Heartbroken and Determined

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Faking and Loving

Chapter 9


Erza placed her fingers on Gray's lips, rendering him speechless and staring at her in shock. "Shut up." She whispered, leaning close to his face. She stood up slightly on her tippy toes to get closer.

"E-Erza...w-what are you -"

What the fuck was happening?! Gray screamed in his head. His heartbeat accelerated, almost leaping out of his chest. He hadn't felt this flustered in a long time.

Calm down, calm down...it's just Erza...calm down...

The scarlet-haired girl had already brought her face close to Gray's, her warm hands splayed out on his slightly cool cheeks, her breath fanning on his in small huffs. Gray couldn't help but close his eyes and braced himself.

A few seconds passed and Gray came to find out that Erza was not aiming for his lips but for his ears. "Plan failure." She whispered to him, her breath fanned lightly at the side of his face.

His eyes that were closed popped open. "What?!"

She flicked his forehead. "Don't shout in my ears, stripper." She gently pushed him away, leaving him speechless for a few seconds.

"Why would you –" He began. Erza looked at him confused. He lightly coughed and covered his mouth in attempt to force down the blush creeping up his cheeks. "– I thought you were gonna kiss me or some shit like that."

Erza smirked. "Oh? Were you hoping for it?"


"Relax, didn't I tell you there would be no kissing?"

"Then why?" He asked after calming down a bit, the heat on his cheeks finally gone.

Erza's face became serious. It was normal for her to have this sort of expression, Gray thought. "Remember when you told me that every time you tried to kiss your girlfriends on school grounds something bad always happened that basically interrupted you? Something bad that happened to the girl in particular at that moment?"

Gray became uncomfortable at Erza's mention of his past girlfriends. He wasn't sure why. "Yeah." His girlfriends always panicked at the last second for some strange reason.

"Well, I thought maybe the person who gave me the note might be the same person who's done the sabotaging all this time. And I was testing whether that person was still around here. Maybe they're watching our every move."

"But nothing's happened to you when you were about to kiss me." Gray said.

"True. So maybe this note wasn't sent just now. That person isn't around here. I thought I could've caught them somehow if they pulled off something while I tried to kiss you."

"Then we should pretend doing it public. That should get more of a reaction." There wasn't anyone around at the moment, as it was long past the time when everyone was done with after school activities and it was time to go home.

"Okay. But there is still the possibility that there is more than one person that's doing it." Erza said.


"The person giving these notes could be different from the person who likes sabotaging you in the middle of your make-out session."

"Hey! I don't...make out in public..." He said lamely.

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