Chapter 1

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"Melissa I understand that you didn't want to move but I promise you things in San Diego will be amazing," My mom said to me while she was driving to the airport.

I didn't even answer her, I just put in my head phones, listened to music and leaned my head on the cold window. As you can already tell my names Melissa and I'm 15 years old. I have black straight hair with red in my bangs, hazel eyes and I have 00 gages and snake bites.

At the moment me my mom and my little sister jazz are moving to San Diego California, and honestly I didn't want to go. We are moving from New Jersey, but I didn't want to leave all my friends. Apparently I'll make 'new friends' that's what my mom says at least.

I must of dozen off because when I open my eyes we're at the airport, 'yay' I thought to my self as I rolled my eyes. We walked into the airport and our flight was being called, only if we would of gotten here a little later we would of missed our flight. 'Damn' I whispered to myself, my little sister heard me and looked up at me with shock.

"Mooooommy Mel said a bad word!!!!" She screached.

My mom ignored her while making sure we had all our bags. We walked on the plane and I sat next to the window and just stared. I put in my head phones and put on my music and soon fell into a deep sleep.

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