Chapter 6

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{Tony's POV}

"Mom?" Melissa called out while we were walking in her silent house.

"You can just lay her on the couch Tony" Melissa said while walking in the kitchen. I put sleeping jazz on the couch and draped a blanket over her. I turned around to see Melissa starring at a note while tears were pouring out her eyes.

"What's wrong Mel? Here let me see the note." Mel handed me the note and it said:

I'm sorry but I can't take care of you guys any more so I'm leaving you in charge of your sister. I left you 3500 dollars, it should last you for 3 months worth of food and bills. I love you both very much, I'm sorry I had to wright a note to tell you this. Love always, mom'

I looked up and Melissa was still crying,

"What am I gonna do Tony? I'm only 15, I don't know what I'm gonna do!"

I pulled her into my chest and just hugged her, she calmed down after 5 minutes. She looked up at me with her beautiful brown eyes, I leaned down and locked our lips.

"Thanks for being here for me Tony, I owe you."

"Well I know something you could do..."

"And what's that Mr. Perry?" She giggled.

"Be my girlfriend?" She stood on her tippy toes and kissed me.

"I'm taking that as a yes?" She shook her head yes and kissed me again.

"Do you think you could sleep over?" Mel asked me with hope in her eyes.

"Of course babe anything for you, just let me run next door tell my mom and get what I need" I kissed her and went next door.


"Momma? Mom!"

"Yes Tony?"

"I'm sleeping over a friends house tonight I just came back to tell you and get some things" I said gathering my things.

"Where does this friend live Tony?"

"Next door mom relax" I said walking into the kitchen and propping my arm on my mom's shoulder.

"Is this friend a girl Tony?" She asked sternly.

"Yes mom it's a girl, she's kinda my girlfriend..." I muttered the last part.

"Tony now I'm only going to tell you this once, I.Do.Not.want.Any.Grandchildren. got it Tony?"

"Mom I'm 16 your okay trust me" I laughed kissing her cheek and leaving.

"I want to meet her Tony bring her over for dinner Monday, we're going out" my mom shouted from the kitchen.

"Okay mom I will!" And with that I was walking next door.

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