Oshare Kōhan (Gouenji.S)

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Oshare Kōhan

Gouenji Shuuya One-shot

By: @kakophony

This is going to be a short one, I guess. Kinda. I tried to make it a little funny but also romantic so tell me whatcha think!


I give my short hair another bounce and smile at my reflection. I envision Gouenji beside me, in the mirror, and telling me I'm pretty. I blush red. Is it too soon to expect that?

Gouenji Shuuya and I started dating a month ago and everything is going at a slow, easy pace. This is our first date and I'm really nervous. I don't think we wouldn't have gone on one any sooner if it weren't for Haruna suggestion it last week.

I give a little twirl and turn to my dresser, taking my old ratty handbag. I frown at the worn and patched up leather and wish I've got something better but I don't really have the time to go shopping again.

I pull my sweater down and lace up my sneakers. I inhale deeply and walk out of the door confidently. Gouenji and I are to meet at the park nearby and he said he wants to surprise me so he didn't reveal the location of our date. I'm really excited to know.

I hum to myself as I skip down the sidewalk. Today was a little cloudy and the azure sky was starting to turn darken so I walk faster to the park. I perch myself on a bench and swing my legs, looking and waiting for Gouenji. To busy myself, I pull out the book I'm currently engrossed in out of my handbag and put it up to my face.


"Kidou! Kidou, where's my tux?" Gouenji throws open a door and Kidou looks up calmly from polishing his green goggles (A/N As I stated in Knife Throwing With Kidou in Undō Kyōgi No Inazuma, Kidou had blue goggles when he was young and green glasses when he became an adult. In result, he has green goggles as a teenager) with a wet rag.

"I'd never touched it." He answers truthfully and looks back down at his goggles.

Gouenji makes a sound of impatience and closes Kidou's door. He asks Toramaru the same and runs into Endou on the stairs.

"Whoa, Gouenji, what's the hurry?" Endou questions, grinning.

"I can't find my tux," He says in belated breath. "Have you seen it? I thought I left it on the couch but now I can't-"

"Gouenji-san!" Megane appears around the corner with a well-ironed suit in his hands. "I'm done with your tuxedo!"

"Megane!" Gouenji shouts.

"What?" Megane replies, blinking.

"Why did you take my tux? I was finding it all o-"

"You told me to iron it, Gouenji-san!" Megane huffs and shakes the tux in Gouenji's face. "It was just half an hour ago. Have you forgotten?"

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