11: Do not say the word 'Sex'

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*You're talking to your best friend*

You: Ugh! Yeah she said our pen pal has to be the opposite sex!

Dad: Excuse me?!

You: Hold on Sarah.. I'll text you later

*You hang up*

Dad: So all these years you've learned nothing?!

You: No dad it's our pen pal...

Dad: Pen pal's is for elementary! You think I'm old school? You think I'm a fool?

You: Dad no.. why were you listening to what I was saying anyways?

Dad: Haha you asking me? Ask you're mom dat.

Dad: Look me in the eye and say it's for school

*You look in you're dad's beady wittle eyes*

You: It's for school!

Dad: Ugh, stop of the lies, just tell me the boy and his address!

You: DAAAD!!!!!

100 Things NOT to be said to ParentsWhere stories live. Discover now