Chapter 5

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A/N I'm sorry I haven't been posting, but twice a week, I'll be with my dad who has no wifi. So, yeah. But I wrote lots of chapters on notability to keep me not bored, so here you go!

"Hey, Marcus, are you guys done yet?" Oliver hissed into the walkie-talkie.

"We just got here!" Marcus' voice crackled into the walkie.

"Hurry up, before we become their 1000 ghost!" Oliver said, ending the conversation.

Camille and Oliver were at the heart of the green gas—the dining room—waiting for Amber and Marcus to turn off the valve. Camille and Oliver's job was to make sure it worked. Ghost Host had turned off the ride again, so Oliver and Camille could walk around in the dining room and hide. Right now, they were hidden under the table.

"What did he say?" Asked Camille.

"They just got there, but they should be finished soon." Oliver assured her. Camille did a quick check out of the table.

"... She was not there before." Said a trembling Camille as she went back under the table.

"Who?" Asked Oliver.

"The sailor's wife's! From the attic, she holds the axe!" Said Camille. Oliver gulped.

"Oh... Is she holding an axe now?" He asked. Camille rolled her eyes.

"No, the Dark Ones picked her because they want her to vow us to death... Of course she's holding her axe!!!" A/N Vows, as in wedding vows. Continue.

"Ok, sorry... What do we do?" Asked Oliver. Camille sighed.

"All we can do is wait for Amber and Marcus." Whispered Camille.


"Hurry up, we have to find the valve." Said Amber, motioning for Marcus to follow. Marcus and Amber were behind the store, looking at the many, many valves that sat in front of them.

"Which one is it!?" Asked Amber. Marcus bit his lip, and an idea popped in his head.

"It's none of these." He said. Amber raised an eyebrow.

"Think about it- why would the Dark Ones have a powerful valve that could stop their plans out in the open?" Asked Marcus. Amber's eyes widened in realization.

"Then where is it?" She asked.

".... Follow me." Said Marcus, grabbing Amber's wrist as he pulled her into the store.

The pair walked into Pooh's Corner, as it was unlocked, and Marcus pulled Amber to the small room with a window where Disneyland Employees make the caramel apples and the chocolate covered marshmallows.

"Why are we here?" Asked Amber. Marcus sighed.

"When I was little, my parents brought me here and my mom wanted a Maleficent candy apple. I bought it for her with my allowance, and she was so happy and proud of me for doing something for someone else, she got me a season pass." Said Marcus, smiling at the memory.

"That's so sweet. But, how is that relevant?" Asked Amber. Marcus smirked.

"Maleficent candy apples. Rose Thorn isn't going to hide the valve in plain sight, she's going to put it somewhere only the Dark Ones can find it." He explained. Amber's eyes flashed with reality.

"She's going to hide it behind the box with Maleficent candy apples." Said Amber as the two scanned the rom for the box.

"Not quite... They're going to put it behind the box with the candy to make the candy apples. If you put candy apples in a box, they will probably melt." Explained Marcus.

The two looked for the box, until the walkie-talkie crackled again.


"She's coming! The sailor's wife is heading here!!!" Camille yelled into the walkie. "Are you done yet or what!?"

"There's been a slight delay..." Amber's voice was heard.

"Now is not the time for delays! If you don't hurry, we're going to end up being haunts 1000 and 1001!" Said Camille, putting down the walkie-talkie.

The Sailor's Wife heard a noise coming from under the table. She slowly walked towards it, lifted the table cover, and discovered two teens trying to hide from her and her deadly axe. The Sailor's Wife smirked, though the pair couldn't see it, as her face was covered in a veil.

"Saviors... Friends to the end... Through sickness and in health... Till death do us part." She cackled, lifting her axe in the air.

Camille and Oliver scrambled out of under the table, leaving the Wife to smash the table in half with her axe.

"Come back here, saviors!!" The Wife yelled, swinging her axe towards them as they ran around the room, trying to avoid her.

"AMBER!!! Find the valve NOW!" Oliver yelled info the walkie-talkie as Camille and him ducked the swing of the Wife's axe.

"We almost got it!" Amber said.


"I've got it!" Yelled Amber as she pushed alway a box of Maleficent candy apple supplies to reveal a green wheel.

"Quick! We gotta shut off the valve!" Yelled Marcus. Amber placed her hands firmly on the wheel and started to pull, but it was no use.

"It's stuck!" She said frantically. Marcus came to her aid and placed his hands next to hers.

"3...2...1... Go!" Yelled Marcus, and the two pulled the wheel.

The wheel eventually became lose, and the two were able to close down the valve.


Camille and Oliver had been cornered, and the Sailor's Wife started laughing.

"It's too bad... I was so hoping to have a clean, white dress today..." She cackled, lifting her axe.

A sudden reality flashed over her eyes, and the Sailor's wife quickly dropped her axe on the ground., avoiding the children. The Wife clutched her head, and lifted her veil.

"W-what happened?" Asked the Wife. Camille sighed a breath of relief.

"The Dark Ones, they had you under a spell to get you to become evil so you would kill any mortal." Said Oliver, realizing that was the plan all along. The Sailor's Wife frowned.

"How close was I to killing you Saviors?" Asked a worried Wife. Camille bit her lip.

"If Amber and Marcus hadn't turned off the valve right then and there, we'd be dead." She said. The Wife groaned, which came out a bit ghostly.

"I am terribly sorry, Saviors. Please except my apology. I think Ghost Host is waiting for you up on the balcony, no?" She asked, pointing upwards. Their doom buggie was a sight for sore eyes. They thanked the Wife, and accepted her forgiveness. The two climbed up to the balcony, and sat in their doom buggie, but before it started up, Ghost Host put their protection on, and they quickly passed through the ride.

During the party scene, all the haunts everywhere were pleading for forgiveness, trying to shake their hands and pat their heads, only to have their hands pass through the teens. It was a happy sight.

"Wait, I forgot to tell Amber to meet us up at the Hub." Said Camille, struggling against the restraints.

"No worries. We'll tell them once we get off." Said Oliver, enjoying the sight.

A/N Hopefully, everyone enjoyed!

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