Chapter 4: Understanding

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You're really competitive!" (Y/n) declared while jabbing every button on her game controller.

The two were sitting next to each other on the bed, playing a one-on-one Mortal Combat X game on multiplayer mode, and destroying each other with gruesome fatalities.

The realistic graphics almost made Yukine want to throw up. However, it just proves how amazingly detailed the game is.

Right now, they are getting real into the game. They became more competitive as one continuously defeats the other.

So far, (y/n) was winning by 3 fatalities which she won in a row in the last 10 minutes. She believed that she was unstoppable, and she bragged about it.

"You're so childish." He tells her with a hint of laughter. "How old are you?"

"I'm 15."

(Y/n) was just a year older than him.
"You're too good at this game. "How often do you play?" He asks her while pausing the game.

"Almost everyday actually."

"Almost everyday? How much time do you have on your hands?"

"A lot. I don't get much homework, and I don't go out much either." Her voice started to reflect a bit of sadness when the last part of her sentence came out of her mouth.

Yukine had the urge to comfort her. He wanted to put his hand on her shoulder, but he thought the gesture was a little intimate considering they've just met. So he just looks at her with eyes that were filled with concern. "Besides yesterday at the store... When was the last time you went out that isn't school related?"

"A month and a half ago when my family and I went to my grandmothers house for thanksgiving."

"Do you have any friends?"

After Yukine asked her that question, she just shook her head. "I lack confidence, I'm very anxious." Looking down at her feet, she took a deep breath in. "The thought of social interactions scare me. I'm afraid that people will make negative assumptions on what they think of me and judge me."

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, the boy felt angry inside. Tension arose within his body, and his face starts heating up.

Yukine gets up from where he was sitting and clutches his free hand into a fist. His facial expression was now serious with a mixture of irritation.

"How can you do that to yourself?!" He yells at her. "Isolating yourself, avoiding others so you don't have to socialize... Do you know how much I would give just to have the chance to make a friend in this world?!"

His body was tense; he was raging.
The anger was triggered by the fact that she wasting each second by hiding, instead of making the most out of her life irritated him. Yukine didn't have a life where he can make friends. He remembers being at the school, wanting the other school kids to notice him. He was envious of how everyone else had friends and he didn't.

(Y/n) had a life, but she wasn't taking the chances she was given. She wasn't jumping at the opportunities to make friends. They were the same opportunities that Yukine didn't have.

Yukin thought of her as a hungry bear. A hungry bear letting the fish go up the stream just because she was afraid to get wet.

If Yukine had a second chance to live, he would be socializing and living in the moment instead of being alienating himself. "And you're purposely isolating yourself just because you're what? You're afraid?! Afraid of what? Hearing the opinions of others?!"

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