The Note

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Faking and Loving

Chapter 8 – Day Three

"You're not my mom, my sister or anything!"

"You're a sorry excuse of a friend!"

"I hate you!"

Erza woke up with a start. Her eyes were wide open, her heart was racing and the only sounds she could hear were her own heavy breathing. She clenched her fists in her sheets and just realized how sweaty she had become.

I haven't had that dream in a long time.

It wasn't a dream, she knew. It was a memory.

Why did she have to remember that?

Perhaps suddenly talking to her raven-haired childhood friend on a daily basis recently was the cause of why this dream made an appearance again after so long.

Her head hurt so much.

She checked the alarm clock beside her and realized it was only 4AM.

It was still too early. But after tossing and turning only to realize that there was no way she could fall asleep again, the redhead got up and proceeded to the bathroom to wash her face.

Might as well go and study to pass time, she thought as she exited her shared room with Lucy and made way to the study room.


Lucy and Erza were eating breakfast together in the dining hall when a "beep" sound was heard.

"Erza, I think that's your phone." Lucy said.

Erza glanced at her phone already expecting who texted her. Before him, she never really got texts from anyone.

New message (1) – Gray

For some reason, Erza didn't feel like reading it. She sighed.

"I would have thought you'd be happy to get a message from your boyfriend so early in the morning," Lucy said after swallowing the last of her scrambled eggs.

"Huh? How did you know?"

"I assumed." Lucy smiled.

Woops. Think of something fast, Erza. "I am happy. Just tired, recently."

"The whole school is still freaking out about you and Gray so I understand." Lucy said. "But they'll learn to accept it. I mean, Gray's list of ex-girlfriends that is. So don't worry."

Erza faked a smile. It had only been three days since she lied to Lucy, and the guilt was slowly eating her up inside. Lucy was a really good friend. Erza had to think about discussing it with Gray and telling him that maybe Lucy could know about their little act.

"You're not gonna read his text?" Lucy asked.

Erza shook her head. "Maybe later."


"Erza already left?" Gray asked one of the girls in front of Fairy Hills that morning.

"Y-Yes, Gray-san. She just left a minute ago."

Gray frowned. "Thanks."

The raven haired seventeen year-old quickly dashed towards the main school building, only to find Erza there who was just about to enter the main gates.

Faking and Loving [A Grayza Story]Where stories live. Discover now