Surprise! Surprise!

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Bree's P.O.V

I have to say that I was beyond pleased with myself even coach Appleton was in awe when he reviewed the work I have done. It was a work of art, my sketches we're better than the coaches and my explanations were very in depth .

"Are you sure you don't want to be my assistant coach? I could surely use skills like you're out there on the bench," coach complimented.

"You can call me anything you need your sketches done coach but as for assistant couch I think I'll have to pass," I refused.

"Well if you ever change your mind you know where to find me. Now run along. I know you've got somewhere that you need to be," he laughed.

"You'll be the first to know," I waved. "See you guys later!"

I made my way back to the cabin but when I opened the door to my surprise Ian was already up and eating the breakfast I had left him. He lifted his head to see who had entered but on seeing me turned his attention back to the food. He was acting weird all morning but I really didn't care too much to find out what his problem was. I had done my best to make things up to him and he had better appreciate it.

"Hey," I called pleasantly. "You're finally up!"

"Finally?" he asked without looking at me. "What time is it?"

"Almost noon."

"Shit! Why didn't you wake me up?" he growled jumping to his feet anxiously. 

"Relax," I said pushing him back down into his seat. "I spoke to coach for you. He agreed to let you rest after what you went through last night. Here!" I said handing him the sketch pad and recorder. "I recorded everything for you."

"Thanks," he said flipping through the pages. His eyebrows shot up as he began to review the drawings. "Wow! These are pretty good."

"Yeah! You're... Uhhmm welcome," I replied awkwardly.

His eyes finally met mine and we stared at each other in awkward silence. It didn't escape my notice how his eyes ran over the length of my body and focused back to my face before he grimaced. Somehow his expression was beginning to irritate me but before I could ask him what his problem was he cut me off with unexpected question.

"So are you staying the rest of the day?" he asked tearing his gaze away from me.

"No I actually have to get  to the airport by 3 pm," I answered my eyebrows drawing together in a tight line.

"The airport? Are you going somewhere?"

"Yes my family is throwing a banquet in Atlanta later on tonight."

"Oh," he said with disinterest. "Well have fun," he waved.

"Right... "

I gave up trying to make conversation with him because clearly he was still moody so I ventured over to his side of the room to see if I could find my belonging so that I could leave. He followed me over to his duffle bag, rummaged around a bit before he handed me my stuff. Was it my imagination or was he trying to get rid of me.

"Thanks," I said icily.

"You're welcome," he replied his eyes widening slightly at my tone. "What's wrong?"

"You tell me!" I exclaimed throwing my hands in the air."You've been in a horrible mood all morning!"

"I'm tired Bree. Or did you not notice?" he sighed.

"Oh, well sorry again for all the trouble," I apologized again my anger simmering.

I was a bit embarrassed, here I was having this whole fight with him in my head when he meant me no harm. I almost felt guilty... Almost. But that was my way after all. Since Luka left I've never been the type to give anyone my trust. But should I really put my faith in Ian? Could I? Maybe I'd cut him some slack but just a little bit. After all he had come to my rescue on more than one occasion when he didn't have to. He looked out for me and I knew I should be grateful to him for that.

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