Chapter 8

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A/N I hope you all enjoy!

Camille woke up to a loud boom. Her head snapped up and she sat up, looking around. The moon shined through the curtains in the Dream Suite, but you could see the sun peeking over the horizon, meaning it was very early in the morning.

"What was that!?" Asked Amber, sitting up as well. Camille shook her head.

"I don't know... But we should check on the guys." Camille said, getting up. The girls tiptoed out of the room, and walked out to the hall, across the patio, and outside the bedroom door. Amber quietly opened the door, peeking inside.

The boys were also awake, and they were out on the balcony. Marcus turned around and saw the girls, motioning for them to come to them. The girls walked over. Camille stood next to Oliver, and Amber joined Marcus.

"So, what are you guys looking at?" Asked Camille. Oliver put a finger to his lips as if to tell her to be quiet, and pointed to a strange sight.

A man with a long, red shirt and black jeans with long black hair held a long, brown gun, shooting ducks down. A little fat man with a dark brown coat and a small nose with short brown hair was running around catching them.

"Ah, Lefou, ever since Rose Thorn has given me this gun, shooting game has been faster. How many do we have?" Asked the man as he shot something else, causing a loud bang. Oliver recognized him immediately—Gaston.

"Um, about 7." Said Lefou, dragging all the dead ducks to Gaston as he tried to catch his breath.

"That's great. What did I tell you, Lefou. Anyways, we better get going. That Maleficent will wring our necks if we're not done telling those Saviors where we're about to strike next." Said Gaston. He looked up to the balcony and smirked, having caught the children spying on him.

"Hello, Saviors! I'm Gaston, and this is my trusty assistant, Lefou. We are here to tell you that we're going to have a splash today trying to destroy you." Said Gaston, laughing a hearty, but suspiscious, laugh.

"Ah well. Good day, Saviors. And by the way, tell my beautiful Belle that I will come take her back." Said Gaston, walking away from the children with Lefou toddling behind, only taking two ducks with him.

Camille let out a breath of relief.

"Thank goodness... I thought he would kill us." Said Camille.

"He can't. None of the Dark Ones can kill us directly, remember?" Reminded Marcus.

"We should get some clothes, and decode his message." Said Amber, walking out of the balcony.


Twenty minutes later, Camille was wearing an Ariel shirt and some shorts, a Disney Princess jacket tied around her waist and some Minnie Mouse princess ears on her head. Amber wore a Star Wars sweater/shirt and a pair of jeans, a Tomorrowland baseball hat on her head to shield her eyes from the sun. Oliver wore an Indiana Jones shirt, some jeans, and an Adventureland hat, with a sweatshirt tied up around his waist. Marcus had a Mickey Mouse shirt and jeans, with a Goofy hat on and a Mickey and Friends sweater tied up around his waist. The group was seated around a circled table in the back of the store.

"So, his message could mean many things. It could mean the rides with water, the rides with water themes, rides with Ariel, stores, shows, the Rivers of America... What could it mean?" Asked Amber, her head in her hands.

"Well, I'm pretty sure Splash Mountain is the first and most obvious one. It has the word splash in it." Said Marcus. Amber nodded.

"I'm pretty sure the next one is the Pirates of the Carribean... Think about it. The ride makes a splash during the drops. What other ride does that here other then those two?" Asked Oliver. Camille nodded in agreement.

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