Birthday Blitz

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Bree's P.O.V

"Bree!" someone whispered poking me in the cheek. I groaned and tried to roll over but found that I couldn't. "Bree!" the person tried again.

"What?" I groaned forcing my eyes open.

"Mom said to wake you guys up but-"

I finally got my eyes to open and focus on the scene in front of me. I was lying on my side with a strong hang draped over my waist and a matching hand under my head. To make things more awkward, there was a head rested on my arm as well and my right hand was draped over a smooth belly. An array of blonde hair was fanned out in front of me as I stared confusedly at my surroundings. I racked my brain but I couldn't remember how I'd gotten home or how I'd ended up in this position. The last thing I recalled was beer pong and jello shots. My eyes finally landed on Marques who looked just as confused as me.

"Sorry Mark, I am-"

"Stop!" he pleaded covering his ears. "I don't want to know what happened here! Just know that breakfast is going to be ready in about fifteen minutes."

I rolled my eyes at my idiotic brother. Sure I was a bit of a wild child but whatever he was imagining sure didn't happen. Well I hoped nothing happened since I could remember shit. I surveyed my room closely and noticed an array of clothing on the ground including undergarments which made my heart sink. What the hell did I get myself into last night? I carefully unraveled myself from to two lifeless bodies in an attempt to sit up and was greeted by a sexy groan.

"Ten more minutes," a grumpy voice pleaded and I sigh with relief when I realized it was Ian. At least I hadn't invited some random boy into my bed.

"Wake up," I chuckled shaking him slightly. "It's time for breakfast."

He rolled back towards me and popped one eye open. It widened slightly before he squeezed it shut and wrapped both his arms around my waist which allowed him to snuggle closer to me. Man was he seriously clingy when he was sleepy. Ignoring Ian and turned to shake the blonde next to me awake. To my relief it was just Jessica and she stirred quickly sitting up lazily and rubbing her eyes.

"Morning sleepy head," I chirped poking her in the ribs.

"Stop it," she giggled swatting my hand away. "I'm ticklish.

"I know," I grinned evilly poking her again.

She looked refreshed this morning considering the night she had had. She had a few faint scratches around her temple and a small bluish bruise on her lip but she didn't look half as bad as I expected she would look. My eyes trailed over her face until they landed on her chest which was shocking bare. I froze as I ran a hand over mine to realized that I was in the same state. My eyes then snapped to Ian who was only wearing a boxer.

"Hey!" I yelled yanking his hair. He flinched but he didn't pull his face away from my body. "Ian!" i shouted thinking he was asleep.

"What?" his muffled voice asked.

"Why aren't we wearing anything?" I demanded yanking his head away from me more roughly to no avail.

"Beats me?" he shrugged still not moving.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you dammit!" I screeched.

He sighed against my hip but his hands tightened around my waist.

"Am I allowed?" he asked patiently and then it clicked.

The reason his eyes had widened and the reason he squeezed them shut was because I was topless. Somehow it gave me a fussy feeling knowing that he'd seen and I wondered if he could hear the way my heart sped up a little because of it. Of course he can Bree! Anyway, I shouldn't be a big deal since we seemed to be getting into these kind of situations lately but it was getting old very fast.

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