The Avengers

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It's been 20 minutes. Chris and Cynthia drove with the music soft-toned and small talk. Several times she tried to get information about where they were going, but failed in great agony.

"Chris!" she begged.

He smiled with a devilish grin, "Cynthia!!!" he shouted even louder.

The drive continued with giggles. The stars popping out and taking over the sky. With the moon's glow winning over each ball of fire. The city lights just added to the truthfulness of Los Angeles. The green and red of the stop lights. Yellow tinge of the tall lamps that loomed over. The flickering of neon signs begging to grab attention of tourists.

They drove fast and quick. Cynthia didn't have enough eyes to scan every detail. She didn't have enough time to take everything into appreciation - the buldings, homes, graffiti - but she knew she would soon.

The city was always beside them.

"Isn't beautiful?" Chris hushed. It was like he loved this city too. Deeply.

Cynthia just smiled and nodded, "More than I imagined." She propped her elbow on the arm rest and stared out the window.

She glanced at the reflection of Chris. He was smiling. A small smile with a dimple on the side. But it was noticeable.

And he smiled all the way to their destination.

. . . . .

"Cynthia," Chris shakes her shoulder, "we're here."

She opens her eyes and tries not to rub them because of the make up. Somehow, she had fallen asleep. Night rides were always the best.

She groggily climbs out of the car. The slant of the drive way catches her off guard and makes her stumble in her heels.

Chris giggles, "Careful there, Miss Evans." Then gently caresses her hand to help her balance in her 3 inch heels.

"Watch your tone, Mister Evans."

He laughs a hardy laugh. Someone must have heard them come because Cynthia saw a curtain close quickly.

As if it were a surprise.

"Come on, princess. They're not gonna wait for you forever." She can practically hear his smirk in his voice.

Cynthia gave him a yeah-yeah whisper and was led to the small steps. They lead to the entrance; a blue door framed with white and viney plants scattered all over.


"You don't even know."

They climb up the stairs together. The click of her heels covered the murmur of giggles from inside.

Chris straightens his tie and pulls his blazer closer to his chest.

Almost nervous.

She fidgits with her fingers by this time. And all he can think of was:

She's so cute.

He presses the door bell and it echoes in the house for a second, before the knob rotates and they are greeted by Mark Ruffalo.

"The Evans have arrived!" Mark smiles. He bows and scoots to the side to let Chris and Cynthia inside his home.

The lights were slightly dimmed. The yellow halo of the Christmas lights, not yet taken down, matched the bubbly gold of what looked like champagne on the table.

Around the table were the one and only:

Scarlett Johansson, with her long blonde hair. White dress fitted to her curves perfectly, along with bronze accessories.

Robert Downey Jr. The only man with sun glasses in a dimmed room. A grey suit and black vest with a red tie.

Chris Hemsworth. His blond hair swept to the side. A white dress shirt with rolled up sleeves and slacks.

Jeremy Renner. Accompanied with a black tux and a purple tie. And if looked closely, an arrow pin over his heart.

Samuel L. Jackson. With a polka dot collared shirt, and black slacks. And of course, his glasses.

Anthony Mackie. His dark suit with a tint of red.

And finally, Mark Ruffalo. The host with  dark grey slacks and black collared shirt.

Cynthia stood there baffled. It was like...

"Am I going to be asked to join the Avengers Initiative?" She giggles.

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