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"You're going to fix my bed tonight."

"What?! For stealing your blanket this morning?"

"Damn right! You can't just leave my blanket laying on the couch like that!"

Chris pouts and then sighs, "Alright. Just get in the car before we're late."

Cynthia silver straped heels step in the passenger seat of the car and she carefully sits down on the leather seats. She gracefully runs her hands over her blue-lace, mid-thigh, fit and flare dress. It was a volumous skirt decorated with silver jewels. The top with a shallow, wide collar and the sleeves rested on her shoulders. Her hair braided, loose hairs curled and set free. Pearls pecked the surface to set some stands in place.

She was the star for tonight. And he was proud.

"Close the door! It's cold!" She rubs her shoulder for emphasis. Adding the giggles just wanted him to leave the door open.

He closed the door anyway. Quickly jogging to the driver seat and clicking the door open.

"Where are we going anyway?" She chuckles. She grins widely about how he entered the car: very clumsily.

"A party."

A party. Really.

"Ah...Chris..." Her voice was hush now. With a drop of disappointment. Or nervousness?

He turned towards her with a look of concern.

"My heart says yes, but my social anxiety says no." Cynthia tried to smile. But her heart was beating our of her chest. A hidden fear was in her eyes and she was trembling.

She was sure Chris could see it.

But all he did was rub her shoulder.  And whisper, "We'll just be there for an hour. If you don't like by 30 minutes, we can leave, okay? I know how you feel, but they're my close friends and they've wanted to meet you ever since I told them about the adoption."

Who wanted to meet her?

"Just 30 minutes, okay?" His tone was comforting and quiet.

Like a father.

Cynthia was hesitant, but she nodded, "30 minutes if I don't like it."

Chris grins with his whites. Then quickly starts the engine, "Then let's get going!"

He eased out of the drive way. Excited about New Years Night Party.

Oh, she's in for a surprise.

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