Chapter 8: Further

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Yukine continues to blush as Yato snickers next to him. The poor regalia was speechless, except the punch that landed on Yato's arm expressed a hurtful few words. The group around the two boys laugh at their quarrel.

Suddenly a phone goes off, sending a loud ringtone in each ear that hears it. With hope and ambition, Yato gladly picks it up and answers whoever was on the other line. "This is the delivery god, Yato! I'm fast, affordable, and reliable!"

Yukine was interested as he saw the determined look the god had on his face. It gave him hope, wishing that this job would be more challenging and meaningful than the others. "What kind of job is it this time?" He asks

"We, my friend..." Yato wraps his arms around (y/n) and Yukine's shoulders on each of his aides. He tries to build the enthusiasm and excitement with his tone and happy expression. "..are going to a local area."

Yukine didn't mind staying within the neighbourhood to do a job. Saving people's lives and ridding of all the harmful phantoms are what they do. "Is there a phantom that's causing a disaster?" He asks.

"Nope, just raccoons!" Yato's answer immediately brought a frown to both of the teenagers faces.

- 2 hours later -

"I swear I almost lost my fingers!" Yukine waves his hand vigorously in front of Yato, showing what the animal could've done to him if he wasn't so lucky. A few of his fingers had little bite marks on them; a little bit of blood was pouring out of the holes but there were lots of bruises.

With a little concern, (y/n) takes a hold of one of Yukine's hands and examines it closely. A deep blush takes over a boy's face as her warm hands hold onto and wrap around his injured hand. He could feel his body temperature rising by the second. "W-What are you doing?" He wanted to pull his hand away, but the grasp was too strong.

"I'm just taking a look to see if I can help. It's the least I can do since you two wouldn't let me help with the raccoons." It was true. However, Yukkne was more of the one who prevented her from assisting the job. Yato already told her once that it wasn't a good idea if she helped since it was a dangerous and difficult task; he didn't want her as a newcomer to get hurt already.

Yukine on the other hand repeats over and over how she shouldn't help. He kept pushing the idea how she was going to get hurt. He drew imaginary boundaries around the local house they helped in and told (y/n) to stand on one side and never step over until the job is done.

Even though he was the one who got the most bites and bruises, Yukine is just happy that (y/n) didn't receive any injuries.

The two teenagers gather around Yato to see the reward he receives from the customer for completing the task they were asked to do. However, they were told they would be able to see it when they return to Kofuku's place, where the jar of coins were. He wanted the kids to see the new addition to the collection happen in action.


A sweat drop falls from (y/n)'s forehead once she finally sees the reward Yato was jumping happily for. "5 yen..?" She asks unenthusiastically, hoping that it was just a friendly joke. Yukine, who sat next to her while bandaging his arm, lets out a long dreary sigh to show that the sad truth was the real deal. The difficult job they did was worth 5 yen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2016 ⏰

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