Broken Home (Part 2)

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Rileys POV)
     I ran into the bathroom to see if I could find her. I look around and notice that the big corner stall was locked. I walk over to it and lean against the door.
"Hey, Maya is it? Are you okay?" I spoke softly to avoid any harsh tone- only to be replied with just that.
"WHO ARE YOU? PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE." She spoke with a more stern voice, but I stayed soft.
"Uh, my name is Riley Matthews, our lockers are right next to each other I believe."
"Go away, Riley. It's not like you actually care. Nobody does. NOBODY EVER WILL." And just as she finished her sentence I heard a light metal piece clink against the ground.
"W-what are you doing in there?" I heard her pick up the metal. "What was that?"
"Nothing. Go away."
"Can you just unlock the door?"
I've had enough. I crawled underneath the stall door quickly and saw the worst thing I had ever seen in my life. Blood covering her whole left arm, and a small metal blade in her right hand. I quickly unlocked the door and ran to get some paper towels. I grabbed her arm forcefully without saying a word, and started wrapping it completely with paper towels. I looked straight into her eyes and the glazed blue oceans sent me shivers. I looked away.
Woah what the hell was that?
She seemed to have felt it too as she seemed more relaxed afterwards.
"Maya, please never do this again." I said. She slowly got up and looked straight into the mirror. Her eyes began to water as she looked into the sink. I quickly noticed why she was crying. "Maya, you are the most beautiful person at this school, don't ever forget that."
"Riley... please don't do this. Please don't lie to me. Please don't make me feel like I'm loved, only to leave me later on. Please leave me now and save me from pain." I began to tear up at her words. "Everyone I've ever felt close to has left me. I have nobody- and id rather have nobody than to be lied to. Please don't."
"Maya. whatever happened in your past, is in the past. I'm here now. I promise you I will never leave you as long as we stay friends."
"Riley... My mother died today" She said, finally trusting me. She jumped straight for a hug and I held her tight.
"Is your father coming to pick you up then?"
"Um, no. He's not at home right now. Probably busy with all the work."
"Okay... then I'll take you home."
"You really don't have to pretend you want to be friends. You don't have to pity me."
"I'm not doing this out of pity. I'm doing this because I want to."
"I... fine. I assume your father is Mr. Matthews?"
"Yep, I can get a note from him and we can walk to my house." - And that's exactly what we did. I went back into the classroom and got a note from my dad, then went back to get Maya and walked to my house. We have a lot to talk about from here on. let's see how this goes...
(Not the end)

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