Seventh Meeting: New Library Assistant Teacher (Part One)

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Well, I'm back. We'll see how you like this chapter. I really didn't know how I would go with the story so I just wrote it out as I went along. 



"You guys are dismissed," Usami-sensei announced. The students breathed a sigh of relief and started to chatter with their friends, waiting for the next teacher to come in. "Ah, Onodera," the teacher called out, "I need to speak to you for a moment." 

Onodera barely shifted his body, turning only his head and lifting his eyes up to his teacher. He stayed seated in his desk and waited for Usami-sensei to walk to Onodera. Ritsu didn't have any more energy to move after the traumatizing incident that morning and felt less compelled to go over to his teacher. 

Usami-sensei too, noticed that Onodera had a more pale complexion and seemed to act more quiet and reserved than usual. Usami-sensei concluded that it was due to Takano coming back to (the traumatized) Ritsu. However, the teacher found it strange that Ritsu hated Takano so much. The student once confided to Usami  in England that Ritsu's lover betrayed him and used him only for his body; nevertheless, when Usami spoke to Takano, it seemed as though Ritsu was the one who betrayed his lover. 

What a mind-boggling situation... 

"Onodera, Can you and Misaki take some of your lunch break to meet our new library assistant adviser?" Usami asked, analyzing Ritsu's expression and trying to understand his thought process. "Due to personal reasons, he can't stay till after school today."

Ritsu nodded and looked at Usami-sensei with a do-you-have-anything-else-to-say look. When Onodera saw that there was nothing else to say, he immediately took out a book to read, completely ignoring his surroundings.

Usami-sensei smirked.

Ah~ Misaki, soon...soon you'll be mine!


"Misaki," Yukina called from across the room, "someone's calling you. He says he is Onodera."

"Eh! Ritsu-senpai?!" Misaki jumped up from the unexpected news. 

Why is he here??

Misaki scurried to Ritsu and motioned to that Misaki will meet him outside. "So, w-what do you want? Onodera-senpai?"

Ah- I said Onodera-senpai. I hope he doesn't think I feel awkward after finding out his gay!!

Ritsu heard the sudden change of how Misaki called Ritsu's name. Onodera-senpai...

Ah, Ritsu thought, Misaki-san must be trying to distance himself because he found out that I'm gay...

"Usami-sensei informed me that we have to meet the library assistant adviser during lunch time, so...I came to pick you up."

"Oh,"Misaki blushed, "I finished my lunch so, let's go?"

Ritsu-senpai  came to pick me up!

"Then, let's go," Ritsu replied.


Ritsu and Misaki enter the library and immediately saw Usami-sensei waiting near the door for their arrival. "You're a little later than I expected, " he commented. "Anyways, I want to speak with Misaki for a few moments, so go ahead and speak with the assistant. His name is Takano-sensei." 

"Oh, okay..." Ritsu replied slowly walking away. 

Meanwhile, Misaki was silent screaming out to Ritsu not to leave him.

Ritsu-senpai! Don't leave me alone with this man. He tried to attack me only yesterday!!!

"So," Misaki uttered coldly, "What do you want from me now?"

"I wanted to tell you that I realized that I love you. After not receiving affection from Takahiro, I realized that I probably fell in love with you. Will you forgive me for last night. It was an instinct, a reaction."

Not that I wouldn't say it was on purpose though, Usami added in his mind.

"E-even if you say you l-l-like me..." Misaki tried to reply, "I-I-I don't like you back."


Misaki blushed. "Because I love someone else."

Usami narrowed his eyes and pierced them in to Misaki's causing him to dodge his eyes from Usami.

"And is that," Usami inquired, "Onodera?"

Miisaki's eyes widened. "I-I-I don't quite know. Sometimes, I feel a slight pounding in my chest when I see him. And I didn't feel disgusted when I found out his secrets; in fact, I felt relieved that there might be a possibility he'd love me back."

"There isn't any possibility of loving you back though. That's why you should love me." Usami said bluntly. He grabbed Misaki's wrist and pulled him into Usami's chest. He embraced Misaki and kissed his head. "I love you."

"What are you talking about there isn't any possibility? Ritsu seems to hate his former lover. And, Ritsu also came close enough in confiding with me his thoughts."

"Heh," Usami snorted. "Hates his former lover? There's a thin line between love and hate. From what I finally deduced, Ritsu loves his lover from the bottom of his hear. So much that it overflowed into hatred stemming out of a huge misunderstanding. Right now, Ritsu is running away. All he needs is a push and some explanation. Or else, ten years will go by and he'll never find out the truth."

"What do you mean? Misunderstanding?  What is this push that he needs?  What truth?"

Suddenly Misaki heard a loud sob then a scream.


Misaki struggled to get out of Usami's grasp. However, his grip only got stronger. 

"I HATE YO-"Ritsu continued to bellow until his voice stopped abruptly.

"Let me go!" Misaki demanded hysterically then promptly bit Usami's arm as hard as possible. Usami's grip weakened and Misaki ran from his grasp. 

"Wait! Misaki. Don't go there."

Misaki ran passed the book shelves and stopped suddenly by the tables. He saw books plastered all over the floor, but by the edge of the table where Takano stood, there was a book with a sky and cloud as a cover and air plane spelled out 'Reach out for me.'

When Misaki looked up, when once again, saw Ritsu embraced by the so called Takano-sensei (or rather Saga senpai). Ritsu's face was red with what could either be fury or embarrassment and his eye's were over flowing with salt water and his face splashed with tears. The other man was passionately kissing Ritsu with absolute love. 

When he finished he announced, "I love you, Oda Ritsu."

The words rung through Misaki's ears over and over again. 

I love you , Oda Ritsu.



I hope you enjoyed that. It was a bit repetitive but I will try to change it up a bit. Oh, and I had another fan fiction idea for a book called Wuthering Heights. I haven't finished the book yet but I'm loving the Heathcliff x Lockwood idea >.< Tell me what you think.

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