Sensaina Kyuseishū (Nagumo.H)

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Sensaina Kyuseishū

Nagumo Haruya One-shot

By: @kakophony

This one-shot is created from a pre-made banner shown in Cover and Banner Requests. I know the cover says "Nagumo Haruya & Suzuno Fuusuke one-shot" but it will focus mainly on Nagumo 'cause Suzuno had his turn with Kakure Fan and all. Spotlights on our favorite hothead! Although, I'll be using his Fire Dragon personality. You know, his more calm one with his hot temper toned down. I know, I know, I should be writing Kishi No Joo first but~I CAN'T HELP IT! GOMENASAI!


In the majestic, vast ballroom beautified by pure white lilies, Nagumo Haruya and Suzuno Fuusuke can feel her presence all the way from the doorway to the throne enhanced by more white lilies, all blooming and celestial. Standing awkwardly in their pressed suits, they try to catch sight of the heroin through the throng but fail to do so.

"Let's try and get near." Nagumo whispers. His grip on the single white lily tightens and they move forward, dodging men holding champagne cocktails and women holding lavish fans to their mouths. It was easy to get lost in the sea of people and elbows come jabbing into their shoulders and backsides.

"I feel like I'm claustrophobic." Suzuno murmurs to his partner and fiddles with his tie.

"It's kind of hard to breathe in here," Nagumo huffs. "Look, we're almost there. Just have to get past the alcoholic smell."

Taking an intake of breath, they force their way through the mingling guests, apologizing when having to interrupt conversations and knocking people into people. At last, they approach the grand throne of the deceased King Makkenyū.

"This is the first time I've ever seen her this close." Nagumo says in a hushed voice.

Sensaina Makkenyū was indeed somebody who shared King Makkenyū same rhapsodic feelings, strong heart, and compassionate eyes the color of argent. You can even see a shadow of him in her.

She was dressed in a long silvery dress decorated with arabesques, the color suiting her pale complexion and mass of indigo hair. A thin, transparent shawl drapes her from shoulder to shoulder, flying behind her as she moves gracefully. The traditional symbol, a tiny dotted red star, was painted carefully under her left eye. Her hair was bushy but sleek, cascading down her back. People flock around her and wanted every piece of her for this celebration is the only chance they'll get of seeing her.

"She's gorgeous." Suzuno comments, his eyes still on her.

Sensaina Makkenyū, ever since her beloved father, King Makkenyū, died, fought wars for him. Not only that his death brought severe emotional pain to her heart, but it also brought confidence and the will to avenge her father. It fired her up even. Swearing upon his lifeless body, she set out on a long tiring journey to the Kingdom ruled by the despicable King Rokurōta. The protracted war that ended King Makkenyū's life was a massive impact to the Makkenyū Kingdom, the despondency reaching everybody. Sensaina decided that her top priority is to bring happiness to the once peaceful kingdom again.

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