Yūrei No Seishin (Hakuryuu & Shuu)

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Yūrei No Seishin

Hakuryuu & Shuu One-shot

By: @kakophony

This one-shot is created from a pre-made cover shown in Cover and Banner Requests. THIS IS NOT A HAKURYUU X SHUU ONE-SHOT. It says "Hakuryuu & Shuu", not "Hakuryuu X Shuu". I just want to clear that up so that there won't be any misunderstanding. This one-shot will be longer than the other one-shots I wrote, approximately 3254 words. And maybe there'll be some OOCness...

This one-shot is supposed to be a little sad. A warning for dear @magumi-yashi, who hates sad endings (I don't know if the ending will be sad or not but...), haha. The next one-shot I'm writing, Himawari Ni Maisō will be slightly happier, I think. It's Amemiya Taiyou's turn! If you want, you can just give me the character of the one-shot you want me to write! And I'll try my best.



Shuu and Hakuryuu flop down on the grass and shake the unmoving girl's shoulders. The cars roar past and the people bustle down the sidewalk; either talking loudly on their cellphones or speaking noisily to their companions, and Myu still doesn't stir.

"She probably fell asleep waiting for us," Hakuryuu sighs and finds a shaded spot to lie down on. "Let her be."

"Today seems a little...dark, don't you think?" Shuu whispers. He was lying on his stomach, twirling a lock of the girl's long black hair round and round his index finger. Hakuryuu was on her other side.

"Yeah," Hakuryuu mumbles. "It's not very hot today. Good."

His eyes are locked on the clouds shifting slowly to the left. Then he looks at Myu and gently puts the back of his hand on her cheek. "She feels ice cold."


"It's getting a little chilly."

Hakuryuu shrugs his white jacket off and drapes it around her as a blanket. Shuu watches him. He knows Myu is more than a friend to him. More than a friend to both of them but it never really interfered their friendship. It was more like they were ignoring the fact. Myu couldn't have chosen anyway.

"She's been really excited about watching the movie showing in the theatres these days..." Shuu mutters. "But I don't know why she suddenly said she doesn't want to go anymore..."

Hakuryuu hears him but doesn't listen. He was too busy staring intently at Myu's face. Something was off and the bizarre feeling knotting in his stomach builds up.

"She was talking about it every day of the week. It's strange for her to just..."


"And I was really hoping the movie would cheer her up. She looked troubled these days and hardly talked to us. I'm glad she called us here."

"Shuu," The black-haired boy finally looks over. Hakuryuu adds in a dry, cracking low voice. "She's not breathing."

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