7. Meetings & Malice

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Cover by @alyssa373. ~ thank you!
The song I'm imagining Ally dancing to is Bad Chick by SoMo, but I couldn't find it here on wattpad..

It's been four days since Xavier got shot and three since he got let out of the hospital, his arm uselessly hanging in a strap around his neck.

That only put more to his bad ass imagine seeing as a bigger amount of girls have been drawn to him the past two days.

Poor Noah has been put to the side and is long forgotten about among the girls, but he's taken comfort in hanging around me and the my girls instead.

And he's nearly taken over Eve, it seems like they're best friends now, even though she'll get to know the truth later.

Lilly and I have no other choice but to tell them, Jess and Eve has been throwing questions our way since Friday.

Need to talk to you guys later; meet me after dance practice. Noah, give this message to Xavier. - A.

I type away and send it to the rest of the group, my dance practice being close to finish up for the day.

My leotard's a tad too tight at the moment, but I have no idea why. I have my suspicions on Eve putting it into the dryer though.

And I feel much better after downing two glasses of blood, I don't like to drink it right out of the bag because I don't want the exact plastic taste.

You called in Xavier, you friends now Ally? ;3 - N.

He won't let this go.

I'm calling Noah for Noah instead of Santiago and he's still going on about becoming my best guy friend, cause he won't let Xavier take that spot.

After the whole Xavier nearly dying on me experience I've thought about it and came to the conclusion to just call him by his name.

Don't make me regret befriending you. - A.

My phone dings the second I put it back in my bag.

That was fast.

Harsh Ally-Boo... But we'll be there, Xavier's classes are done now so he'll join you soon! Wink wink, nudge nudge ;3 - N.

Isn't he supposed to be in class?

You're no longer my friend. - A.

"Break over ladies."

I put my phone on top of my bag and get up.

"Ally, we'll take your solo first," she says and points at me.

"Okay, sounds good," I mutter to myself.

I find my position and strike my pose, hands stretched above my head and hip out.

I've finally gotten the chance to mix modern dance with a little bit of hip hop and it's turning out pretty good actually.

This is my own dance I've come up with for class, seeing as I'm being out up as the substitute of our teacher ever gets sick.

And she thought it would be nice to show the other what I've got.

I really didn't see the need for that, but I said yes just because I love dancing.

As I push my legs hard enough to push my whole body over to a one hand stand I get a glimpse of Xavier approaching my bag.

His eyes are trained on me as I keep moving around on the floor, trying my best not to stare back at him.

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