Part I

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A/N Yes, I do realize that by the end of these first few chapters, it'll be like you are reading a complete ripoff of the books, Kingdom Keepers. And I will say, I have read all the books.

P.S I love Willa and Philby together!

So, if you guys will do me a favor and not tell me what I'm doing that makes this that. I'm including my own ideas, and these are my own characters. So yeah, don't tell me what to do.

Camille's POV

I remember the day like it was yesterday. I was walking through Disneyland, about to go home from watching the fireworks in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle, when it happened.

Well, it should've been expected. Disney is magical, after all.

The ground started to shake, and I for one, thought it was an earthquake.

What did they say at school? I thought, racking my brain from trying to remember while my four-year-old sister, Rachel, ran around crying, my caretaker trying to calm her down.

"Go somewhere with no buildings!" I yelled. Then, from the corner of my eye, I saw it.

A huge, black dragon appeared on the horizon. My mouth gaped open as Rachel screamed, causing other people to turn and see what we were looking at. My caretaker grabbed our arms and yanked us to the nearest exit. We were cornered off, though, by the dragon blowing fire into a ring around us. I froze, my caretaker picking Rachel up and slinging her over his shoulder. She looked up and screamed when she saw the dragon only eight feet away from us. I looked behind it and saw many ogres throwing people into cages.

What is going on?! I thought. The dragon then did something surprising.

It turned into a woman. She chuckled.

"Well well. What do we have here?" The woman asked, walking around us. I looked around for a way out. But the flames showed no sign of going out. I frowned.

"Let us go!" I yelled. Rachel cried into my caretaker's shoulder as he tightened his grip on my hand.

"I could do that. But we can't have people who have seen and experienced me running around telling the world about us, can I?" She asked. I swallowed.

"Wha- what do you mean, 'us?'" I asked. She smirked.

"Don't you know who my mother is?." Said the woman. I widened my eyes, realizing who she was. I should've known sooner, though.

The woman wore a black robe with purple designs on it. She looked about twenty. She had a headband of purple on and she was holding a black staff. Her skin was a light pale color, and she was tall and skinny.

"Maleficent." I mumbled. She laughed.

"Correct. My name is Rose Thorn. My mother wanted me to take care of a couple of things. One of those things is you, Camille." Said Maleficent. I blinked.

"How do you know my name?" I asked. My caretaker backed us away from her.

"Why, we all know your name, Camille. I know you, and all the other three." Answered Maleficent.

"What other three, what are you talking about!?" I yelled.

"Stay away, kid. She's obviously mental." Said my caretaker. She rolled her eyes.

"If anyone's mental it's you. Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to do what my mother told me." Said Rose Thorn, waving her hand towards me. I immediately heard a small thump and I blacked out.


3rd POV A/N Yes, the rest of the story is in 3rd POV

Moments later, Camille opened my eyes. She realized she was no longer in the spot she originally went unconscious in. Camille was underneath the Sleeping Beauty Castle walkway, the little section where you walk into Fantasyland. She quickly started calling out for her caretaker and Rachel

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