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This is exactly what I wanted,
I wanted all of you,
Against all of me.

"Is that the best you can do?!"

"This is the best I can do."

"You had to ask..."

Considering they had three new recruits, Alice was surprised to see them working so well together, like a synchronised machine. Harmony. The Vision was phasing in and out of the tin cans as if they weren't even there. Thor was using lightning at beck and call destroying every robot that got struck. The Captain, Black Widow and Hawkeye were destroying any robot that came in their path. Iron Man was flying around taking out any strays or helping out the others. Pietro and his lightning speed took out so many in one go. Wanda was incredible too. Alice was sucking the energy out of everything, unplugging the robots from their power source. And the Hulk, well, simply 'smashing'.

Everyone was helping everybody, halfway through Wanda destroying a robot, Iron Man would come round and blast it to pieces. No robot was getting anywhere near the drill. When she had seconds to spare Alice would fire red energy orbs at her teammates to give them more energy. Though she was probably fighting the least amount of robots she was being dealt a lot of damage. Regardless of whether there were no robots to fight she was being hit by something, giving her multiple wounds and injuries. The shields on her hips seemed to be sitting there, proving no use.

"Stark! These shields do nothing!"

"They're electrical you're suppose to power them up!"

"Could've told me that earlier!"

Sending an electrical surge through her shields they powered up and spun around her. Wherever she needed them to be they were there at her command. She spun the shields around the church protecting more so Pietro and Wanda, than herself. Every so often she would command the shields to protect the others but she rarely used them for her own benefit, let alone her protection.

Soon Ultron entered the fray but was held at bay by The Vision. When Ultron was far enough outside the church, Thor, Iron Man and The Vision went to attack Ultron, believing the others could handle the rest. The robots were coming thick and more were coming than expected. Were they able to 'protect' the drill. In one of those cliché moments when someone has an idea and the lightbulb switches on, Alice had the best idea. However, she mentally face palmed herself because she could have mentioned this earlier.

"Hey! I have an idea!" She shouted praying someone would hear her, even though they were all so close to each other.

"Well, speak up!" Cap shouted back, glad that someone had some ideas.

"I can try and create an electrical force field around the church. But that means whoever is inside can't leave and whoever is outside can't come in!" She explained simultaneously taking out a dozen robots with Pietro and Wanda.

"What's the problem then?" Clint questioned, to him nothing in her idea could go wrong.

"Well I'll have to be the one staying inside because I'm the only one who can generate the shield, and if you guys are busy getting people on boats, Ultron might figure out how to get in! And as much as I'm pretty amazing, I don't think I'll be able to hold him off!" She bragged the last bit.

"Then how can we fix that problem?" Clint, Steve and Natasha worked really well together.

"Wanda could use her magic and open small doorways whenever! But she'd have to be inside the shield to do so!" She smiled at Wanda, and helped her takeout another robot.

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