The Beginning

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I wake to up find myself lying on my hard solid bed. My eyes adjust to the darkness that surrounds me. I can literally feel my eyes change dialation and my eyesight transforms so I am able to see everything that surrounds me. It must be night outside because it is too quiet and that means everyone went home.

This is a large laboratory building, with many floors and many rooms. I am kept inside a large room that is the size of a house, and inside the large room, there is a cell like house. I am kept in here when I am not needed for any tests. They lock me behind the cell door, and I basically live inside a little house, inside a big room. My only privacy is my room and bathroom where there are solid walls protecting me from being observed. I am only provided with a small room to sleep in, a bathroom, and a small kitchen. A house inside a large room, and a large room inside a large building.

When they need to test on me, they come to the room and bang on the cell and I am to report to the cell door. They would chain my legs and hands like they do with people in prison. I am taken to a room with scientists and they inject me with something and I always black out after that. I never know what exactly they do to me, because I wake up on my bed after they finish.

I am not sure what they want to accomplish with my body, because I am always tested with it. They once came to me and injected me with so many chemicals and I don't know what they were, but one scientist told me that it was amazing how I haven't collapsed or died yet. That my body was improving. I was freaking out and it made me nervous and the scientist laughed and told me not to be worried. I knew he was lying though.

My eyes change color based on my emotions. My eyes are originally crystal blue which means I am calm, relaxed, or feel nothing. Black when I am angry, green for happy, purple when I am nervous, dull orange when I am sad, red when I am scared or worried, and pink when I feel an attraction to someone or what peole call it "having a crush on someone or love". I've never had my eyes change pink though. Not that I need it anyway because my life is miserable. If I even have a life.

I used to have a life before this. I lived in a town with my mother and father and we were all living happily. I was the only child, so I spent most of my time with my mother and father. My mother stayed home with me and she didn't have to work because my dad worked in a very well paid job. But one day I ended up here, in a large building, in a large room, in a cell house.

I was so bored all the time and so I spend most of my time sleeping. Until the scientists told me to sleep less, so they put me to work out, but in reality I knew they made me to test the latest experiment they did on me. I started with simple work out methods, but as the days went by, they made me run longer, until one day, they made me run at a fast constant speed for 13 hours, without stopping and no water. For the next few days, my throat was so dry that I couldn't swallow anything. I starved for days and they tried to fix me. It's not that they cared about my well being, it's just that I am their test subject and they are scared to lose their work with whatever they want to accomplish. You might think "How is any of this possible? I do not know, there has been so much experimenting on me, that I do not feel human anymore.

I must have fallen asleep again, but I am awaken to the banging on the cell door. I get out of bed and head to my small closet. I don't have many dressing options. They're just black and white clothes, the shoes are either black or white and the socks are the same. I like to wear the black clothes though. Did I forget to mention that the clothes are all the same? I only wear jumpsuits like the incarcerated do. You may think I am wearing the same pair of clothing eveyday, but I'm not. I guess I am thankful that at least the jumpsuits aren't orange. Told you I don't have many dressing options. And my only dressing options is whether I want to wear black or white.

I put on a black jumpsuit, black pair of socks, and black shoes and head to the cell door. There is a cell wall between the guard and I, and if the cell wall weren't there, I would choke the guard.

"Hurry up, turn around," he says with a harsh voice. I turn around and hear him twist the key on the cell door lock. He opens it and walks over to me and chains my legs and hands.
I used to ask questions all the time like "Why? What are you doing? Where am I being taken? What do you want with me? What's going to happen to me? Will I be hurt? Am I going to come back? When can I go home?" But I have stopped asking those questions years ago.

After he chains me up, he takes me outside of my "cell house" and closes the door behind me. We walk to the room's door and step outside the room.

"Are you hungry?"

I don't understand why he asks me this since I know he doesn't care, but I've learned to just answer the questions sometimes.
"Yes," and I can feel his grip on my shoulder tighten.

"Good," is all he says.

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