Chapter 10

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After dropping Jazz off at school me and Tony headed off to school for ourselves. "I really don't wanna go Tony, I hate school" I whined rolling my eyes.

"Well babe it's the first day we might as well go and see how it is, okay?" Tony said looking over at me grabbing my hand. I gave him a slight glare but couldn't keep it, "Fiiiiine" I said pouting.
Unfortunately me and Tony didn't have first period together, so I was stuck all alone with these people I don't even know. I sat down in a empty desk at the back of the class room and texted Tony.

Still don't wanna be here .-.

Babe you're fine just wait until next period we have that class together okay?❤️

Mhm I guess...

I put my phone back in my pocket and noticed some boy sat next to me and he was staring, he was wearing a black hoodie that read "fucking awesome" on it, he also had his top lip pierced right in the middle.

"Uhh hi?" I said awkwardly laughing.

"Hi I'm mike" he said extending his hand for me to shake, which I awkwardly shook.

"I'm Melissa but everyone calls me Mel" I said tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Well Mel" he laughed
"I didn't see you last year did you just move here or something?" He asked messing with a pencil.

"Uh yeah actually about 2 weeks ago" Mike was about to say something else but the teacher walked in and started talking nonsense and handing out papers.

Soon class ended and I was putting the papers in my bag when I noticed Mike standing in front of my desk. I looked up and raised a brow "can I help you?"

"Yeah actually I was wondering if I could get your number, ya know for homework and stuff."

"I don't know Mike..."

"I just asked for your number, not 'hey suck my dick' " he laughed.

"Yea true ok fine" I said handing him my number and left. I walked out the classroom and spotted Tony waiting for me, "BABE!" I screamed jumping and wrapping my legs around his torso kissing him.

"Jeez babe you missed me that much?" He laughed sitting me on the ledge of the window standing between my legs.  I wrapped my arms around his neck and nodded blushing. The warning bell rang letting us know we had 3 minutes until the late bell. We didn't have to move yet because our next class was right next door.

Mike walked past and gave me a weird look but kept walking, "who was that?" Tony asked with a hint of jealousy.

"Oh that's Mike he's in my first class, he asked for my number for homework and stuff he's cool" Tony just nodded and said we better get going to class and with that he walked off.

The rest of the day Tony barely said anything and it was scaring me to be honest, he's never been this quiet and it's weird.

Dont ever leave(Tony perry story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora