Broken Home (Part 1)

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Yes this is based off of a 5SOS song, sorry not sorry. Anyways, the song is called 'Broken Home' and it's one of my favorites from their new album that was released a couple of days ago called 'Sounds good Feels good' and I really recommend you check it out if you haven't heard already. Anyways, now to the story:
Maya's Perspective)

I walk home after a long day of school. I live quite far from the school, but luckily I do live near a subway stop.
I walk up the stairs, take out my key, and unlock the front door. Almost immediately I smelled the wretched scent of alcohol. Oh how I despised the smell.
"Ma.- Maya your hhhooomee earlyyyyy!" My mother slurred. The damn alcoholic... she wasn't always this way, I mean, she actually used to be quite nice- up until my father left me when I was 8. After that all she ever did was drink. She always yelled at me when she was drunk, calling me rude names, stuff like that. But luckily she wasn't necessarily violent. But, nevertheless, her words still hurt. So that was my daily life. Come home, greet drunk mother, and hide in room for the rest of the day. Occasionally I went to the bathroom to take care of myself, but other than that, that was it. I rarely ate, because that would require me to come downstairs and see my mother.
"MaAya could you take th-is beer bottle to the garbage?' She asked as she threw her bottle to the wall almost nailing me straight in the head.
"MOM WHAT THE HELL? YOU COULD'VE INJURED ME?" I screamed. I know she didn't do it on purpose, but that doesn't change the fact that she almost hit me straight in the face. I ran towards the door and left. "I'll come back when you're sobered up."
"COME BACK HERE NOW YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!" Was the last thing I heard before I slammed the door.
I had only had one place to go. A lake near my house. There was a large wooden board that was put in to use as a boat I assume. I always sat on the board and paddled with my hands to the middle of the lake and just sat there, trapped in my own mind. And that's exactly what I did.
Soon enough I fell asleep. After quite a few hours I was awoken by my phones alarm. Shit. Its already morning and I have school! I quickly paddled to the dock and ran off towards the subway just barely catching it before it moved to its next stop, and rode it to the school.
I walked to my locker to get my supplies, because I rarely took them home- I didn't really see a reason to. I was almost done grabbing all of my stuff when I saw someone go to the locker next to me. I recognized her, I had my history and art class with her.
I had no idea that her locker was here, usually she was talking with her friends, Lucas and Farkle. They were also in my history and art class. I was jealous of them both. I'd always wanted to be her friend, she was just so inspiring and god damn was she beautiful. Her beautiful brown hair and her gorgeous face were to die for.

The bell had rung, indicating first period was about to start. I walked in to Mr. Matthews' classroom and sat where I usually sat- in the back left corner desk. I could hardly pay attention to what Mr Matthews was teaching, because I was way distracted by the girl with the beautiful brown hair, Riley Matthews. I could easily stare at her because her desk was pretty far away from mine, and it was facing the other way so she wouldn't notice me staring. I opened my notebook and began drawing her- but I was interrupted by Mr. Matthews' desk phone ringing.

"No phones in class!" I said smartly, referring to the time I got my phone taken away by him. He looked over and rolled his eyes, and walked over to pick up the phone. I looked at Riley and she giggled. She looked around at everyone else and they just sat their expressionless. I guess she was surprised by the fact that nobody likes me. Mr. Matthews' eyes darted to me as he hung up the phone.
"Maya, you're wanted in the office." He said. He seemed quite worried- I wonder why? I got up slowly, left the room and walked down to the office.
"Maya Hart?" The principle said.
"Yes ma'am."
"We have some bad news for you. Some people in your neighborhood heard screaming coming from your house, and when they looked in the window after curiosity got to them, they saw your mother. Lifeless with a knife right in her back. No evidence shows that anyone did this to her, so we assume for now that she committed suicide. If you would like to return home for the day, we can call your father to come pick you up." After he finished, I had a hard time replying, so I just said:
"Give me a minute." And I ran out to find the bathroom, tears streaming down my face. Unfortunately for me the door to History class was open, so everybody saw me run in there crying. I heard laughter, which made me cry even more.

Rileys POV)
I glance out the door and see the blonde girl, Maya I think, running to the bathroom, her face glistening from the cascade of tears running down her face. I look around to see everyone laughing except for me, Farkle, and Lucas. I stood up, gestured to my father asking if I could go check on her, and left the classroom to find the blonde beauty.

I know, I know. bad place to stop, but I'm getting tired so that'll finish part one. Part two will be out tomorrow. Thanks for reading!

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