Rileytown Part 1

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Maya's POV)
     Another day, another dollar. I get up out of my bed to get ready for another boring day. I walk downstairs past my parents arguing and out the door. Nothing new here. I walk over to Riley's house to pick her up and I am greeted with an uneasy smile. Nothing new he- wait what? Uneasy? Ok something is definitely not right about this...
"Riles you good?"
"Um yeah... I just feel a little sick is all... I'm not sure if I am well enough to go to school..."
"No riles you can't be sick, I can't do this whole life thing alone!"
"You can try... I think I caught the Foo-Foo plague." Okay so she's definitely not sick.
"You do? And what do you take for that?"
"Foo-Foo medicine. And it makes your really sleepy. Night night bye!" she squeals as she throws the blankets over her head. I put my hand in my pocket then pull it out again pretending to take out an invisible phone.
"I'm looking up your fake disease on the fake Internet... it wants to know if you have a crushing weight on your chest, do you have a crushing weight?"
"yep crushing weight yep yep." She lies blatantly. 'Okay so... she's got a crushing weight, yet she doesn't? let's fix that.' I think as I just straight on top of her and roll around and I hear her giggle. The giggle that always sends shivers down my spine.
"Okay, can we get to school now and get out of Rileytown?" I say and the giggling stops in return for a breathtaking glare. "What? I only said can we get out of Rileyt-" I stop as I'm pushed on to the floor.

I think you guys know what happens here, so I am just going to skip ahead to school to avoid quoting the whole episode lol-

We get to class and Riley plops down in her seat and stares at her papers, while I am left here stunned as to why she called me a bully, and is all of a sudden offended by the word 'Rileytown'.
Mr. Matthews starts his lesson
"In what ways do humans resolve arguments?" he starts and quickly receives responses from Zay, Farkle, and Lucas. "Many conflicts escalate and do not end well. The story of Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr is a prime example. Anybody know what happened? Riley?"
"Please stop picking on me." She snaps still with innocence lingering on her tongue, leaving her father stunned, but he carries on with the lesson until he is interrupted by the tri-tone.
"Riley, nobody should be texting you in class." He says in a calm manner.
"I agree" Riley responds, the then turns slowly to face me. "I don't want you to say Rileytown anymore." We argue about this for another 10 minutes or so. Something is wrong with Riley, and I am determined to figure out what it is that is bugging my girl.

(the ice cream duel never happened in this story)
That night I am left to head home alone, but as I near my front door, I hear glass shattering and yelling. I run inside and up to my bed to pack my bags. There is no need for me to be here anymore. I grab my bags, and... my blade. It was a small blade that I cut out of a razor. I head downstairs and back outside and just sit near the flowerbeds.
one, for being worthless
one, for never doing anything
two, for not being good to Riley
one, for never being honest with myself
one, for not accepting myself
and finally, one for letting Riley be upset...

a few minutes later, I grab the hose and gently clean the fresh open wounds.

I have to talk to Riley.

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