Making It

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Several minutes had passed. Chris's arms were still wrapped around his new arrival.

Cynthia Evans.

By this time her arms were wrapped as tight as her strength could handle. Hands gripping at her new father's cardigan.

She inhales his comforting scent and cries a little more.

Finally, someone new. Someone kind. She thought.

Chris's head shifts in the slightest, "You alright, kiddo?" He whispers. Loosening his grasp upon the teenager.

Cynthia didn't want to let go. But her arms gave in.

"Yeah...Sorry..." She murmurs, "I-I'm just happy." She wipes her tears on her knuckles.

Chris could hear the smile in her voice. It was beautiful. It could be a harmony if listened carefully.

They finally release eachother from their grasps. Vaguely missing the other's warmth.

Her knuckles were damp and so was his shoulder. She smiles again.

Oh dear, her smile was contagious.

"What?" Chris grins. He couldn't help it.

Cynthia giggles, "I hope that won't leave a stain." She shyly tugs on her sweater sleeves. But the smile on her face meant something else.

He chuckles, "This?" he glances at his shoulder and back into her brown eyes, "This is nothing close to...lets vomit? Spaghetti sauce? At least it doesn't smell, right?"

She swore his smile could grow flowers and make rainbows.

Cynthia nods as she laughs.

There's the smile. Chris thought.

"I'll take your luggage to your room. Explore the house and we'll start unpacking when you're ready." He pats her head gently and grabs her luggage beside her.

She nods and follows Chris out of the hall way. Feet right behind her suitcase's wheels.

They fork. Chris walks right. Cynthia takes a couple steps to the left. Standing in awe. The house - her home - was beautiful.

Glass windows and a fire place tucked right in the middle. An all to comfortable-looking, rounded couch and a flat screen mantled above the fire place.

Home. This was their home.

Cynthia's fingertips graze the wall beside her. Following as she walks further and further in the home.

She reaches the kitchen. Oh goodness the kitchen was almost like silver plastered on walls. It was fresh and ready to be used. It was perfect.

And she didn't deserve any of it. An average, adopted, girl living with a rich and successful celebrity. She didn't deserve it. None of it.

Or, that's what she thought.

"Chris?" She hollers.

"Over here!"

Cynthia follows the voice. Going back the way she came and following Chris's kind aura. Passing several open doors and framed pictures she would inspect later.

She smiles. This was all her's. No one can take it away.


She makes an 'oops' and turns back around. Must have concentrated on the house a little too much.

Cynthia topples several picture frames back to be greeted by a lovely Chris Evans and a suit case on the floor, "You want to unpack together? Or do you want a little privacy?" He raises an eye brow.

Is is okay to be a little selfish?

"I want to unpack together, if you don't mind that is." She says shyly.

Chris nods and unzips the zipper of her suit case. Revealing the contents of clothes, necklaces, rings, several books and a doll?

Chris picks the slim pale doll up tenderly, "Who's this?" He asks.

He looks over to Cynthia.

"That's Selina," She sits next to him, "My aunt made her for me when I was a kid." Her fingers wrap around the dolls pale hand. As if it were a comforting action.

"You sleep with it?"

"Oh dear god, no. I'm afraid I'll rip her apart if I sleep with her."

They share a laugh.

Chris lets the doll's soft fibers graze at his fingers. The doll did seem calming.

"Here." Cynthia takes the doll from his hands. Standing up and placing it on top of the dresser. Moving its arms to a more pleasing position.

"What are you doing?" Chris chuckles.

Cynthia tilts her head to the side and grins a tender smile, "Making it home."

• • •

Hello again!

You made it to the second chapter! Woo hoo!

Thanks for reading. I had this idea for months and it was really bugging me. Might as well write it right?

What'd you think of the chapter?


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