Fifth Meeting: Misunderstandings and Traumas

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I hope you like this next chapter. It is unedited so don't expect perfection. But please do tell me if it makes sense (This chapter feels like gibbrish to me for some reason...) Sorry in advance if its really bad :(

"Senpai, do you love me?" I asked after our first time having sex. I was sure he loved me. In fact, I was positive, but, he didn't say 'I love you Ritsu'  during our sexual intercourse so the it made me feel slightly insecure.

I held the blanket onto my bare body and lifted it to my face as I felt my face heat up just from imagining Senpai's response. I closed my I shut then opened them to gaze into Saga-senpai's eyes. I wanted to saver the romantic scene and etch it into my brain. His blushed shy face was something I couldn't wait to see. It felt like something I would never see unless I were his true lover. 

However, I didn't see anything romantic like Saga-senpai's shy face or passionate gaze. I only saw his cheek and a small part of his nose as he lifted his hand to his mouth and cracked a small, "Ha."

A mocking ,"Ha."

Could it be that he was mocking me? 

Yes, it must be. No, it couldn't be anything else but that. 

He was laughing. 

My mind blanked and I don't know what I did after that. The next thing I noticed was that I was on a plane to England.

"Misaki, lets go." Ritsu quickly said as he grabbed his kouhai's hand and started to run down the hall of the apartment building in hope that Saga-senpai wouldn't follow.

"Ritsu-senpai," Misaki began to ask, "why are we running?" Misaki tried to get out of Ritsu's grip. "That man looks like he really wants to talk to you." 

Ritsu didn't reply but kept dragging Misaki along.

"Ritsu!" Saga yelled loudly in attempt to catch Ritsu's attention, "why are you always running away from me?!"

Ritsu didn't look back nor answer. He kept running with Misaki's hand in his. Eventually they came to the stairs and they sped up, dashing out of the building, almost getting away from the man chasing them; however, Saga-senpai caught up and grabbed Ritsu's free arm. At that moment, Ritsu dropped Misaki's hand.

Ritsu's heart skipped a beat. Saga-senpai caught him, there was no escape.

"Ritsu, why..." Saga bagan to ask, "why did you disappear all of a sudden? Why did you suddenly start to ignore me?"

Ritsu felt his hand get cold once again even though his heart pounded and his face became flushed. His eyes teared a bit; water threatening to fall but he quickly bit his bottom lip to hold them back from tipping over. Then he replied dramatically in questions,"Why are you asking those questions to me when you know the answer?! DON'T YOU ALREADY KNOW THE REASON?!" Ritsu felt his tears tip over and fall down, " Even so, you come to me again, just to bring back the trauma and make me into the vulnerable fifteen year old I was before? Why did you have to appear before me? Why did you move next door to me? Why do you follow me? Why did you take advantage of me? Was I only a temporary toy to you? Why do you make me feel so much pain?" Ritsu began to hiccup and his breathing became short pants. 

He remembered the days when they were together, happy-when they felt mutual affection to each other-when they loved each other and touched each other. Ritsu's legs buckled and he bent down to a squat while covering his teared eyes with the palm of his hands as he continued to ask in a whisper and between hiccups, "Why...didn't me as much as I...loved you...?"

Ritsu stopped talking but continued to cry silently.

"Ritsu I-" Saga-senpai was speechless. Everything the younger man said was foreign to him. What did he mean?

"-You." Misaki said with a stern voice. He glared at Saga with his childish face and threatened, "Don't come near Ritsu-senpai again! He doesn't like you coming to him."

"Eh?" Saga gasped, no words could come out. He watched as Misaki ran to Ritsu and rubbed his back, helping him up and allowing Ritsu to lean onto his small slender shoulder. Ritsu hugged Misaki and gripped his shirt. Saga looked longingly at Ritsu. He couldn't understand why Ritsu was crying. He didn't understand what he did wrong. 

Saga took a step closer to Ritsu and began to speak, "Ritsu-" But immediately stopped when he saw Ritsu tense and pull onto Misaki's shirt. 

"-Away." Saga heard Misaki murmmer. The older man looked at Misaki's face glaring at him as he yelled loudly, his voice cracking a bit, "GO AWAY!" 

I should just leave, Saga thought. Ritsu looks really hurt, eventhough I don't know why. Maybe I should give him time.

But, no! I love him. I want him. I want to kiss him and hug him now! 

But...he looks scared of me...But I want him now!

Saga, in his confused state of mind, suddenly snapped and grabbed Ritsu away from Misaki and embraced Ritsu. Saga didn't care anymore whether Ritsu loved him or not. All he wanted was to feel Ritsu's perfect body meld into his. Ritsu was the only lover he could ever get serious enough with. Enough to fall in love with. Ritsu was the only one for him. 

Meanwhile, the moment Ritsu felt Saga's broad sholder and chest support him, Ritsu gasped and immediately stopped crying. The feeling of nostalgia over took him and sent him back to a time long ago. Back to when he was still fifteen. Back to when he thought his one sided crush would never become mutual. Back to the day he used to only look at his Senpai's face. Ritsu's heart would always beat crazily whenever he would see Saga-senpai's face. It would bang in his head and sometimes he would feel dizzy, drunk from his over flowing love. 

Ritsu always thought that he was the only one who always felt his heart race but now he could hear Saga's heart racing like how Ritsu's would when ever he saw his senpai.

But, Why? Ritsu wondered. Why would his heart beat like that?I thought he didn't love me. I thought I was a toy to him.

Then, to Ritsu's surprise, Saga-senpai said three words Ritsu never heard from his senpai even once during their relationship. Saga said, "I love you.


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Thanks so much!!!!!!!


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