Say You Love Me

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Ian's P.O.V

I snagged her charger from her duffle bag and trotted back down the stairs only to hear her shouting. My first instinct was to ask her what was wrong but I couldn't. I stood there frozen in place as I caught wind of here conversation. Deep down I knew she wouldn't want me to hear, hell I don't think she would've wanted anyone else to know. The way her voice was shaking as she said every word was unbearable.

I'd always wondered why she was so defensive and cold, wondered why she was so weary of every man that approached her. She constantly pushed me away and I had never understood. I always told myself that she wasn't into me that I was the problem but maybe that wasn't the case. F*ck! I knew for sure it wasn't. It's all his fault! I thought. He was the cause of her pain, of her suffering.

I knew he was but I never thought that the pain she had could have ran so deep. If I did I would've ripped Carrie and Summer apart when they spoke of him before her. The bastard was a lowlife. Why had she every let him lay a hand on her? My feet carried me slowly forward as I heard the heartbrokenness in her voice, even as cold and cruel as she sounded I could tell how much she was hurting. To make matters worse he was hurting her even more now.

"You're dead to me Luka Nikolai Ivanovich! As dead as the child that they painfully sucked out of my uterus! Don't you ever dial my number again!" she finally exclaimed hanging up.

She was sobbing uncontrollably and without even knowing I handed her the charger absentmindedly. She turned mechanically to look at me and I stared back. Her body was shaking from the ordeal and she stared at me in horror. I couldn't breathe when I saw her face. She wore every emotion possible on her face in that moment. Sorrow, shame, anger, frustration and utter helplessness as she looked deep into my eyes. I felt like someone had ripped my heart out of chest as her pain washed over me.

She didn't deserve this. God she didn't deserved any of this! My eyes shifted to the phone in her right hand. She was gripping it with excess force. I suddenly began to ring again and I lost. It was him it had to be him calling back to push the dagger in deeper. I was livid as I rounded the couch and snatched it from her hand. The amount of hatred I felt towards him was overwhelming. I wanted to rip him limb by limb. I wanted him to suffer the most painful death possible and if he was in this room right now I swear I'd give it to him. Bree stared at me in shock, she almost looked scared as she shrunk back into the couch.

"If you ever come near my girlfriend again I swear on my life that I will kill you! Do you hear me?" I hissed venomously. "You're a lucky little f*cker aren't you? You should be glad I can't get to your punk ass!"

"Little boy! You have no idea who you're dealing with. When I see you I'll-"

"Go ahead and show up in front of her then! Make my day!" I retorted and hung up.

I pressed the power button on her phone and flung it in the chair. I had to fight with myself not to hit the piece of metal in the ground. I'd be able to buy her a new one tomorrow but I didn't want to scare he any more than I was sure I already did. My anger wouldn't be placated easily and it was a while since this side of me had surfaced.

I stared at her menacingly and stomped my way to the kitchen. Grabbing a bottle of Tequila, I threw my head back letting the liquid burn its way down my throat into my stomach. It calmed me a little and I took a few deep breaths pushing the anger back. Bree needed me right now and if I didn't compose myself I wouldn't be of any help to her

I swiped a tub of ice-cream from the fridge, snagged a spoon and took them along with the Tequila to the living room. She hadn't moved a muscle. She had her knees pulled close to her chest and her head rested on them. She flinched at my touched and looked up hesitantly. I poured some of the Tequila on the ice-cream not sure of what I was trying to do with combination and scooped up a spoonful pushing it towards her mouth.

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