Part 6

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As the group met up at the hub, Amber and Marcus showed them their haul.

"We've got some water canteens." Said Marcus handing everyone a canteen.

"We have goldfish crackers in case anyone is hungry." Said Amber, handing everyone a bag with the chips.

"We've got some more walkie-talkies..." Said Marcus, showing them off.

"And we've got backpacks." Said Amber, handing everyone a backpack.

"Hold on, I gotta talk to Oliver." Said Amber, pulling Oliver to a bench.

"What is it?" He asked. Amber grabbed the backpack with rock-climbing supplies and handed it to him.

"I found these... It's should have some stuff so you can do your thing just in case." She said. Oliver looked in the backpack and saw everything he needed.

"Thanks, this'll be useful." He said, slinging the backpack over his shoulder.

As they joined the group, Camille asked the question of the hour.

"It's getting dark, where do we sleep?" She asked. Oliver thought about it, and Amber scratched her head.

"I know!" Said Marcus, getting the group to follow him.

Marcus led the group to the Pirates of the Carribean ride, and he led them up the stairs.

"Disney Dream Suite." He explained as he opened the unlocked door. The group went inside, but first, they locked the door.

"There are two rooms. One has two beds, and the other has one large bed. Who wants to sleep where?" Asked Marcus.

"Rock paper scissors." Solved Amber. Camille and Oliver walked up to each other and played the game.

"I won!" Said Oliver. Camille frowned.

"Yeah yeah, we'll go sleep in the one bed room." Said Amber, pulling Camille to the room.

Everyone took a quick tour of the suite, Amber showing them around because she knew more about it, and it was neat. There was a big patio with a fireplace and some paper lamps, a couple of balconies, and cool bathrooms. It all still worked.

"So what do we do now?" Asked Camille as they ended their small tour in the parlor. Oliver's face lit up.

"I know!" He said, standing up.

"What?" Asked Marcus.

"Let's go raid a store." Said Oliver. Amber raised an eyebrow.

"What?" She asked. Oliver rolled his eyes.

"You guys said the stores are unlocked, let's go get some pjs." Said Oliver. Camille raised her eyebrows.

"That's actually pretty smart." Amber said. Marcus raised an eyebrow.

"Think about it— we can't sleep in these clothes. Besides, if this works, then tomorrow we can get some clothes too." She said. Marcus nodded.

"Ok, then. What are we waiting for? Let's raid a store before it gets too dark." Camille said, getting up.

A/N Was that a boring chapter? I'm not sure, but whatever! 

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