Eighth Meeting: New Library Assistant Teacher (Part Two)

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Onodera walked slowly passed the bookshelves till he saw a man with black hair sleeping with his head down and a book leaning against his forehead. Ritsu couldn't see his face but the slow flutter of the man's hair from cool cool zephyr struck as nostalgic. The curtains danced over his head and the birds were chirping. The book in his hand called ' Reach out to me' was Ritsu's favorite two years ago.

Then Ritsu realised that plastered all over the table and floor were all books that Ritsu read after Saga-senpai.

"Saga-senpai..." Ritsu whispered softly as he came closer to the sleeping man.

Ritsu took a moment to observe the other man. Only when the sleeping man groaned and whispered something too jumbled for Ritsu to understand did Ritsu blush at the thought that he was being mesmerised by the assistant advisor.

Ritsu slapped himself and immediately shook the man while calling out his name, "Takano-sensei, please wake up."

The man groaned as he took the book off of his forehead and saw Ritsu. "Ah," Takano smiled, "Oda Ritsu!"

Ritsu stood in shock and whispered, "Saga-senpai..."

Takano stood up and walked towards Ritsu but Ritsu immediately jerked backwards towards the windows.

Ritsu looked up at Takano with his cold emerald eyes. His body was shaking, his legs felt weak and his heart pulsed fast, but Ritsu forced a composed disposition. He tried to stand still while leaning against the windowsill. "Why are you here?"

"What do you mean by, 'why?' I'm here for an internship. I was thinking of being a librarian or something like that."

Ritsu looked to the side. "So? Why are you talking to me now? Weren't we done two years ago?" When you betrayed me...

"Since when have we been done? I loved you to my fullest but suddenly you disappeared after hitting me. I always questioned myself about what would have happened if I ran after you and asked what was wrong. But... Reflecting it is too late because now I can really talk to you."

After each word Takano said, Ritsu's eyes widened with shock. He began to wonder whether Saga-senpai really hated him or not. Ritsu began to question his understanding of the past. Could it all have been a huge misunderstanding?

But Ritsu kept his stubborn self and erased all of his doubts.

No, Saga-senpai played with my heart. There's no way it was a misunderstanding.

When Takano saw Ritsu's confused expression, he sighed with relief, glad that the misunderstanding was cleared. Then as he began to approach Ritsu, his face suddenly crunched up into a glare and he made a small screech before screaming, "STAY AWAY FROM ME, SAGA-SENPAI! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE. WHY ARE YOU HERE?"

"Ritsu..." Takano whispered as he heard his ex-lover scream at him. "I really love you."

Ritsu became silent for a moment when he heard the word love. Then he began to below again, "Well, I HATE YO-"

"Don't say that," Takano asked as he wrapped his arms around Ritsu and passionately kissed him. Takano poked his tongue against Ritsu's lips begging for entrance and instinctively the younger opened his mouth. Takano thirstily explored Ritsu and kept going for as long he thought Ritsu could last. Only when he was satisfied did Takano stop and announce loudly, "I love you Oda Ritsu."

Ritsu could feel the familiar heart beat of Takano and his own. Ritsu's face felt flush and he still could feel his tears over flow. How could he have ever thought that Saga-senpai didn't love him? This rhythmic heart beat and passionate kiss could only be love.

Ritsu felt relief, sorrow and maybe a bit of joy pound through his veins but Ritsu still had some doubts.

"Saga-senpai, I love you too." Ritsu sobbed. "I love you so much. To much to bare. It overflows and it's too much of a weight on my heart. I become another person. Someone not befitting fit you, who is perfect in every way possible." Ritsu's legs became weak but Takano held him up. "I was afraid that you might hate me so I decided to hate you first. That's how I am. I probably imagined up that whole misunderstanding so that I could run away from you. That's why I don't deser--"

"Ritsu," Takano lifted Onodera's chin and pressed their lips together again. "I love you too, isn't that enough of a reason to stay together?"

Ritsu looked up with a small smile. "Really? Do you really love me? I can really love you?"

"Yes, Ritsu you can."

Ritsu finally hugged Takano back and have him a peck on the cheek, "Then, I love you."

"I love you too," Takano replied with another passionate kiss.

Ritsu enjoyed the kiss he had missed for years and desired to see Takano's face at they kissed. He opened his eyes to see Takano's closed and his face extremely focused.

However in the corner of his eye be could see Misaki looking at the scene between Takano and Ritsu with saddened eyes. Then Usagi-san appeared behind Misaki and covered his eyes. Misaki turned around and fell into Usagi-san's chest. Then they disappeared into the the otherwise of the library.

"What are you looking at, Ritsu?" Takano inquired.

Ritsu blinked blankly and shook his head. "It was nothing at all."

Nothing at all, right. Whoever Misaki is with, it doesn't matter to me, right? I mean, it was obvious that Usami-san was with Misaki, it's a no shocker and was totally obvious.

"Nothing at all," Ritsu confirmed again.

Takano looked into Ritsu's eyes and found it ominous how Ritsu's eyes kept falling into a stare by an empty space of a bookshelf.

But, nothing is the absence of something, right, Ritsu?

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