you not to see her. It's not worth it. You'll just get more heartbroken."

"I know. I couldn't help it."

"If I knew you were planning to see her, I would've forced you to tell her what really happened. I keep telling you it wasn't your fault."

"I was still responsible. As much as I wanted to defend myself I couldn't."


"She already has someone else."

"What?! Who?!"

"Some guy from her school. I guess I just got discouraged and couldn't help but be a jerk."

"Don't be jealous if you're not going to do anything about it."

"I'm not jealous! I mean...I don't have the right to be."

"Stop being a wimp, Jellal. You sound pathetic."

"Shut up."

"Just because she already has a boyfriend, it doesn't mean you don't have the right to explain. You can still steal her back. It's not too late."

"Forget about it. It's better she hates me. I can't promise her anything after all."

"Jellal, you're such a pathetic asshole."

"I know."

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