Third Meeting: Library

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I am writing short chapters now so hopefully I can update once every two week or so.

The library brought back too many memories. The world was alway a slight tint of pink those days. Everyday at school Ritsu would get excited to go to the library and see his senpai.

Yes, Saga-senpai.

He was truly a work of art. He would lay his book down on top of the table then put his left elbow against the surface and rest his chin of his hand. The evening sun rays would glisten over Saga-senpai's hair and sometime hit the his cheeks and muscly arm. When ever he would finish a page he would move not one nerve in his body but his right arm and wrist. He was always still. Enough for Ritsu to wish he could take a paper and pencil then sketch out the piece of art he saw. But art was never his forte.

Everyday he could,he would try to talk to his senpai but each time he fled from his feelings. Instead he borrowed the same books that Saga-senpai read. Each time he would write his name, Oda Ritsu. Ritsu remembered the first book he checked out because of Saga-senpai. It was called, 'Reach out for Me.' Oh~ how much Ritsu wished he had the courage to reach out for his senpai.

Once in a while, Ritsu would simply stare at Saga-senpai's beauty and idolize it. Then Saga would suddenly look up and meet his eye. Ritsu would get flustered and runaway, a tint of red visible on his pale skin.

"Saga-senpai," he would sometimes whisper under his breath. Not one soul able to hear his voice. "I love you."

Ritsu even imagined from time to time how Saga-senpai would reply to his confession.

Maybe he'd say, "I love you too."

But Saga-senpai never said that even after Ritsu had confessed and they had officially begun dating. His senpai simply took advantage of Ritsu and laughed.

Saga-senpai laughed.

He never loved me. He only wanted my body.

Ritsu felt the tears weal up in his eyes.

Saga-senpai. I despise you!


Ritsu felt a tug on his back and a young voice. He had been disturbed from his dream-or rather, nightmare.


Ritsu sat up and rubbed his eyes, "Misaki-san?"

The boy with chocolate brown hair looked at Ritsu worriedly, "Are you okay? You started to cry in your sleep."

Ritsu felt his face and indeed, there was a trail of dried tears. The teen was annoyed with himself. He already promised that he wouldn't cry over someone like Saga-senpai any more, but, it seemed like he couldn't control that.

"Ah, but if you don't want to tell me anything, I don't mind," Misaki added with a slight blush.

Ritsu smiled at the cuteness of the flustered younger teen. He really did remind him of his old self. Ritsu began to inspect Misaki. Misaki was shorter than Ritsu by about three or four inches.

"S-senpai?" Misaki began to say with a darker tint of red on his face. It was a bit embarrassing for him see his senpai look at him with such interest. However, Misaki didn't really know why but he liked Ritsu's gaze.

Suddenly Ritsu looked a his watch as he quickly as he could. His face paled when he saw the time. It was eight o'clock and he was supposed to close the library doors by seven.

Usami-sensei will get really angry at me...

Ritsu stood up and quickly said, "We have to close up fast. Its really late."

He grabbed the keys from his pocket and told Misaki, "Lets quickly do last minute clean up so that Usami-sensei won't yell at us."

Misaki quickly obeyed and the tables were all cleared of books and the area at least seemed cleaner than before.

Now it was eight-thirty and Ritsu could hear footsteps coming closer and closer to the library. Ritsu looked at Misaki, who looked back with a face of horror.

Realizing the he had to make sure they weren't caught, Ritsu quickly locked the library door and grabbed Misaki's wrist. The older boy was a bit surprised at the thinness of the younger one.

Misaki gasped when he felt Ritsu drag him to the corner of the library where nobody could see them and embrace him. He could feel his senpai's slender body press against his. Misaki was about to protest but immediately stopped when he felt Ritsu lift his hand to cover Misaki's mouth while saying softly, "I'm sorry but you have to stay quiet."

The stayed in that position for one minute till they heard the footsteps disappear.

Ritsu's tense shoulders relaxed and he let moved his hand from Misaki's mouth. Ritsu looked down at Misaki's face and saw his face flushed in red as he looked up at his senpai with an angry look. "Please stop this, senpai. This positioning is so awkward." Misaki put his to hands on Ritsu's chest and pushed him away.

"Ah!" Ritsu exclaimed, a tint of pink becoming visible on his face as he jumped away from Misaki, "Sorry. I over reacted..."

Misaki pouted, "Never force me into something like that again. I'm a boy so I don't get excited to be in that kind of position. In fact its shameful." Misaki quickly ran to the exit and tried to open the door. However, it was locked and there was no way to get it open unless you have the key.

Ritsu immediately remembered locking the door so he walked up to Misaki and opened it for him. The moment it was opened Misaki dashed out still flushing. His heart skipped a beat every time he remembered the close contact he had with his senpai.

Why is my heart beating like this?

Misaki kept runing till he got out of the school gates. Then he stopped and took a deep breath of cool air to calm himself and motorize his heart beat. The sky was full of stars and looked beautiful. He could hear crickets.

He also heard the engine of a car coming closer and closer to him.

Then he heard a familiar voice, "Ah, Misaki, I'll drive you home."

Misaki's eyes widened, "Usagi-san!"

*      *       *

Ritsu looked from the window of the library and saw Misaki going into a red sports van, smiling. Then he saw the face of the driver. It was Usami-sensei.

What relationship does sensei and Misaki-san have?


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(P.S.This is not edited yet so if it doesn't make sense please tell me.)

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