9. Truth & Temper

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Cover by @Sarahb4. ~ thank you!

Who is she?

I need to know who she is!

I can't keep going on like this, I'm hurting myself and my friends by being this stupid.

They all look at me.

All 5 of them stare intensely at me as I try my best to come up with a solution to this shit.

Lilly gets up from her seat beside Noah and sets herself down beside me instead, putting both arms around me in the process.

"I'm sorry you all got dragged into this," I say after what feels like an hour of silence.

"It's okay, it's kinda exciting actually!" Noah pipes in, earning himself a disapproving glare from Xavier.

Xavier shakes his head at his best friend and adjusts his position leaned back against the side of the desk.

Jess glances in Eve's direction.

Eve started talking to me yesterday when we got back from the party, she was worried apparently.

"What will you do now?"

I look at her, our eyes lock and as if she just came with the answer handed to me on a silver plate, I know what to do;

"I'm going home."


It took me a little over two hours to get here, but I'm finally here.

I stand before the huge mansion which I called - or still call - my home.

The white walls with black and dark brown details stands before me in all its glory.

Windows acting like eyes that stares right back at me, giving me the happy chills.

The double staircase welcomes me up to the front door as I let my eyes wander over the front of my home.

The tiny areas of grass lining the walls all the way to the back yard, small rocks neatly placed to lead the way onto the huge gravel parking lot.

Nervously I crack my knuckles before knocking.

I would've gone straight inside, but as far as I can see the door's locked and I forgot my key on the other keychain I have at my dorm.

Slowly the door slides open and brown locks comes into my view.

Her hair's down in the natural waves I've got from her, and those green eyes I've missed for so long stare in surprise at me.

"Baby!" she bursts out and throws her arms around my shoulders.

She brings me into a bone crushing hug, my face stuffed against her bare chest as my arms sling around her waist.

"Mom!" I laugh.

"I've missed you so so much, honey!" she squeaks loudly, still holding onto me tightly.

"Dad, mom's trying to kill me!" I yell over her shoulder, my hands now awkwardly tapping her back.

Heavy footsteps are heard from upstairs and I see my dad's figure emerge from the shadows.

An Unlikely Match #2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang