Chapter 7: Re-introduction

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Yato and Yukine took (y/n) to Kofuku's shrine. On the way there, Yato explains to her what a Regalia was and what her purpose was as she took on that position, while hoping that she doesn't complain about the fact that she isn't exactly alive anymore.

Her face showed no signs of hurt not discomfort. She looks more relaxed than she should be. However, she felt a horrid feeling inside. She almost wanted to cry since she couldn't live a normal life like other people who walked by them on the streets.

(Y/n) kept pushing away the urge to cry, but she couldn't.

Yato saw little tears forming in the corners of her (e/c) eyes. He felt a burning sensation on the back of his neck. He winces in pain. But he tells her that it's alright, since it is hard to take in the fact that you no longer posses the life you once had.

He told the story about Yukine, who went through the same difficult phase. Mourning and sulking over the fact that he was dead and didn't give a single damn about the thoughtless things he did; vandalizing, stealing, perverted thoughts...

It wasn't until he was in the transition phase of becoming a phantom. Luckily, he repented and was brought back to his original self.

The story frightened (Y/n). However, it was a good thing so she doesn't think about doing the same things Yukine did. She asks a few questions about her past, but Yato kept his mouth shut and told her that it's dangerous to tell a regalia the life they had possessed because it can cause them to feel regret, hurt, and sorrowful.

Not only that...

If a regalia learned the truth behind their name, instantly... They would turn into a phantom.

The new regalia understood, but continues to ponder what the history is behind her past.

With Yato and the girl talking together and discussing the matters, Yukine followed silently behind them. 'She doesn't remember me'. He sadly kept repeating in his head.

He had mixed feelings about the situation. The fact that she is "alive" and is now Yato's regalia made him feel more than happy. However, the fact that she isn't aware of him at all and the moments they shared.

'She doesn't remember how we met, how I told her to never isolate herself, when we went to the carnival and she won me a bunny, when we held hands and... Kissed.'

Yato, who was up ahead with the girl regalia, turns his head around to look at Yukine and saw the disappointing look he had on his face. "Sorry, buddy..." He sympathetically said quietly.

As they made it to Kofuku's shrine, the first thing or person that jumps out was the God of poverty, herself. She runs towards Yato with arms out and open. "Yatty!" She yells happily. But she skids to a stop once she saw the little teenager with the unfamiliar face. "Who's that?" Kofuku points at (Y/n) with curiosity.

All eyes in the shrine laid on the girl the finger was pointing to. (Y/n)'s stomach turned with the tension she was feeling. She gulps before innocently saying her greeting. "Um.. Hi-"

A sudden loud, high-pitched squeal cuts off her introduction. Kofuku stands before (Y/n) and holds both of her hands. "I don't care! You're so adorable like Yuki!" Kofuku embraces the girl with a tight hug, which was almost squeezing the life out of the poor regalia.

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