Chapter 4

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A/An It's been really fun to write this, and whenever I start to write this, I channel my inner Disney Nerd. I read a lot of Did you know? Disneyland Version! So yeah, what I write is normally true. Also, I have a season pass to Disneyland, which is used once a week. But now that Halloween is here, the parks are more crowded then normally. But who cares about my Disneyland troubles?! No one! We all care about Camille, Oliver, Amber and Marcus' Disneyland troubles! So, here they are!

Camille and Oliver stood in front of the panel of buttons, Camille doing what Amber told her, and Oliver watching guard.

"You done yet?" Asked Oliver. She rolled her eyes.

"You've only asked three times this past minute." She muttered. Then, the panel of buttons came to life, and Camille got up.

"Done!" She cried, dusting her hands off. Oliver turned and noticed that the doom buggies were now working, and doing what doom buggies normally did, move.

"Come on, we gotta get into one." Said Camille, pulling Oliver into a doom buggie. They sat down, but they didn't pull the arm rests on top of them, in case they needed to jump off.

"Ah, ah, ah! You almost forgot your protection, saviors." Before either knew what was happening, their arm rests were magically pushed on top of them, and seat let's sprang out of the metal buggies, wrapping them around their arms and bodies so they couldn't move.

"Wha- GHOST HOST?! Are you on our side or not?" Asked Camille, very confused. The ghost host cackled.

"But of course I am. Of course, this is for your protection. I may be on your side, but the other 999 ghosts may not agree..." He trailed off. Camille bit her lip, knowing what the deep voice meant. Oliver was struggling against the seatbelts. The ride continued, and soon enough, they encountered their first 'happy haunt'.


Amber and Marcus walked through the the huge, dome like room and made their way to Indiana Jones' office.

"There it is!" Yelled Amber, running towards the small room. Marcus followed her. The door was surprisingly unlocked as they made their way inside.

"Look, food... Water... A times magazine of when Disneyland was first opened?" Asked Amber, picking up the red magazine. She scammed through it.

"Cool, it's got all sorts of stuff... We might need this." She said, shooting onto it.

"Hey, there's three backpacks here." Said Marcus, picking up the three limp objects.

"Good. We'll fill them up with supplies." She turned and saw rock climbing stuff.

"Hey, didn't Oliver say he did rock climbing when I met him?" Amber mumbled to herself. She grabbed the ropes and the harnesses along with a pack of nuts. She stuffed them into one of the backpacks and grabbed more supplies.


Camille and Oliver were face to face with a stature of a knight. He looked frightening enough to make a child wince, but guess what? That want what made them frightened.

What made them frightened was that the knight was walking around... And he was holding a sword.

"Ah, would you look at that! It's Norman, our guard. I wonder if he's on our side... Oh well, guess we're about to find out!" Ghost Host's voice echoed around the two.

"What? What do you mean, 'find out'!?" Asked Oliver. The doom buggies then made a clacking noise, and stopped.

"Wait... Omnivores are known for not stopping." Camille said, shaking.

"I stopped the ride. I am the host after all." Said Ghost Host. The knight turned his helmed head and saw the teens. He walked towards them very slowly, and raised his sword.

"I guess not. GO!!" Ghost Host yelled as he started up the ride again, making it speed by as fast as the Matterhorn, narrowly missing the knight.

"We still have to figure out the Dark One's plans!" Yelled Camille, her hair blown back by the wind.

"Maybe it's to turn all 999 haunts evil!" Oliver assumed.

"That sounds about right... Hold on, we need to slow down." Said Camille, instructing Ghost Host to slow down, and eventually stop. They were in a big, dark dome like room.

"Who's there!?" Oliver jumped, and Camille closed her eyes.

A crystal ball was placed on a table with two chairs. The ball had a head floating in it.

"Madam Leota" Cried Oliver, recognizing her immediately.

"Wait! We don't know who's side she's on." Camille said, eyeing the head.

"Why it's the saviors! And Ghost Host! How are you, darling?" She asked.

"Why, I've been better, but thank you." Said Ghost Host.

"Can you believe everything we've been through, Saviors? That Rose Thorn stormed in and turned all of the haunts evil by casting some green fog upon the manor. Of course, Ghost Host and I were protected, but that's only because we're the main people. Not even that sweet bride could resist the fog." Said Madame Leota.

"How do we know we can trust you?" Asked Oliver, raising an eyebrow. Madame Leota's eyes rolled.

"It's no fun with 999 evil haunts. Especially when all they talk about is killing the saviors. We like you. If you closed down Disneyland, well... We'll most likely be forgotten." Said Madame Leota. Camille nodded.

"We believe you. Now... Tell us where you saw Rose Thorn give out that gas." Said Camille. Madame Leota started explaining.


"Do you have the supplies?" Asked Amber. Marcus nodded, two backpacks slinging over his shoulders.

"Yeah. But quick question... Why do you need rock climbing things? I mean, I can see why but... Why?" Asked Marcus, moving the heavy backpack around as they made their way across the diamond engraved stones.

"Oliver knows how to rock climb. If he can teach us, we can rock climb as well." Said Amber, walking along the drafty caverns.

A crackling noise filled the caverns, startling both Amber and Marcus. Marcus reached into his pocket, pulling out the walkie talkie.

"Marcus?" A voice said. Marcus pushed a button.

"Camille, I'm here." He spoke.

"Marcus, you two have to turn off the gas that's causing all the haunts here evil. The valve should be behind Winnie the Pooh's corner, that store next to Splash Mountain." Camille's voice crackled.

"Got it." He said, looking up to see Amber nodding as if she heard everything.

"Ok, hurry! Before the haunts find us and... Well you know." Camille disconnected and Marcus sighed.

"Let's get running, then." He said, running with Amber close behind.

A/N So, I hope you liked the chapter. I miss Sam, and I had to stay home from school today because I got sick. :( But at least I could write more!

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