Chapter 1: A big turkey

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It was nearing towards the end of the year. Which meant New Years is just around the corner. Not just New Years. It was December 23, two days until Christmas.

The festive holiday was one of those times of the year where everything was decorated beautifully and elegantly. And the feeling in the air was joyous.

The streets were covered in a blanket of clean snow, lights in the colours of red, green, yellow, and blue dangled between the lamp posts that stood high as they lit up the night sky. People who walked by these decorated structures all had smiles on their faces while they continue their last minute shopping.

It was a beautiful scenery.

The only disturbance that came between the eye catching scene were the hundreds of phantoms that ventured in the city. Luckily for humans, they can't see the ghostly creatures that were loitering in every corner.

The only people who can see these phantoms are gods, regalias, and a certain girl who was stuck between the phase of a human and a phantom.

The three, Yato, Hiyori, and Yukine were searching the festive streets for something important. So important, that Yato missed out one task just for this particular mission they were currently on.

The God ran towards one of the nearby stores, pressing his face against the window. "There it is!" He said to his friends with excitement.

Hiyori and Yukine came to Yato's side, wanting to see the fuss was about. "That's why we came all this way? That's the reason why we walked 15 miles?" Hiyori told Yato with a bit on annoyance toning her voice.

The apparent fascinating object that was on the other side of the window was a large Christmas turkey. The steam was visible, meaning that it was still fresh from the oven. Garnishes of roasted vegetables like carrots and mushrooms that crowded the bottom half of the large platter. There was also cranberries and roasted pears that laid beside the large turkey. It looked absolutely mouth-watering to the two boys who had their mouth drooling and their tongues sticking out at the delicious scene.

"Oh my gosh! That looks so good!" Yukine exclaimed while pressing his face against the same window next to Yato.

The two boys stare at the dish, hungrily. A Christmas turkey is what they were craving for and hoping to buy.

For days, Yato continuously asked Hiyori if she was going to buy a special dish for Christmas. He was basically hinting it out to her that he wanted her to buy something special to eat.

As soon as Hiyori told him that she didn't know what to buy yet for the holiday, Yato replies by her that he knew the perfect Christmas masterpiece to eat.

So they walked 15 miles into the city for a Christmas turkey that was hot and steaming, and hopefully just as delicious as it looks. And it was just as delicious looking as they expected.

The boys were craving the dish. The thought of them happily eating it put large smiles are their faces.

Until they saw an employee taking away the turkey from the window, their smiles dropped immediately. "No no!" Yukine yelled. "Someone is buying it! Hiyori!"

Just like Yato, Yukine wanted to stop the person who was buying the turkey. It was selfish, but they wanted it. They wanted their Christmas culinary dream to come true.

The blonde rushes from the window and ran into the store while the other two watch from the window. Hiyori wanted to stop Yukine but Yato stops her. "What are you doing?" Hiyori asks.

The blue-eyed God looks at the girl and smiles. "Just watch."


Yukine bursts through the door of the shop, surprising the customers already in the store. Without any hesitation, he rushes towards the front counter and calls over an employee.

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